The clash of the mutanimals

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(My pov ~)
We're watching crognard until I hear a pant. "You know, it's kinda similar to our missions." I said. "Really, how?"Donnie asked. "I know that are next target is going to be shredder."I said as I smiled. Raph took down the dummy. "Got that right." Raph said as he comes to sit down. Then I hear a thump and a familiar groan in pain. I gasped as I immediately head for the front to see leatherhead and Pete in pain. "My sweet leatherhead, Pete! Hang on, let's get you inside!"I said acting like a serious mom which I'm doing now and got them inside. The others gasped as I guide them to the couch. "I'll get water!" Mikey said as he went to get water. "I'll get bandages!" Donnie said as he head for his lab and leatherhead hold me like a baby. " Oh, my poor sweet mutant! What happened?"I asked. "Slash and Rockwell have Been captured by the foot." He said as I look at him. "Leaterhead, please put me down. I'll be right back."I said calmly as he put me down and I got to the entrance of the lair. "THEY'VE BEEN WHAT?!?!?! NO ONE TAKES MY BABY SPIKE AND ROCKWELL AND GETS AWAY FROM IT!!!!!!"I shout demonic as I burst into flames as I turned full molten lava devil as I lava breathe something and melt it. I manage to cool down a little as I ever back in the lair as I see the guys scoot back with wide eyes. "I'm ok, I'm still mad but not at you guys. All shredder! Please, continue?"I asked calmly as I sit down. Then I see pigeon Pete flying around to see the lair. "Pete, could you please sit down. You may look around but you must stay seated. Understand?"I asked as he nodded and sit down as he look around. "Now, since that they are in trouble by the foot. We have to rescue them, before it's too late!"I said as we left the lair.
(At the surface and near the foot lair~)
We made it to the front of the lair as I smiled. Then we hear a roar as my eyes widen. "MY BABY!!!"I said as tears start to flow and then my skin turned... "blue?"I asked as I notice my hair is moving and look more like water. "ALIX? What's happening to you?!"Donnie said. I see my whole body in water as I felt no more tears.

