Within the woods

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(April's pov ~)
[In her notebook~]
I'll never forget the night, we left new York city. The kraang defeated us, Alix got badly hurt and master splinter is knocked out by shredder. We lost. We had nowhere else to go but my old farmhouse where Alix told us that it's safe. When her friend's and family saw her they were devastated. The first thing we did is to take care of Alix.
(Flashback ~)
Raph carried her inside as her grandmother gasped at what happened. Casey explained everything once we get to a bedroom. He put her into bed and I tuck her in, her parents came in as her mom rubs her head. "She should be able to heal faster, it will only take a few months for her to wake up. Till then..." her mom said as she gives Alix's blankie that Aaliyah gave her to Alix. Her mom put Alix's arms around it. "We have to wait." She said as her parents gets up and we all left the room except the turtles.
(Flashback over~)
Each turtle had watch over Alix. Just waiting for her to wake up. Sensei had woken up when we have arrived, he still gained everything that happened. As for the turtles, they tried to forfet about the invasion and how Alix is in pain. During our visit, we have been taking really good care of the farmhouse. Heck, her sister gabby made a science lab at the barn for her and Donnie. Making a medicine for alix.
(With Donnie and gabby ~)
"One last drop and I think I done it." Donnie said putting a drop then it exploded on his face. They hear Casey laugh hysterically. He gets under a truck. "This baby is going to need a lot of work." Casey said. Which cause a brick to slip and the truck moved crushing Casey. The two laughed hysterically, gabby pulled a phone out and record it. "Are you recording?!" Donnie said laughing. "Hold this." She said as she gives him the phone and she got up. "DAD! UNCLE! IT HAPPENED AGAIN!" She shout. They heard a 'GOD DANMIT!'. As they laugh again.
(Back with April ~)
And then there's me, April O'neil. I spend most of the time training with my family and the turtles, and writing at my expanded journal. I miss new York, and hopefully Alix will recover soon. But life as sensei says must continue on.
[Out of the notebook~]
"April, it's time to train!" I hear gabby shout. I smiled and closed my notebook as I get up. "Coming cuz!"I said as I go to them. As we train, sensei and Alix's parents kept watch on us. I see her father watching over something as I take on raph. Then I upper cut him. He felled in defeat. "I'm almost a full on kunoichi!"I said. "Aw, man. Gotta be quick if you wanna be hanging with the ninja's, dog!" Mikey said. Then I see Donnie and Casey fighting then it went out of hands. Her parents separated them. "Yame!" Sensei said. "What are you two doing?! You're acting like caged animals!" Aaliyah yelled. "It's just plane and simple, Aaliyah. They're all just frustrated of what happened the last 3 months." Her dad said. She sighed. "If Alix were here, things would've had been much better and she would create a plan to stop the invasion!" She said. I see Mikey teared up again. "Oh, no. Aaliyah, you said her name!"I said as our eyes widen. I got a chocolate chip cookie out as I give it to him. "Oh look, Mikey. A chocolate chip cookie. Your favorite!"I said as Mikey immediately smiled and took the cookie and eat it. "Flower is still knocked out, Aaliyah. She may never wake up. The universe put us in a terrible hand." Raph said as he walks in the house. The turtles were losing hope that Alix might never wake up. Leo walks in after raph, then Donnie, then finally Mikey. I sighed as Casey hugs me from behind. 'Please, wake up soon.'I thought as I hugged back.
