McCann, Kelli McCann

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I woke up to pure darkness, I stay still at first but I try to move my hands only to find them tied together. I look around but it was too dark, just then I felt that I have moving. I listened carefully, I'm in a car, no a van. The space I'm in is too big to be a trunk of a car.

I hear car horns honk as they go past but all I can think about is if my babies are alright. Just then I felt a kick on one side then another on the other side. Yep, their fine. Now all I can think about is if Mel and Jason are ok, I was on the phone with Jason when I was taken but is he looking for me? Of course he is, he is my husband but how will he find me?

Just then the van stops and the back door flys open. A tall man stands in the way, the sun shines around him so I can't see his face. He reaches for me but I kick my legs at him, he grabs one of them and pulls me closer to him. He grabs my hair, making me scream in pain, I bring my elbow back to hit him in the stomach. He groans which makes him pull my hair harder, just then I felt a small pinch in my side, as my eyes get heavy I fall to my knees. Soon darkness takes over again.


I wake up to cold water being splashed over my face, my eyes shoot open while I look around the room. I see the same man standing in front of me with an empty bucket in his hands. He smirks and drops the bucket and walks over to me.

"Well well well, looks like miss big bad Kelli isn't so good after all" the man says. I take a moment to look at him carefully. Bright blue eyes, brown hair that was in a buzz cut. He had scars all up and down his arms along with a couple tattoos.

"What do you want" I say looking at him. He smiles and squats down so he is looking me in the eyes since I was sitting on the floor, hands still tied.

"Well it turns out that you have a pretty penny on your head" he says. I can't say I'm surprised, after all of the stealing and killing I have done over the years I'm surprises no one has came for me sooner.

"So your just going to kill me and my babies I have in my stomach right now?" I ask him, to be honest, deep down I'm a little scared that he will kill me, but I have faith in Jason and the gang.

"If that's what it takes to get me my 27 million" he says standing back up. 27 million dollars just to kill me? Holy Cow that's crazy, guess I'm better then I thought.

"But I'm not going to kill you now, I have better things to do. Im going to wait and find that little shit you were talking to earlier in the coffee shop" the man says walking to the door.

"Justin" i gasp to myself.

"That's his name? Justin? Can I have a last name?" He says making his way back over to me. I look to my left so I won't look into his eyes that's can shock you to the core.

"Huh sweetie" he says putting his hand on my chin, pulling my face so I'm looking at him. I move my face away from his grip, only to have him grab my face harder.

"I'm talking to you!" He yells. He yelled so loud that it made the babies jump.

"Maine" i say, I would be crazy if I told him Justin's real name. He smirks, that smirk that I have seen from Justin and Jason, even Derek. Why do all guys have to smirk?

"Ok. I'll see you later" he says winking before walking out of the room. I take a deep breath before looking around the room to see if there is anything that I can use to get out of here. But I don't see anything, the whole room is completely empty. I sigh and lean my head back against the wall waiting for Jason to come save me.


It's been hours since the man has left and I'm still stuck in this room. I tried unlocking the door but I have nothing to pick the locks with. I can't brake down the doors because I'm pregnant with two very kicky and hungry babies. I have tried everything to get out of this room, I mean there's not even a window like what the hell all rooms are suppose to have windows in them!

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