Casey vs. the underworld

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(My pov~)
I'm patrolling with Casey as we see April as April and her dad are giving them food. We kept moving as I put my hair up. Until we hear an alarm and we enter the bank. I see the purple dragons coming out with sacks of money. "No body messes our city!"I said confident as they saw us. "it's the girl!" The big one said. I cracked my neck. "Even after we save the city, you punks never learned."I said. They come towards me and me and Casey took them down with ease. Once they are down, I see a new person as I gasped knowing who it is. "Who is that?" Casey asked. "The newest leader of the purple dragons..."I said as he comes to view. "Hun."I said as I stand on my ground. "So you must be the powerful Alix herself. Why do you look so... small?" He asked with a smirk. My eyes widen as I growled. "For your information hun, I am not small but I do have a great amount of strength."I said. He smirked as Casey charged at him and he took him down with ease. He then strike at me and let's just say that not only I got him but I threw him out of the window. I pat the dust away from my hands. "That's for casey."I said as I walk to him and help him up. I pick up a puck and through it to Huns 'where the sun don't shine' as he wheezed and holds between his legs. I took out my thumb and point it down. "Goal."I said. I pulled him up as I hear the cops and we vanished without a trace. We head for the lair.
(At the lair ~)
I laughed as I did a flip and landed right next to Leo. They look at me surprised. "Looks like your happy." Leo said as I remember what I did to hun and laugh hysterically. Casey comes in angry. "Your laughing at Me, are you?" He asked angry. "N-no. I'm laughing of what I did to h-hun!"I said between laughter. He nodded as I calm down and wipe my tear away as I go to him. "Here, come sit down. You know, I once was like you when I was a little girl. But what calm me down is to smell the roses and blowing out the candles. My dad always tell me that to calm down."I said softly as we both sat down. "That's right, sweetie. It always works for you." My dad said. "And it help me too." Raph said watching tv. Casey breathe through the nose then out of the mouth as he calms down. "By the way, who's hun?"Donnie asked. I snickered as Casey remembered what I did to him and laugh and I burst out laughing too. "Hun is the new leader of the purple dragons. I was pretty surprise at first then after he took Casey down, I was like 'Oh no you Didn't!' And when he strike at me, let's just say that I threw him out of the window and when I went to help Casey. I may or may not threw one of Casey's pucks at Huns private."I said with a smirk as I hear my dad laughing. "Oh shoot, that's funny!"Gabby said as she laugh. Then I see everyone burst into laughter as I nodded. "I know right! This is even better than the time my sister got scared of a cucumber because she acts like a cat!"I said as I laugh. Gabby made the face that I find hilarious then I fall to the ground as I hold my stomach as tears of laughter flow out then I felt nothing. Then Casey breathe as he calm down along with everyone else, they looked up as I calm down to see myself flying. "Huh? That's odd. I didn't fly when I laugh."I said as I flew down as I sit. "If you want Casey, we'll both go back out there to watch over crime. What'd you say on that?"I asked. He smiled and nodded. I smiled to go get ready to be out there. 'No wonder the guys are lucky.'I hear Casey thought as I smiled.
(At the surface ~)
We both kept jumping roof to roof. "So... how are thing with you and April?"I asked as he smiled. "Well, we have a splendid time together, going the way you told us to do. Being there every step on the way. It's actually pretty awesome." Casey said. "Y'know Jones, I thought the same way."I said with a smile. "I actually feel lucky for you with april."I said as I turn to him. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well, I'm saying that in my eyes, everyone can find true love. Of who they truly want to be with and for you two. It's a perfect match."I said as he blushes. "R-really? You mean it?" He asked. "I know what I mean and I'm serious of love. It is not a game, it's everything. Love is something very powerful between anyone or anything in known universe. It's a powerful emotion that you can't get rid of or very well hidden, like a ninja. Sometimes they're hard to break. Sometimes they're easy and soft to squeeze. Love can conquer all for creatures big, small, gay,lesbians, heck even bisexual beings. That is the love that I see and want to feel, and luckily I have when I met my turtles. Who stole my heart."I said. Casey look at me star-struck as I see him recording. "You may show the video to everyone, but NOT my turtles. Understood?"I asked. He nodded and finished recording. Then I see the foot vehicles driving in the street. "Foot is on the move! Let's roll!"I said as we followed them. I see shredder in those vehicles as I gasped. They entered a restaurant as we stay hidden. "Ok, if shredder is out here. That means it's something huge!"I said. We run to the back and we got inside. "So, what's the plan?" Casey whispered. I grabbed Casey's hand and I spinned and hug him as we fuse.
(Calix's pov ~)
"This is!"I whispered as I see a waiter outfit and put it on as I hide my other two arms and close my two eyes. "Let's play restaurant."I whispered. I can in with a bottle of champagne as I pour it in the glass while I hear a conversation. "I've already control the Russian of Ivan steranko. The Asian gangs at Viagra and the South Americans through soar. So, it's clear the your fugents belongs to me, or... "shredder said as he took his blade out as I finished pouring the last glad as shredder cut the meatball before the Don could eat it. Along with the candles that fall. The don wipe himself with a napkin. "How may I be your service?" The don asked. "Excellent, I'm looking through some... chemicals. For a project I've been working on." Shredder said. I grew confused as I pour champagne to the glass. "Well, I've already told you about the shipment in the docks." The don said then shredder pinned me as I act scared. "Who sent you spy?" Shredder asked. "I-i'm just a normal bus girl!!!"I said in fear. He looked at me concerned. "Hm, very well. But do not let me see your face ever again!" Shredder said as he let me go and I went to the back. "With pleasure."I said calmly. Once I made it to the back, i run out of the restaurant. " Oh my God, that was close!"I said in relief. I took off my outfit as I stretch my other two arms and open my two eyes. "Oh, that's better!"I said. Then I jump to the rooftops as I cracked my neck. 'Ok, so the Don said that they are sending a shipment of a chemical at the docks.'I thought as I smiled. I got Casey's phone out to text raph. I told him everything and send it. He said that he'll be here in a few minutes. Then I head for the docks.