(My pov ~)
I felt dizzy as I stirred awake. "Uh, w-where am i?"I asked myself as I see a room. I gasped as I got out of bed. 'April's farmhouse!'I thought as I see the turtles came in. I teared up as I run to them. "Guys! I missed you so mu-" I cut myself off as I try to hug them. But they went through me like a ghost. I grew confused and turned back. I gasped as I see my body breathing as the turtles gather. "W-what happened to me?"I asked. "It's quite a story for you." A voice said. My eyes widen. "That voice, it can't be."I said as I turned to see captain Ryan along with super robo mega force five. "Ah, but it is. Greetings Alix. At last we finally meet." Ryan said as I gasped. "It appears my show is on." Another voice said as I turned to see crognard the barbarian. My eyes sparkle. "I can't believe that you all are here." I said. The heroes laughed. "And here you thought that they are your heroes." Cool star said. I smiled. "They are my heroes, but you all are their's."I said as I felt the guys walk through us. "That's our cue." The princess said. "Of what?"I asked. "We followed them as their spirits. Don't worry, your not dead. But it is a sign that you are gonna wake up very soon." Ryan said. We followed them as we made it to the living room as I teared up to see everyone ok. "Thank goodness!"I said.  I walk to Leo. "I almost forgot to tell you. You can feel them but they can't feel you." Ryan said. I smiled as I hugged Leo and kissed his cheek multiple times. No reactions from him what so ever. I smiled as I continue kissing each of my turtles. Then I notice my voice is more lady like. "I've must've sustained damage to me throat and I don't have any pain in me."I said. Then I see a bottle of mutagen medicine. I see Leo accidentally grabbed it and took a sip thinking that it was his soda then he coughed then saw that it was the medicine, his eyes widen and he put it back and act like nothing happened. "Oh, no! He drank the medicine! Now, the creep is gonna be born tommorow."I said as I faceplalm. "Tomorrow, we are gonna take a hike through the forest. We must keep our strength up after what happened." Raph said. The others smiled. I smirked. "I'm gonna go with them. I miss being with them."I said. The heroes nodded. "Raph's right, tomorrow we take a hike through the forest." Leo said. I blushed at his voice cause it sounds different. 'Holy shit, his voice.'I thought.
(The next day ~)
I laughed as I run through the trees as the guys followed afterwards still can't see me cause I'm a spirit. I see Leo slowing down as his brothers crossed the creek. I grew confused and went to him. "Captain?"I asked. "Leo?" Raph asked. "Oh, man. I think I'm gonna-" Leo cut himself off by puking by the water. "Captain!"I said. "Leo!!!" I hear his brothers said. I then hear footsteps as I look to see.... A BOY! 'HE LOOKS LIKE STEVEN!'I thought as I get up. The boy went through me and looked at Leo. "Sir, are you alright?" He asked sounding like Steven. I grew shock along with the guys. "I-I don't feel so good." Leo said. The boy got out his backpack that looks like a cheese burger. He got out a good medicine with water. "Here. Take these." He said. Leo took the medicine and waterfall the water to his mouth. "Thanks. What's your name?" Leo asked. "I'm Steven, Steven universe." He said. I gasped as I fangirl scream. "He is Steven universe! He's a crystal gem!!!"I said. "Steven!" A voice said. Steven eyes widen knowing who it is. "It's my dad! I gotta go!!! Here, take this."he said as he gave him a phone number as his brothers came in. "Whenever your in trouble. Go ahead and call me if you need help." He said then gets up. "I hope I see you again!" He said as he takes off at the woods. I looked at the guys and grew confused. "Who was that?" Raph asked. "Steven, he said that his name is Steven universe." Leo said. I notice that it is getting dark. "It's getting dark, we should head back." Donnie said as we all head back to the farmhouse.
(At the farmhouse~)
Leo kept looking at the phone number as mom gives him hot cocoa like the rest. I sighed. "What's wrong, leo?" My mom asked. "I just kept thinking about Steven and Alix. Maybe she is not really gone and there's something weird about that boy. He looked at us like we are normal people just like alix." He said. I smiled and grabbed his cheeks. "Your right, leo. I was never gone. Maybe one day, you'll see me again. I promise to you and my loves with you and your brothers."I said as I kissed his sweet forhead. "My son, in time Alix will wake up. We just have to be patient." Sensei said. I see crognard about to come on. But it gain a power out. Once all power is out, I see all of the heroes glow Including me. My eyes widen as I back away from Leo. "Aw, man. You gotta be kidding me." Casey said. "It's just a blown fuse. I'll fix it in two shakes of a turtle's tail." Donnie said. Then the fire got blown out. I gasped. "He's here."I said. "Go with raph."Ryan said as I nodded. Donnie shined a flashlight at it. "Great. Looks like we need more firewood." Raph said as the flashlight lost it's batteries. "Are you kidding?" Donnie asked as