Serpent hunt

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(My pov ~)
I'm in patrol with miwa as we stay hidden from kraang. "Ok, it's safe." I whispered as we move. Luckily Michel gave me the location of where the rest are and I need someone to come with me in case I get caught and miwa decided to come with me. We made it to the place. "Ok, brace yourself."I whispered as we get inside. I look around to see nothing but lots of useful stuff. "Hello?"I asked as we walked around. "Anybody here? I'm not gonna hurt you, we came here to help you!"I said. "Alix?" A voice asked. I gasped and turn to see one of my teachers. "Mrs.gladstone!"I said as I tackle her in a hug. "Wait, alix?" A voice asked as I see everyone comes out as I smiled. "I can't believe that you all are here!"I said, tearing up. She smiled. "Of course, we are sunshine." She said as miwa look shock. "Everyone, this is miwa. Daughter of good mutant friends of mine. She's been mutated into a snake like form."I said as Everyone is looking at her carefully. She grew confused as I smiled. "Don't worry, they're making sure that you are not one of them."I said pointing out. Then I see little tiny pebble climbing on me as I laughed cause it tickles. "Alix, we must get them back to the lair with the others." Miwa said as everyone grew shock. "Yes, there are more of us. I sense kraang coming towards this building, we must not waste time and leave immediately. Gather everything you can and we leave. NOW!!!"I said as everyone packed up everything they can as I see two more people coming in. I use my eyes to see that they are not kraang but they are scared out of their mind. I run to them and everyone is ready. "Alright, follow me. We have all humans."I said as we head out for the lair as miwa follows. "Miwa, stay by me. Shredder might be looking for you."I said as she nodded. We made it to the cover and I opened it. "Keep a sharp eye while you go down."I said softly as everyone climbed down. I kept miwa by me. I sense a blaster towards us. I growled. "Miwa, fuse!"I said as I hold her hand and I spinned her with a dip and we fused.
(Aliwa's pov~)
"Woo-hoo! Say hello to aliwa 2.0!!!"I said as I dodge a blast. I see the last human came in. "Take this, it will lead you to the lair. GO!!!"I said as I close the lid and saw the soon to be bebop and rocksteady. I smirked as I turned into my snake form and slither away. I got Alix's phone out and contact Donnie.

["Hey Alix. What's up?" Donnie asked.]

"Donnie, it's aliwa! Someone is hunting us-sss down!"I said.

["WHAT?! Hang on, we're on our way!!!"Donnie said.]

"Just meet us-sss by the warehouse and we'll get the hunters-sss."I said.

["Got it! Hang in there!"Donnie said as he hung up.]

I put her t-phone away and slither straight for the warehouse without getting caught by kraang. I avoid as much shots as I can. "Ok, that's it!"I said as I turn and made a sonic hiss. The shooting stopped as I slither into the warehouse. "Hopefully, I didn't alarm any kraang or got the turtles."I said. I see the guys come in and I smiled. "And I'm glad to see you. Hang on, let me change real quick." I said as I transform into my human self. "There, much better!"I said happily. I see kraang droids coming in. "No!"I said as I transform back into snake and I strike at it, tearing them apart. "There."I said as I transform into my human self. "I told ya, I smell turtle." A voice said as I stay on my ground as rahzar and fishface came in. They came in and I tried to get them. But they shocked me as rahzar got a hold of me. I growled as they threw a ninja smoke bomb and we left. "Nice job amigo. I'll take them both to master shredder." Fishface said as rahzar gave me to him. I struggle to get out and I hear rahzar argue. Then fishface argue back. I smirked as they are now gaining into mortal Kombat now. 'Wonder how will that turn out?'I thought. Then something got on the bike and drove off without them. "That wasn't me!"I said. Then I see the soon to be bebop riding the bike as we drove off. "So that means I'm the dead center of Attention? Great."I said sarcastic as I'm being taken away. I see the guys. "There they are!!!"Donnie said. "Guys, they want miwa!"I shout as I can't see them. 'Ok, this also means to not defuse, no matter what!'I thought. Then we drove to an alley way as I see a Russian guy. "Oh, this can't be good."I said. He chuckled happily. "Is nice work, comrade Zack! You get snake fusion and steal cool-looking motor scooter!" The Russian guy said. "I barely made it, big s. The streets are full of kraang. Let's dial up shredder and get the heck outta dodge." Zack said as I felt something moving on me. I look at my shoulder to see the spy roach and I smiled. 'Way to go, donnie!'I thought as the Russia guy is dialing shredder. He said that they will meet them at the docks in 1 hour.
(At the docks ~)
I was being held by the Russian guy. "So the thieves who stole from me desires to make a deal. Where is karai?" I hear shredder asked. The door opened and I hissed as I moved. "You get us out of city safe. You get girl. That is deal." The Russian guy said. "I don't make deals." Shredder said as his henchmens come out. "But perhaps this is worth the exception. Give me the fusion, and you will leave this city alive." Shredder said as I gasped. "Let them go..." a voice said as we look up to see Leo. "And I'll let you walk away alive!" Leo said taking katanas out as his brothers came in. I smirked as everyone is in mortal Kombat. The Russian guy kept hold of me to protect himself, rahzar come close. "Hang on a minute, please?" I asked as he stopped. I turn to my human self and look at the Russian guy. "Thank goodness I got Alix's intelligence." I said as I plugged up my nose as the Russia guy gasped. It was the Russian middle finger. Then I transform back into snake. "Ok, time in."I said as rahzar comes close. Then Leo kick the Russian guy and rahzar away from me as I smile. He got me free as I hug Leo. "Thank you."I said. "You have to go. Hurry, before they catch you!" Leo said as I nodded. "Please, be careful. We'll see you soon!"I whispered as I jump into the ocean as I swim to the sewer tunnels and head for the lair.
(At the lair ~)
I made it to the lair as I'm feeling struggled. "We have to go back!" Miwa's side said. "They'll be ok. As long as he can't catch us we're safe!" Alix's side said. "But how will you know?" Miwa's side asked. "Because if they are captured, I will go after them!" Alix's side said. "Let's just hope your right, cause you ain't gonna go alone!" Miwa's side said as I defused.
(My pov ~)
As we defused, we plopped down to the floor. "Of course I'm right. But you can't come with me. You know shredder wants your ass by his side."I said as she nodded. Then I see the guys came in and I tackle them into a hug. "Thank goodness your ok."I said relieved. They hugged back. After we departed they gave their sister a hug as I sighed and look out of the window. 'Ok, alix.....





Here comes bebop and rocksteady.'

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