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I woke up to a sharp pain going into my side, I yell out in pain. I try to sit up, but I'm tied to a bed. I open my eyes to see them I'm in a dark room with only a single small lamp in the conner. I look to my right to where the pain was to see nothing, I'm thinking of a plan to escape when a door opens and someone rushes over to me.

"Kelli baby are you ok?" the voice asks. I pray that it is Jason, but its Harry.

"Let me go now!" I say trying to wiggle my way out of the ropes.

"Baby, your home were you belong" He says running is hand over my forehead. I turn my head away from him, causing his hand to fall off my head. I look back at him with a look of disgust.

"No, my home is with Jason, Mel and the gang, not with you" I say. He gives a cold laugh then looks down at my body.

"You wouldn't have to worry about them anymore" he says with a laugh. My heart sinks at the thought of anything happening to them. Angry takes over me and I try my hardest to brake the ropes.

"What the fuck have you done with them!!" I yell at the top of my lungs. His faces turns red and he walks over to me, he takes a syringe out and sticks me with it, shooting some weird, unknown liquid into my body.

I feel my body start to relax and turn to jello. When I would try to move it was useless, my whole body was numb. He untied me ad throw me over his shoulder, and out of the room. I remember ever turn that we make, so when I break out of here I know where to go.

We make it down to the basement and he puts me in a chair then ties me to it. The numbest is starting to wear off, but it's too late because he screwed the chair to the floor.

"Now this is for cussing" he says before taking a small medal stick and heating it up. The medal turn bright red, my heart beats faster just think of what he is going to do with it. He rips my jeans so that my thigh is showing, he pushes the medal to my leg, causing me to scream in pain.

"Now, every time you mess up this is what is going to happen ok" he says. I don't say anything, I just look at the ground thinking about what happened to Mel and Jason.

"What did you do with them?" I ask. He sighs and puts the medal stick back down on the table that was beside me.

"I didn't do anything to them yet, I know at some point Jason will try to find you and take you away from me, and then I will take care of him. But for now I'm going to have you all to myself" he says running his hand over my face. I shake it off then look at him.

"Why me, what did I ever do to you?" I ask.

"You stole me heart Kelli" he says with a stupid look on his face.

"What? I just met you like two weeks ago" I say, I don't know what this guy is thinking but I need to get out of here and get back to my family.

"I have known you for so much longer" he says pulling a chair over so he is sitting right in front of me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask getting real tired of this guy already.

"I knew your cousin Sam for years before he died. He did some business here and ever since then we have been close, so when I found out he died I was pissed. I showed up to his house and saw all of these pictures of this very beautiful girl and I knew right then I had to find her. And do you know who that girl was?" He asks me with his eyebrows pointed up. I take a second to think, then answer.

"Me" I say. He smiles and nods.

"Anyway, I spent forever trying to find you, then when I found out McCann had you I thought of many plans to make you mine. But do you know how hard it was to watch you fall in love with Jason, get married and have kids? Freaking hard, but I knew that one day I would have my chance to make you mine and now I finally got that chance" He says with a creepy smile.

"So you have been stalking me and Jason for years?" I ask him in disbelief. He shakes is head no.

"Just you my dear" I sigh and try to think of a way that I could get out of here, but he soon speaks up.

"Ok, I think it's time for bed" he says before getting out a syringe but this one is bigger. I try to move away but its no use, he injects the liquid and then my body falls limp. I can tell that this dose is more powerful. He unties me then picks me up and carries me out of the basement and up to a bigger room then before.

He lays me in bed, the only thing I can move is my eyes. He soon takes off my shirt and my pants, leaving me in only my underwear and bra. My heart beat rises and he undresses to, but then puts a pair of shorts on. He climbs into bed and pulls me close to him, I want to puke at the fact that he is touching me. All I want is Jason, for him to hold me and sing to me.

I soon feel the weird liquid work its magic and sleep takes over my body. I just pry that Jason finds me and I get home where I know my safe.


Sorry it's short.

I'm going to New York next week! To see the Falls :)



Thanks for reading

-Bella 💋

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