Heroes in time.

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(My pov ~)
We are sitting at the rooftop, watching over the city. "There's nothing we can do. It's been weeks since we saw miwa. When she poisoned us!" Raph said. "Remember, raph. Shredder got her body under the brain worms control. Her spirit is still alive. We just have to be patient."I said. I see the four with sad looks as I smirked devilishly. "Or..."I said as I scoot to a water hose. Leo notice and he smirked. "What are you doing?" He asked with a chuckle as his brothers notice. I giggled as I grabbed the hose and turned on the water and splash on Mikey. He squeal then laugh. "Alix!" He said as I laughed. "Water fight!"I said as I point to Donnie and he squealed as he laughed and got wet. I tried to get Leo but he move out as I got raph. We laughed as we have fun and I look at the hose and shrugged as blast myself with it as we laughed. Then a white door frame appear as we look at it confused. Then renet came through with the time staff as I gasped. Once the staff shut off she falls and I dropped the hose and flew up and caught her. "I gotcha."I said as I flew down at the rooftop and put her down. "You alright, renet?"I asked. When she look at me, she gasped as her eyes sparkled. "Whoa. The legendary alixandria Shelley hill! Queen of the entire universe!!!" She said as my eyes widen with my jaws dropped. "Woah, woah, woah. Back up, me as QUEEN?!"I said in shocked. She nodded and saw the turtles. "Ah, and her bravest warriors and ki- uh, I mean friends. The leader, Leonardo. The warrior, rapheal. The inventor, donatello. And the cute one, Michelangelo. Kings of the elements! Water, fire, earth and wind!" She said as I grew shock even more. "Wow, alix how does she knows us?" Mikey asked. "Renet, if you please..."I said as she jump up cause I said her name. "Of course, your majesty. From where I'm from... I come from the future and wow you guys are very famous. In my own time, you are all legends cause let's just say pretty soon. Your lives will change forever. Meeting you all is way more awesome than meeting Genghis Khan or Billy the kid or Socrates!" She said. "Yup and I gotta say if she says we're famous. It means that we will gain a very beautiful future meaning that I must've given you the best life ever."I said getting excited and I squealed in joy. "Yup, and well let's just say that you might gains some lovers on your way!" She said as I stop and blush along with the guys. "So, what's your name?"Raph asked. "May i?"I asked. She nodded. "She is renet, a time master in training!"I said. She nodded happily. Then I realized why she's here. "He didn't follow you, did he?"I asked. Her eyes widen as she realizes too. "Alix?" Leo asked. "I think she got followed by a evil freak from the future who wants to not only control but also destroy time and space."I said. "Wait What?!" Donnie said. We gasped as we hear thunder and look at the time door thing to see a weird looking half human half goat and all monster. "Oh, no." Renet said. "Savanti Romero."I said. He landed at the rooftops as we all back up. "How dro-" he cut himself off as he gasped as he sees the turtles. "The element kings!" He said as he back up. Then I came in as he gasped again. "The queen goddess!" He said as I revealed fireballs. "Stay back!"I said coldly. He back up a little more. Then renet blasted him as he went through a time portal and closes. "Ok, we should get a little head start."I said. "Right." Renet said. "Hold up, they need to know what's going on!"I said as I see my turtles confused. "Oh, right. Please excuse me for that your majesties. In the future, we time masters including you five are the protectors of time, space, and reality itself. You and the turtles always check on the kingdom while us time masters watch over time and space. You five help us protect it. I'm an assistant to the time keeper and you, Alix. You are friends with Lord simultaneous, my father. But last night, someone tried to steal the time scepter, a peice of tech that was created by you and donatello. Not only it controls time, it can bend reality itself. It was savanti Romero, an evil mutant time master. With the scepter, he could control all of reality, changing history to suit his cruel whims. He would've had it all until you five came along and fight savanti, as for you Alix, you took the scepter and give it to me and we run. She told me to get to the 21st century and find you five while they fight savanti as much as they can. Once I enter the time portal, the only thing I saw is your future children joining in the fight." She said as I grew shock. "But why would future me send you to find us? Unless..."I said. Then the scepter glow. "Oh, crud. Savanti is changing the past! He's gonna make us cease to exist."I said. "He'll what?!" Donnie said. "If we don't help her out, we'll either cease to exist or time is destroyed!"I said. Then we see a giant head that looks like me but more adult like. "Guys, hurry and time travel now!" She said as I nodded. "You heard the future me, let's roll ninja's!"I said. She nodded as renet made a time gate and went through. I look at future me and she smiled. "Good luck, and by the way. It may or may not change your outfit, me." She said as she disappeared. I breathe. "This is crazy!"I said repeating it as I run towards the portal. "BOOYAKASHA!"I said as I went through. "Alix! Come on, we have to go after her!" Leo said as the went through the portal also. I screamed as my outfit Change and they landed. Then I landed softly. "When are we?" Mikey asked as I see the sign. "Avalon? Camelot? Tower of the demon? Wait a minute...."I said as I look to see that I'm in a medieval warrior princess dress.

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