The deadly venom

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(My pov ~)
I paced around cause I notice that miwa is missing for 3 days straight and not to mention that Leo has been training non-stop ever since the vision quest. Right now, we are seeing Leo and sensei train. I see Mikey coming in and I kept his mouth shut. "Man, they're really going at it." Donnie whispered. "It keeps getting more frustrating for him each minute.  Ever since the vision quest, Leo hasn't been training non-stop. Maybe it has to be about shredder knocking me out from the invasion."I said as they blush. "Y-yea, probably that." Mikey whispered. Then I hear a grunt in pain as I hear someone pinned. I look to see Leo has succeeded to defeat sensei and he has a leg sore. I gasped as I get in there. "Sensei."I said as I go to him. He groaned in pain. "Hold still, I'm gonna do the healing hands. Ok?"I asked as he nodded and I closed my eyes as I prepared my hands. "Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen."I said as I felt a glow and touch to where his sore leg is and I healed it. "Alix? Sensei, what did she do? How did she do that?" Leo asked. " It is an technique known as the healing hands, I'm pretty sure that you want me to teach all four of you?"I asked. Leo grew confused as he sees the other three turtles come in. "Sensei..."I said asking him to rest. He nodded and left to his room as I sit in meditation style as the four did the same. "Together with me. Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha." I said as I practice the healing hands and they followed me. "Rin. Pyo. Tao. Sha. ..." we said as we practice the technique.
(Time skip ~)
I'm sitting at the lair hugging blankie cause I'm getting worried for Leo and miwa's disappearance. Then I felt something sting and I grasped at my heart as I cough. "Ugh... Wha-What's going on? My heart..."I said groaning in pain as I breathe. The guys notice. "Alix?" Leo asked. I look at him to see him blurry as I felt another sting as I begin to scream and plop on the ground. "ALIX!!!"Donnie said as they gather around and head for the lab. "Help, turtles!" A voice said as I see uncle Kirby carrying April. "Kirby, what's going on?" Leo asked as he sees me. "SISTER!" He shout as they came in and saw them. "Bring them in the lab, now!!!" She said as we all head in the lab. Once they put us on the table she checks on us as she saw a bite on April's arm and she gasped. "Snake bite! They're both infected!" She shout. "WHAT?!" The turtles shout. "I should've known that this would happen, if Alix can feel April's pain that means she's more powerful than I thought."she said. "Wait, snake bite... miwa." Gabby said as I groan in pain. "T-the foot got m-miwa... t-they... t-they..."I said weak as I breathe and save my strength. "Save your words, Alix. It's gonna be ok, we'll find a cure." Donnie said as I see tears flow. "H-heal... h-heal..."I said weak. "WHAT? Heal what?!" Donnie said. "H-healing hands i-is the cure..."I said then passed out. "Alix!!!" I hear 4 panicked voices.
(In the???~)
I shot opened my eyes as I see the soul lines again. I look next to me and notice that her heart is not there. I gasped as I see a trail that is out of the lab. "April!"I said as I followed where the string goes. It lead me to the surface which I see April trying to get Casey up. "April!"I said as she saw me. "Alix!" She said as I hug her and Casey woke up. "Ugh... what happened?" He asked and he saw us and saw his body. "Where are we?!" He said. "It must be the same void of how I got the orb!"I said. "How do we get out?"He asked. Then I notice their heart beats, same rhythm as mine. My eyes widen as I come to realization. "We can't. If I don't get healed, I'll die and...