raph went outside and I went with him. I hear the wolf howls as raph gathers firewood. I hear him exhale as he begins to sing our song, 'if I never knew you.', I felt my heart melted as I teared up. "Raphie, you singed our song."I said. I hear something and we both turned. "What was that?" We both asked in unison. I hear leaves rustled. "Who's there?" Raph asked. I sense presence by us. I see a deer pop up from the Bush. We sighed in relief. "Just a deer." Raph said. I chuckled as he went to pick up the firewood. Then I sense presence again as I look to see the creep. I gasped as I backed up. "Easy, raph. Don't get paranoid." Raph said. Then he turned and saw the creep and he screamed as it got him. I screamed as I run to the farmhouse. As I made it, I see the other's calling out for him. "My son's, my suggest we split up." Sensei said. I run to sensei. "Sensei! We gotta help raph is in trouble!!!"I said. No response. "They can't hear you. But..." crognard said. "But What? What?!"I said panicked. He came close and whispered in my ear, my eyes widen as I smiled. "Go ahead and take her!" He said pointing at Aaliyah. I ran to her and grabbed her arm. "Aaliyah! Please, listen."I said thinking the memories of her. Her eyes widen as she look around. "Aaliyah? What is it?" Leo asked. "I hear something, or someone?" I asked. "It's working!"I said then I grabbed her arm again. "Bestie, it's me. Don't tell anyone that I'm still here. I'm in a spirit form and I'm about to wake up really soon."I said. She gasped as she smiled and teared up too. 'Your alive! Oh my god!' She thought. "Of course I am. I can also hear your thoughts. But there's a problem... my raphie is in trouble in the woods!!!"I said as she gasped. "Raph's in trouble!" She said. "What?!"Donnie said. "You have to follow me! I may know where he is!" She said. "I'll guide you through the woods! Let's move!"I said as we all head at the woods. We stopped. "Which way?" Leo asked. I closed my eyes as I hear raph screaming at the right. "That way! To the right!"I said. "This way!" She said as we run to the right. We see an old abandon shed. "There! He's inside!"I said as I let go of her and I went through the door. I see raph, tied up and muffled scream. I hear the other's come in and gasped. "Raph!!!" Everyone said as they untied him. "What happen?" Donnie asked. "A mutant is in the woods." Raph said. I gasped as I see my medicine bottle at the table with candles. I see the creep come by. I gasped as I run to Aaliyah. I grabbed her shoulders. "RUN!!!!! CALL STEVEN!!!!" I screamed. She looked and saw the creep. She gasped as she closed the barn. "Aaliyah? What's wro-" Leo got cut off by a groan. We stayed silent. "Call Steven, now!!!" She said then they felt a bash. Leo went to contact him. "Aaliyah, call the adults! I'll try to hold it off!"I said as I went out of the shed. I see the creep trying to get in. "I hope I still have my wind blast." I said as I wind blast him. He got pushed back. "What was that?"Raph asked. I kept wind blasting him as much as I can. I grunt as I'm feeling tired. Then a purple whip got around it and hit at the tree. I look to see amethyst, pearl and Garnet, along with Steven with weapons out. I sighed in relief as the adults came in to as they try to fight it off. I run inside the shed as Aaliyah opened the shed. I grabbed her arm, get the medicine and destroy it. It's the power source!"I said. She nodded and grabbed the bottle as they looked at her. "Who are they?" Raph asked. A ruby comes in the shed. "No time! Just get out of here! By the way, the names mariajose, call me mj or mari!" She said. I see her gem at the navel just like Steven as she went to fight creep. Aaliyah got out of the shed. She raised it up as the creep roars. "You want it?" She asked. "Garnet, now!!!" The ruby said. She revealed her iron fist and attack the creep and hit it multiple times fast. He then went down in defeat and mutagen poured out. It then turned back into goo and put into the jar. Steven hold the medicine and the jar as he bubbles it. They look shock to see that. He made it disappeared. "Steven?" My mom asked. Steven looked at her in shock. "I can't believe it. Angel!" Pearl said as she tackled her. "Your back!" She said. My mom laughed. "Woah, I've never seen a pearl dropped on me!" My mom said as pearl laughs. "Wait, they know each other?"I asked. "Steven, this is your aunt angel and uncle demon." Garnet said with a wide smile. "Wait, Steven is my cousin?!"I said. His eyes sparkle. "No way!!!" Steven said excited. "Wait, you know about this?!" Donnie said. "Like I said, it's a long story of who Alix really is." Her mom said. "Come on, we have very much to talk about. I want all the details about alix." Garnet said. We all walk to the farmhouse. "I guess there is still hope for you." A voice said. I look to see Ryan walking with me. "Maybe one day, you get new York city back." He said. I smiled. "Ij can't wait to tell Alix about this!" Mikey said excited. "Don't worry Mikey, I'll listen right away."I said.

"And maybe some day, I'll wake up."

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