Meet mondo gecko

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(My pov ~)
'I'm bored!'I thought as I sit on the couch as I see Casey getting a new high score on the pinball game bored too. I smiled. 'He looks bored. Maybe I should hang out with him.'I thought as I smiled. Then I see Mikey walk in too, bored also. My eyes sparkle. 'Even better! Ok Alix, play cool.'I thought as I clear my throat. "Hey, Mikey, Casey. You guys wanna hang out with me and skate?"I asked as I hear a gasped and been lifted up. "Yes, I am seriously bored out of my own mind!" Mikey said as Casey agrees. "Well then to the surface!"I said as we went to the surface.
(At the surface ~)
I laughed as I skate board roof to roof. We whooped as we have fun. "Now, this is more like it!"I said. We made a stop to take a breather and I laugh happily. "Cowabunga!" A voice said as someone skate through. I look to see mondo gecko. "No way!"I said as I stare up at him. He started to do awesome tricks. "Woah! Another mutant?" Casey asked. "He's awesome!" Mikey said. "Guys, I know this mutant! His name is... mondo gecko!"I said. He landed in front of us. "Dudette, that name sucks! And I'll make you pay for it!" He said as he grabbed his skateboard. "Oh, with this?"I asked showing his skateboard cause of my super speed to get it. "Wha?" He asked looking at his hand to see his skateboard not there. "Nice to meet you mondo, the names Alix."I said as I passed his skateboard back. "How'd you do that?" He asked. "Oh, super speed. I've also gain many powers along with it. Awesome right?"I asked. He nodded. "So, he's a mutant, too? I'm jason, the most awesome pro skater in the world!" He said. "Awesome pro skater? Wait till you see Mikey and his brothers, they help me skate while we patrol and I've never skated before they help me. I've never even skated my entire life!"I said as mondo grew shock. "Is that true?"He asked as Mikey nodded. "I don't know what a gecko is." Casey said. "Oh, your looking at one, Jason here got mutated with his pet gecko lars."I said as he grew very shock. "Long story, anywho geckos are one of the most skilled creatures that can camouflage from predators, some can glide and most of all can swim under water."I said. Mondo lick his eyeballs. "Oh, they also can't blink so they have to use their tounges to keep them moist, and their paws can stick to things."I said. Mikey gasped in excitement. "I always wanted to lick my own eyeballs!" Mikey said as he begins trying to lick his eyeballs. He then did another trick using his gecko moves. "Nice, so that makes you a pt.1 gecko skater."I said. "Yup, but..." he said sadly. "Your parents kick you out and you wound up on the street."I said as he nodded. "But it's all cool! Cause I made tons of new friends, like you guys!" He said as I smiled. "Not to mention that you have a metal band, in savage bliss!"I said. He nodded and begin to play his air guitar as I head bang at it with a laugh. He then skated out. "I know Casey that you don't trust him, but don't worry. This girl got this in the bag!"I said as Casey smiled. "You never cease to amaze us." He said as I nodded and we went after mondo gecko as it grew night time. We skated pass a homeless man as I give him some money I got cause I also gain magic. They passed a stray dog as I caught it and pet it calmly as I I hugged him. Then they started talking about their catch phrases and I chuckled. "Casey, remember when we fused we said gooyakagala?"I asked as their jaws dropped. "Why didn't we think of that?" He asked. I see Casey is about to slip off the roof and I grabbed him and pulled him at me as we fuse.
(Calix's pov ~)
"Woo-wee! Better watch where you slip, boy!"I said as I stretch. "Calix!" Mikey shout as he hug me. I chuckled. "Good to see ya, bud!"I said. I see mondo and his jaw dropped. "You must be mondo gecko, the names jill. Calix jill!"I said. He laughed happily as he look around my features. 'Must be new to fusions.'I thought as I smiled. Then I see purple dragons at the rooftops with some loot. "How bout I show some of my skills?"I asked as they both nodded and I walk to the dragons. "What's up, idiots?"I asked as they turn and gasped as they saw me. "Stealing valuable treasures. That won't do at all!"I said as I summoned my hockey stick and mask. I see hun comes out too. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the fusion." Hun said. "If it isn't a cry wannabe baby?"I asked with a smirk as I hear a 'Oooh.'. "Up for a rematch, hun?"I asked as I cracked my knuckles. He took out his glasses. "This time I'm ready for your tricks." He said as he prepare to fight. I nodded as I use my powers to beat the other purple dragons while I get hun. Then I got him off guard with my hockey stick with a smirk. Then I sense something and I see mondo falling off the roof. I gasped as I threw my hand out as I concentrated. I sighed in relief as I got punch but didn't flinch or moves as I lifted him to safety. I punched Huns face as I smiled and look at him. I picked him up and threw him to a dumpster as I pat my two hands while the other two hold my hips. "And that's how calix jill takes out the trash."I said as the mondo and Mikey comes in. I tied the dragons up as I see Mikey and mondo look at the loot. "You saved my life! On the streets, it's everyone for themselves out there." Mondo said. "Well, for Alix's side. Every friend or family of hers is family and no body gets left behind. Like you."I said as I pat his back. "Now, let's leave Casey's calling card and we can move out."I said putting on Casey's calling card and I smirked at the art work. Mondo smiled as he look at the loot. "I know what you are thinking, according to Alix's side it's not the best idea."I said as he nodded. "Let's hang out at my place." Mondo said as me and Mikey nodded. We followed mondo to his place.
