The pig and the rhino.

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(My pov ~)
We are watching crognard, that is until I turn off the tv. "Sorry to ruin your show, but let's get the meeting started!"I said as we head for the lab and Donnie gets to work. "Ok, what's the plan?" Raph asked. "It's plain and simple, we need to get to dimension x and take control of a technodrome. Next, we find the people of new York and transform them back and teleport back to the city. Just like space heroes and finally we teleport us out of here and teleport kraang back to their universe." I said. "Ok, but how do we get inside dimension x?" Leo asked. "Donnie has created something awesome that is very well hidden."I said as Donnie smiled. "Now all we need is a back up team to take control of the portal and a perfect chemical to make the cellular bonding."I said as I figure this out. "Ok, so I've scanned nothing else. Are you sure that's a good plan?"Donnie asked. "It work in the show. We just need some strong back up team for the portal."I said. I left the lab. "Where you going?"Donnie asked. "I've gotta gather some more food and water. We're running low and we've gotta make sure we survive."I said as I left the lair.
(At the surface ~)
I went by the comet cleaners first. 'Ok, so this is where Donnie and April first. Of course there is no food or water there.'I thought as I went for the alley way. "Ok, bebop should be here."I said as I prepare myself. I don't see anyone. "So that means he's invisible. Ok."I said as I used predator eyes. I see him as he laughs. "So someone fix your invisibility?" I asked as I kicked him. He turn visible as my eyes go back to normal. I see that he is a mutant pig. "Oh, man. How did you find me?" Bebop asked. "Let's just say that I'm different!"I said. I come at him as his lasers tried to get me. I dodge them with some of my moves and got him off guard a lot. He groaned in pain as I kick him down. "Class dissmissed!"I said as I threw a ninja smoke bomb and disappeared with laughter. "Why that little-- huh? Where she go?!" He said looking around. I reappear by the movie theater. "Let's hope I find some food."I said as I head inside. I see candy and popcorn, all good and everything. "Score!"I said as I gather as much as I can. "Who's the woman? Oh. I'm the woman!"I said celebrating. I see my turtles favorite candy I put them in my bag. "Ok, almost full and there is no more food left in there. Let's try the coney island at the carnival."I said as I sneakily left the place. Then I see someone dropped in as I gasp. He stood up. "Well,well,well. So that's where you are. Girl here." Rocksteady said. I sighed. "Well, your new. To be honest, you look awesome."I said as I prepare to fight. "Awesome And strong!" He said as he lift a car up as I smirked. He threw it to me and I caught it. He grew shock. "Vat?" He asked as I looked at him. "You ain't the only one who is strong!"I said as I threw it to the side and strike at him. He tried to get me, but I keep giving him powerful hits. I chuckled as he tried to punch me but I kicked him in the face as he goes down. He then huffed and charged at me. I moved out of the way as he missed me and crashed in the movie stand. I smirked as he tried to get out. "How do you say in russia?.... oh, yeah. Dasvidaniya Rocksteady!"I said as I took off to Coney island.
(At the carnival ~)
"Man, it's been so long sinced I've been a carnival."I said as I walk around the carnival. I look around, no food but I did see beverages. "Bingo. We needed refreshments!"I said as I gather some in my bag. Now, my bag is full and I smiled. "Perfect! Mission acomplished!!!!"I said happily. "Ok, now in order to exit. I should go through the haunted house for a short cut."I said. I hear the wind gust as I enter the haunted house. "Ok, just keep yourself calm and you'll be ok, you faced many kraang, foot and mutants. There is no need to get scared."I said calmly as I kept walking, heart beating fast. Then the Frankenstein appear as I jump with a yelp. I sighed knowing it's fake. I kept walking as I breath calmly. "Ugh, I hate going through scary shit. This is why I don't do horror shit!"I said. Then a scary head appear as I scream and run pass. "I HATE HORROR SHIT!!!!!!"I screamed as I run. Once I stop running, i pant heavily as I hold my knees. "Why do they have to put the haunted house near the exit?"I asked exhausted. Then I made it to the mirrors as I see a lot of reflections. "Ok, it's just like the mirror maze at home. Find the exit!"I said as I enter. I kept felling the mirror as I find paths. I made it to some dead end but I did find new paths. Then I found the other side and made it through the maze and went out the haunted house. "YES, FREEDOM!!!!!!"I said as I see the exit of the carnival. Then I see a car ram through the exit as I gasped. 'Oh, shit. It's bebop and rocksteady!"I said as I hide. I got a text and I look at my phone to see Mikey.

M: hey, how are you doing? Did you find anything?

I texted back.

Me: yeah, I'm doing ok. Listen, I may gonna be 30 minutes late. I've gather everything and I'm making sure that they are safe.

M: cool! Be safe, we'll see you soon!

I smiled and put my t-phone up and I put my bag in a safe place. "Let's play with fire!"I whispered as I revealed fireballs. When the truck stopped bebop came out as I stay hidden. Then rocksteady came in too, not far from behind. "Oh, little girl! Come out and play!" Bebop said as I smirked. "Gotcha." Bebop said as I moved fast. "Wait, what the?!" Bebop said as I made a ghostly giggle. "You think you can find me, bebop and rocksteady!"I said. They grew confused. "Vat?" Rocksteady asked. "Well, after you mutated. Mikey gave you new names, like bebop cause he loves to do his moves like Michael jackson!"I said. Bebop smiled as he brushed. "And rocksteady. One of the most strongest rhino mutants, I've ever known! He also have great russian irony too!"I said as rocksteady smirk. I giggled as I moved around. "I know you can find me through your goggles!"I said. Then I jumped in as rocksteady saw me and roared. "Come and get me, fools!"I said as I run. I hear them run after me as I laughed. "Come back here, girly!" Rocksteady said as I begin climbing the rollercoaster. I see then climbing after me as I jump rail to rail. I got on the rollercoaster as I hear it started and I hop on. It moved as I hold on tight. "Wait a minute... I FORGOT THAT I HATE ROLLERCOASTERS!"I said as I begin to move fast. I hear them after me as I made it to the top. I gulped as i hold on tight. I screamed as I go really fast. I see them catching up. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me?"I asked. I go to the end of my seast and I pulled the thing between the carts which is causing the other carts to move back and hit bebop and rocksteady. I go to the side of my seat. "I'm a one crazy son of a bitch!"I said as I jump off then flew down safely. I laughed them hear them jumped down and roared at me. "Um, I think jumping in the wood is a good idea."I said as I look down to see the board is about to break. "Vat, why?" Rocksteady asked. Then hear a creak and it broke causing those two to fall in the ocean. "And did I forgot to mention that they are stupid?"I asked myself as I chuckled. "Yea, I did."I said as I go to my bag and put it on. "Ok, time to go home!"I said happily as I exit the carnival and head for the lair without being followed.
(At the lair ~)
"Hoo-wee. Now, that was an adventure."I said as I put the bag in the kichean. "So, how'd it go with bebop and rocksteady?" A voice asked as I turned around to see everyone. "Um, how did you know about bebop and rocksteady?"I asked. Donnie whistled as a spy roach crawled about of me and and went on Donnie's hand. I chuckled nervously as I scratch behind my neck. They crossed their arms as I blush in embarrassment.
'I think I'm in deep shit.'

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