(Only with my legs~)"Guys?"I asked as I feel more watery

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(Only with my legs~)
"Guys?"I asked as I feel more watery. I hear a monkey shriek as I gasped. "Rockwell!"I said as I turn to a puddle and got Inside as I hear everyone calling me back. Then I see them run as I catch up to them. "Spike!"I said as slash turn to me. "Mama?" He asked and I hugged them. "Your ok!"I said as he hugged back. "What happened to you?" He asked as I look at him. I see foot bots walking towards them and I stick my arms out as it gather all of them and they went on a Fritz and shut down. I smirked and put them down. "Are you ok?"I asked as slash carried me as we walk to an alley way And the guys catch up. "Mama." He said sounding horrible as he hug me tight. "What did shredder do to you both?"I asked as I hold his cheeks. "We need help." He said weakly. "Let's get back to the lair. Ok?"I asked and they both nodded.
(At the lair ~)
I paced around worried and my body turn back to normal as the others are relaxing. "Mama, I'm sure that we are fine." Slash said. "Spike, I know what is happening cause shredder would never let you escape easily. That means something is up."I said seriously. "We were experimented upon by shredder." Rockwell said as I freeze and turn to them slowly. "Did you just say 'experimented by shredder'?"I asked scared as they nodded. I backed up as I teared up. "Mama?" Spike asked. "You've got the brain worm, you both got the mind control serum!!!"I said as the others gasped. Then they hold their heads as they groan in pain. "Oh, no. EVERYONE, GET BACK!"I said as I hear them roar. Then they saw me and went after me. I gasp as I run and get to high ground, I see Rockwell flying to me. "I'm so sorry."I said as I jumped and landed on them like I'm the heaviest thing on earth and they can't get off. I sighed in relief then I got thrown by Rockwell as I landed on Leo, Mikey, and Donnie. I groaned in pain as I hear a struggle. I look up to see slash has gotten raph. Then they took off. "RAPHEAL!!! NO!!!!" I scream as tears begins to fall and I went to go after them but Leo stop me and I started crying in his arms. "W-we have to get him back. y-you f-f-four are my only t-t-true heroes!"I said in his arms crying. I hear Leo growl as he carry me bridal style and went to the shellraiser to go after them along with the rest. We tried to slow them down but we lost them and we crashed because of the oil slick. "They got away with raph." Mikey said as I immediately got out of the shellraiser to get to shredder's lair. 'I'M COMING RAPHIE!!!'I thought as I hear the guys following me.
(Near shredder's lair ~)
We arrived at shredder's lair. "I just realized we don't have a strategy. Um, should we make a plan?"Donnie asked. "Forget about a plan. Time to make a door!"I said as I bash in there making a new door as the rest follow me. I handle the foot bots brutally as I started to become fire and water. The others followed me. "Alix?"Donnie asked. I turned to him. "You four are my bravest, strongest heroes I know and I promised myself that any one of you or your friends get hurt, and I'm gonna keep that promise. This way!"I said as we went to the direction where I went. We made to the room where raph pinned shredder. Leatherhead roared as they caught up. "It's raph!" Mikey said. "Raph, do it. End this!" Leo said, no movement. "Rapheal?"I asked tearing up. Shredder laughed maniacally. "Rapheal is mine to control now..." shredder said as the gates close.  "As are your other mutant friends." Shredder said as slash and rockwell comes out. "No escape for you, reptiles and girl." Tiger claw said. I see raph getting the same blades as shredder as tears stream down on my face. "Now, let us welcome you properly." He said as I dropped to my knees. He laughed maniacally as I breathe heavily and roared at him and went to charged at him but raph blocked me. "Raph, please snap out of it. Shredder is our enemy!"I said as raph got the blades out. "You are my enemy." He said. "Let us see what my new servants can do." Shredder said as they strike at us. "Everyone, get slash and Rockwell to snap out of It! I'll take care of raph!"I said as they nodded and strike at the foot, slash and Rockwell as I fight raph. "Raph, please. You have to fight it! This isn't the real raph that I remember. Remember the time where I help you with your temper with spider bytez, or the time where I help you to get slash to snap out of it. Remember the crazy adventures we all went through?!"I said. I see raph struggle as he growl. "Don't be a fool. There's nothing you can say, alixandria." I said as I pounce on him. "Break free, raph!"I said as I try to fight back. He growled as he pounce on me. I fall to the ground with a shout. "I-i can't do it... his control is too strong."I said as I break in tears as raph comes close ready to stab me. "I just want to let you know raph that no matter what happens, I will always care for you. Even when your in shredder's control, I will do anything to make you four the happiest turtles I've ever seen in my life. Please, don't forget that."I said  as I close my eyes with a smile as I'm ready to be killed. I hear a groan in pain as I hear struggling. "N-no.... s-she must be d-destroyed... m-must kill...." a voice said as I look up to see raph struggling and then he puke out the brain worm as I gasped. I set it on fire as I smiled. I look up at him. "R-raph?" I asked then I see him tear up and tackled me in a hug repeating 'I'm sorry!'. I hugged him back with a smile as I felt my heart beat pounding again with happiness. "Stockman, what's going on?" Shredder asked. "I don't know, sir." Baxter said as I come to realization. "Alix, you beautiful genius. I have to show them how much I care for them. Like..."I said as I departed. "Help Leo, we'll continue this later. Ok?"I asked and he nodded as I get up and tackled Rockwell into a hug as I use my physic powers. "Remember this?"I asked giving him the memories we have. He started gagging as I move and he puke out the brain worm as I burst it into flames. I run to slash as I tackled him. "Slash, it's me. Mama Alix, remember?"I asked as I hugged slash and he started to struggle. "Come on, my baby turtle fight it!!!"I said as I help him by giving him the memories. He gag and puke out the brain worm as I burst into flames. I smiled. "YES!!!!!!"I shout. Shredder gets up. "It is time we end the experiment." Shredder said taking his blades out as we all prepare to fight. "Everyone, get him!"I said as we all strike at him. As they all strike, I went behind a statue and begin to push. Slash notice and help me out along with the rest except Leo and raph. Then we make the statue fall as Leo and raph got out of the way. I breathe heavily as I tackled Leo and raph into a hug. The doors break open to see foot bots coming out and they are everywhere. "Time to go!!!"I said as I teleported us out. We reappeared in the lair as I breathe heavily. I drop to the ground breathing. "Mama!" Slash said. "I'm fine, spike."I said as I smiled at him and we all sit down. "Those brain worm must've programmed you all like sleeper agents."I said. "Indeed, it was dreadful. My thanks to all of you for saving us." Rockwell said. "And not to mention that they are nasty, and I'm so glad that we have got you back."I see as they smile. Then raph hugged me as I grew confused. "You told me that we are gonna continue this later, and this is later!" Raph said as I giggled and hugged back, lovingly. "I'm glad your back, raph. We are nothing without the strongest and bravest of the team like your brothers."I said as I sense raph smiled.
"And I mean it."

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