(At the docks ~)
Once I made it to the docks, I see rahzar getting the shipment. I cracked my neck as I got my hockey stick ready and put on my mask. I skated in as I growl. "GOOYAKAGALA!!!" I said as I strike at them. I hit fishface and got the suit case as rahzar look at me. " Looks like class is in session! And your instructor is calix jill!"I said. Rahzar got his claws out to strike at me but he missed and I kicked him to fishface. Fishface hiss as he saw me. "Looking for this?"I asked as I waved the suit case. Fishface hiss as I grabbed a smoke bomb. "Bye-bye!"I said as I threw it down and disappeared. I reappear on top of the crate where I see raph close by and I cut the chains as it landed on fishface. Raph comes in as I jump to him. "Calix?!" Raph said. "Long story, hurry and move out!"I said as we head for the lair. Once we made it to the alley way raph stop me. "What's so important about this stupid case any way?!" Raph said. I open the case to reveal dangerous chemicals. "You need to get this to donnie." I said as I walk to the alley way. "I'll by you four some time while I take care of shredder."I said. "Are you crazy?! Shredder is a deadly assassin! You won't be able to stand a chance!" Raph said. "I get it, but go take the case to Donnie. I'll handle this!"I said as I left the alley way. Raph tried to call me back but I've already took off. I made to shredder's lair and see more of a conversation. I close my eyes as I hear through the window. "This is wonderful! Once we get this chemical perfected and use it on Karai. You'll finally have your daughter back!" A mind control peridot said. "You could take over the factory where we found the chemicals, it's on our turf. It would be an honor to show you, master shredder." Hun said. "Very well. We will proceed." Shredder said and I open my eyes. I get up and took off to the factory.
(At the cheeseball factory ~)
I made it to the factory and got Inside. I see the foot inside. "You've done well to bring this factory to my attention, hun. It will be adequate for my plans." Shredder said. "I have one request. Since this factory is on dragon territory, perhaps I should be in charge." Hun said. "So be it. Success is to be rewarded, as failure is to be punished." Shredder said as ibhear rahzar snarls. He begins sniffing. I scoot two fire cracker pucks by rahzar feet. They exploded as I appeared. "Looking for something?"I asked. "I will make your end swift, fool!" Shredder said as we prepare to fight as my eyes glow gray as smoke surrounds me. "Bring it!"I said determined. Once he try to strike me, I vanished as I appear on the other side. "Who are you?" Shredder asked as I took my mask off as I open my four eyes. "You!" He said as he stuck his swords. I smiled as I raised my hands and electricity hands appeared on my hands. I struck at him as he scream in pain. Then he growled as he charge at me. "You have spirit. But I'm tire of this game." He said. "Neither do we!"I said. Then I see the guys jump in as I summon cloud storm in my hands. We strike as we hear the machines turns on as we fight. I see Leo fighting shredder close to the vat. "Leo!"I said panicked as I feel like defusing.
(My pov ~)
I split up from Casey. "I'm coming, leo!!!"I said as I went to the supply room. "Where is it? Where is it?"I asked as I search through the shelf. I see Donnie crashed in and I caught him as I raised a vine wall. "You ok?"I asked and he opened his eyes to see mine and we blush. I look at the chemicals then found the perfect one. I grabbed and orange thing. "If we can contaminated shredder's chemicals--" I said then cut myself off as I got excited. "Oh, alixandria. I love your mind!"Donnie said. I hear xever chuckle as I cracked my neck. I got the vines down and kick him all the way to the other side of the factory as Donnie made a pained expression with a looked saying 'ooh.'.  I run to where raph is and got tiger claw by surprise. Then went for the vat until I land on rahzar. I run passed Mikey as I went through the smasher and close to the vat. Then tiger claw got me and I kick his meower as he drop me and I went through the smasher as I run over fishface. I avoid rahzar slash as I jump as the henchmen try to get me. I threw it down and landed at the vat. I smirked as I landed. Everything rumble as shredder scream 'NO!'. "Everyone, fall back!"I said as we took off as the villains are left behind. Once we made it to the rooftops. I see orange smoke out of the tubes as I smiled. We head off to the lair.
(At the lair ~)
We sit down as we watch tv. I smiled as I look at Casey. "Got a hand it to you, Casey. We do make a pretty good team. Not to mention that the storm powers are new."I said as Casey look at me concern as Mikey dropped by with a pizza on his hand. "I gotta admit also, we did pretty awesome." Casey said as I smiled. "I hope Donnie figures what the chemical is?"I asked. "Guys, this is even worse than I thought. Shredder's mixture-- it's not explosive." Donnie said as he came out of the lab. "So what is it?" Leo asked as I go to him. "Donnie, it's the mind-control formula. If it works, he'll use it on miwa or you all or the entire city and the universe! Or even worse... ME!"I said as they shout as we look at the chemical serious.
'Let's hope it didn't effect me!'  

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