(At the ???~)
Once we got inside, a cage dropped by us as mondo walks but saw us in a cage. I grabbed the bars. "Mondo! I know your boss. It's..."I said as I see xever comes in. "I'm so sorry." Mondo said. I look at fishface. "You!"I said coldly. "Good to see you. Let's see if you can race... to the death!" Fishface said as we gasped. "That wasn't the deal! It was just a normal race!" Mondo said panicked. "He lies to fool you. He is the bad guy!"I said. He laughed. "Take them away!" Fishface said as we are being dragged and put into a cell. I growled as I defused.
(My pov ~)
"Alix, calm down." Casey said as I grew angry after defuse. "He lied to him! About who we are!!!"I said as I burst into flames. "What do we do?" Mikey asked. I look upon him as I blushed getting an idea. "Only one thing to do to win the race."I said as I go to him and grabbed his hands. "Mikey.... We have to fuse to win the race!"I said as Mikey blushed madly, stuttering a 'WHAT?!'. "If we are going to win a race we all are gonna need as much help as we can!"I said. I see mondo having the key as I smiled as he goes unlock the cell. Then the lights turned on as we gasped and I felt two arms wrapped around me and spinned me around as we fuse.
(??? ~)
I spinned around with laughter as the cell opens. I walked out as I cracked my knuckles and tied my orange hair up. Everyone gasped as I smirked with joy and got my skateboard out. "Greetings everyone and get ready to meet the ultimate skater of all times! Mikaley hamatill!!!"I said loudly as I cracked my neck. I see fishface shock. "You know, I'm such a sporting fusion 3 teammates and 1 competition. No rules, the first one to cross the finish line wins! And Gets something special prize at the end of the race."I said as the crowd cheers. "Time to prepare the race!" A voice said as we prepare to race and I told them the plan through my mind. "Ready?..... GO!!!!!" A voice said as me and fishface started skating as a trap door open and I laughed as we landed and kept skating, and the other two catch up. I kept skating as I catch up to fishface.  Until he pulled a switch as trash disks came in and electricity appeared on tyhem as I smirked. "BOOYAKASHA!!!!"I said as I avoid the electric trash disks. We mange to get through. "Is that the worst he got?" Casey asked. "Who said worst?"I asked as fishface pulled another trick as some of the floor sink in and water filled in as fishface jump passed it. "Oh, no! Not the aquarium!" Mondo said. I smirked as fishface call up his mutant kind buddies and the jump up and ready to bite. We skated in and went to avoid fishface pals, but Casey got bit at the... "oooh, right at the kiniki!"I said as I cover my private as he manage to get it off and we pass the aquarium. Fishface pulled a switch as I skated faster with the two. Then spike rock boulder rolls in as we skate faster. I growled as I see walls closing in each other and back. We see the finish line and... "A golden rock guitar?!" Mondo said as I smirked and got my nunchucks out. "I got one trick on my sleeve!"I said as I turned and breathe in and air blasted way ahead of them and side to side with fishface. I got fishface off guard as I skate ahead and laugh. Then I see fire torches blew in and I skated through them and almost at the finish line, until I see fishface using rocket shoes and I skated with a wind blast. Once we both got close to the finish line I glow orange and use super speed and crossed it along with mondo. I grabbed the guitar as it glows and I smiled and lifted up. "WHOOOOO!!!" I said excited. "No, no! You cheated!!!" Fishface said. "Hey, I said no rules! Didn't i?"I asked as I hold my new guitar as my other two arms hold my hips and they catch up. "And like Alix side said 'every friends and family of hers is family and no body gets left behind!'."I said as we high gived and fishface growled. He took his blades out and we skated out of the way. I got my nunchucks out as mondo smiled. Then the shellraiser busted through and hit fishface on the race ground. I got my pic out and rock it making a sound wave and push him all the way back and walls close in and got fishface again and again. The guys got out with weapons but jaws dropped as they saw me. "Heya, dudes! Names mikaley hamatill!"I said happily. They notice mondo. "Everyone, meet mondo gecko! One of our new allies."I said as he licked his eyeballs. "Thanks to you, fishface isn't my boss anymore. I'm free!" Mondo said. "It's no problem, if you have anymore problems. Let Alix and Mikey know, I'll be there quicker than the pizza!"I said as I defused.
(My pov ~)
We laughed as he spins me around defused. "That was fun!"I said as I notice the golden guitar on me. I smiled as I hold it. "Should i?"I asked. Mondo smiled. "Go for it, dudette!" He said as I smiled and begin rocking out as everyone jaws dropped.
'Looks like my guitar practice has paid off!'

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