You die with me and everyone else."I said as they gasped. I hold the strings connecting us. "That's why there are strings in here. We are connected to each other, if you get poisoned I get poisoned!"I said. I then see a crack showing white on my arm. "Oh my God. I-i'm breaking apart!"I said panicked as I see another string which I see the real miwa. I run to her. "Miwa!"I said as she saw me and hugged me. "Thank goodness, I've lost control. The brain worm took my body. I don't know what to do!" She said as her tears flow. "It's ok. We just need to warn the others!"I said. "Alix, we got a problem!" Casey said. I see the party wagon drove in and stop. I teared up as I see raph and Mikey comes out. "No..."I said. "This is the place where Casey's bike has signaled. Maybe we should split up." Raph said. I turned to his body and run to it. "What if...."I said as I turned to Casey. "Sorry."I said. "For wha-" I cut him off as I punched him in the stomach as his body groan in pain as I hear footsteps. "That."I said. I see them and gasped when they saw Casey's body. "Casey..." Raph said as I help his soul up. "Come on, we have to get him back to the lair." Mikey said. They pick him up and we're all got in and drive off. He saw the bite on Casey's... "What the--? Casey, how did a snake got into your arse?!"I said in Irish tone as he shrugged. Then I hear raph telling Mikey to suck the poison out. I made a look saying 'Oh hell naw!'. Then I see snakes slithering by. My eyes widen. When Mikey is about to suck the poison, the snakes revealed as Mikey gasped. Raph look as the snakes bit mikey and it got him too. I gasped them felt to more stings as I shout in pain as I plopped at the ground. "ALIX!!!" Everyone shout except raph and Mikey as I feel more crack coming as I cough golden blood. Then the party wagon crashed as I groan in pain. I also hear two groans in pain as I see raph and Mikey sit but not physically. They rubbed their head and look around then they saw me. "ALIX!!!!" They said as the come to me and help me up. I hissed in pain as they see the cracks. "They're getting worse, if Donnie and Leo got bit and poisoned I can't make it!!!"I said. "What do you mean? What's going on? Where are we?" Raph asked then saw his heart tied around it as he sees a string and connects to mine. Mikey saw that in his heart too. "Alix, we gotta find them!" Miwa said as I nodded. "Right... we are not going out like this."I said breathing heavily. "Your right, if you die. We are gonna be with you cause of the poison!" Casey said. "WHAT?!" Mikey and raph said. "My connection with you all is very strong. After April get bit, not only she gain the poison but I get poisoned too! Once I die, my body will decapitate and put the rest of the poison to your heart!"I said as I show the string. "They're still in the sewers!" April said as we nodded and head for the sewers.
(At the sewers ~)
"Ok... we're here."I said. We approach at the lid of sewage pipe. I gasped as I felt more pain and cracks. Then it stopped. "Alix?" Raph asked. "Someone is stopping the poison from April's body. Sensei!"I said. Then I felt more cracks everywhere but not around my heart. "It's getting close to my heart, if the poison hits there, I'm dead!"I said. I see Leo and Donnie got out of the pipe. They walk slowly as we go with them. "Leonardo and Donatello. Sneaky, coming in from the sewers." The dark voice said like a devil. "That's the brain worms voice?!"I said. "How are you feeling, turtles? Nauseous? Dizzy?" The worm said as Donnie hold his head. "My brain is melting." Donnie said. "The worm... it poisoned the pipe in water!"I said as I groaned in pain as more cracks come near my soul. "Dude... why do you have a pineapple for a head?" Leo asked. "We've been... poisoned!" Donnie said as they begin to run and we run after him. "Oh, we have to act fast." Leo said. "My venom is highly toxic in any form. Even in water. It seeps through the skin in seconds." The brain worm said as we see miwa's body, but the brain worm is in the head. I see Donnie slow down as more cracks seep through almost to my heart. He fall along with me as I hit the ground as I breathe heavily. "Alix!" Mikey said as the go to me. "Must... resist... poison... getting stronger!"I said as we see Donnie sit up but not physically. He saw us then his heart and string all the way to my heart. "Alix!"Donnie said as he comes to me. "We're running... out of time."I said weak. I see Leo fell to the ground as the cracks are right next to the heart. "No! Alix, fight it!!!" Raph said tears flowing along with Donnie and Mikey with the rest. Then I hear mutter words. "Rin... pyo... toh... sha..." Leo mutter. "The healing hands..."I said weak as I breathe heavily. "The healing hands!!!" The three said as they surrounded me as I see Leo fighting the foot from the poison as cracks grew away a little. "Ok, while Leo and sensei remove the poison. We must help her here! Ready?" Raph asked getting ready. The two nodded and got ready. Then I see Leo being thrown and got bit twice as I hiss in pain, as cracks got near my heart again. "Hurry, the poison is getting stronger!"Donnie said. "Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Mu. Ryo. Ju. son. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen. E. Sai. Nyu. Rai. Kak. Rin! Pyo! Mu! Ryo! Toh! Sha! Ju! Son! Rin! Mu! Pyo! Ryo! Toh! Son! Kai! Jin! Retsu! Zai! Zen!" All of the turtles said as I see the three glow and Leo glow. "What are you doing? What is this?" The brain worm said. The three place there hands on my as I feel a lot of cracks going away. As Leo placed it on himself, I felt only a few more cracks going away. Once I see Leo fully healed and the three move their hands they look at me. "Alix?" Raph asked and I sit up and hugged them. I see Leo taking on the brain worm with the healing hands. I felt normal breathing is gone and I see April disappeared. "What happened?" Donnie asked as I see some of the cracks gone. "April is cured, the poison in her is gone!"I said. As they get the bodies down, we all see miwa's body is gone. "Hurry to the dojo!"I said as Leo carried the bodies and run.
(At the dojo~)
"Rin. Pyo. Toh." Leo and splinter said as they gave them the healing hands and they all disappeared except miwa as I see all of the cracks gone as I smiled. I see them wake up and the three turtles jolt up. "Alix!" They said as Leo's eyes widen. I look at her. "I'll help you get your body back. I promised!"I said Then everything turned white.
(In reality ~)
I jolt up with a gasped as I breathe. I look around to see that I'm in my room and I smiled and got out of bed. I opened the door and ran out only to be tackle by my 4 turtles with smiles. "Thank the stars!!!"I said happily as I hugged them tight along with the rest hugging me. I then look determined as I departed. "We save miwa once, now we'll save her again!"I said as they nodded determined. "And now we gain a new power only a few martial artists tap."I said. "Your right And Alix, thank you for showing us the healing hands. We've would've lost you if it weren't for the healing hands." Raph said. The two nodded as Leo grew confused. "Did I miss something?" Leo asked. I giggle as the three chuckle.
"Leo, it's a long story."

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