The Kings of the School

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Big Hit High School for Unfortunate Youth. The very name struck fear in the hearts of all those who heard of it. It was considered a devil's playground. Only the best survive. The others...well...The point was, that while the name suggested a school to help people improve themselves, to graduate, maybe go somewhere in life. Helping disabled right? That was what the naïve believed. For the truth? The truth was so far from that. Big Hit High School for Unfortunate Youth-any who go in they don't come out changed, if anything, they are worse than when they were admitted.

Who? The worst of the worst. There were some who believed that the school held tons of mentally set back students, or perhaps those who were disadvantaged. They learned the truth soon enough. Not many in Big Hit High School came in with mental disadvantages, they sure left with them though.

The students. In most schools you have the different groups. You know all those high school clichés, the nerds, the geeks, the teacher's pet, the popular kids, the athletics, the emo, the outcast, the bad boys, the band kids. All those little groupies you see on Glee? Yeah, those. There is this sort of variety in most schools. Ever so often, though, you get a school that deals with only one. For instance, those super smart schools that only admit the smartest of the smart. It is like a school filled with teacher pet's, nerds, and geeks. Well, Big Hit High? That school was reserved for the worst of the students. Not academically either. It was not a school for dumb people. No. Big Hit High School for Unfortunate Youth was a school for those who had no where else to go. They had crossed the line somehow and now where a danger to other students. Kids wanting to escape juvie time, they were given this option. It was better than Juvie, at least for some.

See, the thing about Big Hit High School for Unfortunate Youth was you fought to survive. It was survival of the fittest in the worst way. No, nobody would kill you-at least not technically-but other things would happen. The bullying in this school was a hundred times worse than other schools and by hundreds more students. You never let yourself be placed at the bottom of the social ladder. It was definite suicide if you did. Many who entered Big Hit High were those who were in gangs, mafia, they were robbers, arsons, psychopaths, sociopaths, bipolar, they had anger management issues, quick tempers, scary demeanors, and no issue pushing people down if they really needed too. Like said, only the worst of the worst went to this school.

There were any famous people that went to Big Hit High School for Unfortunate Youth. In the early 90s the leader of the biggest Korean gang of the time attended the school, same for the Chinese-Korean mafia leader's son. A couple of notorious arsons attended the school, a few are now even in mental wards. The cruelest, most dangerous went there. Some, before they could truly unleash their darkness on the innocents in the towns within South Korea, others after that darkness had been pushed to the surface. Either way it did not matter. In Big Hit High School for Unfortunate Youth, one way or another, that darkness would be unleashed onto the surface. It always happened in a school like Big Hit High.

As for the school itself. Well, it was seeing a rather interesting turnaround as of late. When the young Kim Seokjin entered the school, he was all the talk. People were curious about him. They had never seen someone so different from what they would expect to come from a dangerous individual.

Nobody really knows why Kim Seokjin was placed in Big Hit High School for Unfortunate Youth, nobody dared ask now-a-days either. All anyone is certain of is that Jin came here first of them all. He quickly rose up the ranks because despite what others thought, that teen was ruthless. Dangerous in the biggest way. The subtle way. He had managed to sweet talk his way to the top of the social ladder, ensuring his safety within his first few months. None could do anything but sit back and watch. It soon became obvious that he was more than willing to skin a bitch to get what he needed-and do it he did. The first person who ever dared mislead him never fully recovered from the skinning Jin had taken to adorning his arm with. The man was dangerous, and incredibly so. It was not long before he had taken the entire social hierarchy, all within a few months if that. The boy's words were smooth like honey, that combined with his seemingly fragile looks, and his natural beauty, he could make any bend to his will. He was ruthless, cruel, and strict as the King of Big Hit. people soon came to notice, protective.

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