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I stand there even just as confused as Jason or this 'Alex'. How do they know each other but the better question is why aren't they shooting at each other? Instead they are like two feet from each other.

"Jason?" The man speaks up. Jason shakes his head in disbelief while tears form in his eyes. He looks the man up and down then back up to his face.

"What? Why? How?" Jason ask in just a whisper, the man looks down them clears his throat.

"Umm well I had to go into hiding after the falling out with Donny, the police were after me and I had to protect you" The man speaks up. Jason shakes his head no and takes a step back.

"I watched you die! I held you in my arm while you heart stopped beating!" Jason yells, making the babies jump.

"It didn't, well it did but right after you left someone found me and took me to the hospital. I had surgery that saved my life, once I was awake i got out of there and went into hiding" the man says. For the first time since Alex turned around Jason looks at me. Sadness and anger fill is eyes. I give him a look, saying that it will be ok but I can tell it's hard for him to believe that.

"I was 16, all alone. I didn't have anyone! Lucky Boss came along and saved me" Jason says looking over at me. Alex turns to me then back to Jason.

"Is she yours?" Alex asks turning back to me, this time his whole body was facing me. He took a step closer to me, looking me up and down for a second.

"Yes, my wife and the mother of my children" Jason says from behind Alex. Alex's eyes widen as he turns back to Jason.

"Little Jason has a wifey and kids?" He laughs. Jason just shrugs but gives a small smirk.

"Why did you come out of hiding?" I ask. Both of them look at me but Jason turns and looked at Alex.

"Well I figured that it was time I mean it's been four years" he says. I look at Jason, his face is blood red, he looks like he is going to blow.

"Jason" I say before he can say anything. He looks at me, his face still blood red and anger in is eyes. I rub my stomach while holding my back, his eyes widen as he walks over to me.

"Ok look we need to go, she is in pain" Jason says. Its true that I'm in pain but not as bad as I'm making it out to me. This is another one of our tricks, i act like I'm in pain and it usually means we can get out of any problem that we are in.

"Umm, can I go with you guys. i Umm don't have anywhere to stay" Alex says rubbing the back of his neck. I look at Jason then speak up.

"What about this place?" I ask him. I know just by looking at Jason that he didn't want to be anywhere near Alex right now.

"Umm well we have to get home and there is something I have to tell you" Jason says whispering the last part.

"Ok umm Jason go get the car ready ok" I say slightly pushing him closer to the door. He gives me a look but I just smile and tell him to go.

"Ok" he says before looking at Alex, tears come to his eyes before he shakes them off and walks out. I wait until I hear the downstairs door shut that's when I push Alex up against the wall and hold him there.

"What the hell!" He yells trying to push me off of him but I'm so angry that I just push him back even harder.

"Look here loser, you have caused Jason so much pain in his life. He looked up to you and when he thought you died he had no one in his life. You ruined his life and left him so damaged, he was lost and you caused him into this stupid dangerous life. So if I were you I would tread very lightly around him but mostly around me, I'm now 6 months pregnant and I don't have time or the will to mess with a dick like you. So watch yourself" I say pushing him more up against the wall before letting him go. I turn around and walk to the door but stop and turn back to him.

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