A foot too big.

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(??? Pov~)
I looked around as I hold my stomach in pain. "Coast is clear."I said as I got pick up as we run. I felt him near us. We see him and we stay hidden. "We need to get away from... the finger." My sister whispered as I the hunter grew suspicious. He got his bow and arrow out. "Stay, here." A deep voice said as she put us down. "No, Don't!" I whisper as big foot gets in there and the arrow exploded. I felt that we're being picked up and run as fast as we can.
(My pov ~)
I opened my eyes as I yawn knowing that it's morning, I'm still in a spirit form. I hear footsteps coming as I rubbed my eyes. I see Donnie come in with a box. I see his brothers coming in too. "Hey alix." Mikey said. I smiled. "Hey guys."I said. "We wanna give you something cause it reminded us of you." Donnie said. He opened the box and music play through it. I gasped as the music plays 'marian' from robin hood men in tights. "We knew how much you love that song so we decided to make a music box for you, it's also scented with wild cherry blossom. Your favorite scent." Leo said as Donnie put it at my night stand as I teared up happily. I hugged them each. "I love you four so much!"I whispered as tears flow. I see the heroes watching me as I smiled. "But don't worry, I'll wake up soon. I promise."I said. No response. I see tears coming out of their eyes. "My son's, training time." Sensei said. "That's our cue, we'll see you soon alix." Leo said as they wipe their tears and left. I smiled as I keep hearing the music. I got up and took off after them and jump off the stairs. I made it outside to see them training. "Maybe I can learn some moves to catch them off guard."I said as I begin practicing. I laughed as I see Aaliyah. I got an idea and grabbed her arm. "Morning bestie."I said. 'Morning alix.' She thought with a smirk. "You know, I was thinking that we could do turtle hunt!"I said. 'I think that is a really nice idea.' She thought. "Hey guys." She said as the guys look at her. "I was thinking we can do... turtle hunt." She said. "Turtle hunt." Raph said with a smirk. "Turtle hunt?!" The younger two said scared. "What's turtle hunt?" Mari asked. "A turtle hunt is a training game technique. Since we are in the woods, the younger two has to go into the woods to get a 5 minute head start. After 5 minutes the older two have to hunt them down." Aaliyah said. "That sounds fun and entertaining at the same time." Steven said. "What happens if the younger two are found?" Pearl asked. "That means that they lost. If they lose, according to the winners they get to pick one thing that they gotta do." Aaliyah said referring to the older two. "Leo? Raph?" She asked. "If they can't stay hidden for an hour, they have to.... clean out the chicken coop." Raph said as Leo agrees the idea. I shivered in disgust cause I took a look at it and it wasn't a pretty good sight. "No way!"Donnie said. Mikey agrees. "Not the chicken coop, man." Mikey said. "It smells like cheese fossils!" Donnie said. "It's got spiders so big, they play the banjo!" Mikey said. I imagine a spider playing a banjo and I giggled cause it to funny. "We can't clean that thing!"Donnie said. "Then run!" Aaliyah yelled as the two run and I run after them. I see them and I catch up. "Move it, boys! Move them hot turtle legs!"I said. We stopped. "How do we hide here in the woods? There's no doors!" Mikey asked. I see Donnie pace around and I groan. I see a woodpecker. I walked to it and touch it. "Excuse me?"I asked. The woodpecker looked at me. "Who said that? Oh, what can I help you madam?" The woodpecker asked. "Could you help these two turtles here? They need a place to hide."I said. The woodpecker smiled. "Why certainly, madam." The woodpecker said as he begin to peck making a message. Then the woodpecker fly to them and got their attention. They see a message. " 'Hide in the trees if you wanna be safe.'." Donnie read as the woodpecker fly off. I smiled and then we hear a roar. "What the fuck was that?"I asked. "It's gotta be raph messing with us, right?!" Donnie said panicked. "We need to hide, now!!!" Mikey said. We climbed up the tree as we hide. "Oh, we are so cleaning that coop." Donnie said. I look up to see big foot. "Um, I don't think that he will find us."I said. I see big foot holding two people. I grew confused. I see mikey saw Bigfoot two. "Um, I don't think so." Mikey said. " Why not?" Donnie asked. He look up to see Bigfoot two. She growled as she saw us. "Oh, sweet mother of acorns!"I said as I jumped down. They jumped down along with me. She roared at us. I got up and Bigfoot went towards me.  I gasped as I moved. "What are you doing? There's nothing there!" One of the girls said. I grew confused but I gasped in realization. "Bigfoot can see me!!!"I said. I run too the guys. I see her grabbed a tree and spin it like a bo-staff. "What is that?" Mikey asked. " It looks like a mythical sasquatch. Bigfoot!" Donnie said. Then she hit us but I went through a tree as my two younger turtles landed on one. I run to them. "He's too big. RUN!!!"Donnie said as we run as fast as we can. I see raph and leo as we screamed. "Come on, your not even trying." Raph said. "Bigfoot!" The two turtles shout. "Yeah, right. If you think that your gonna get out cleaning that coop. I-" raph got cut off by Donnie turning them around to see Bigfoot karat chop that tree, immediately taking it down. Raph and leo made a shock face as the two screamed. "Looks like we're gonna get some real training." Leo said getting his katana out, his brothers got there's out. Bigfoot roared as I walked towards her. "Hey, calm down. It's ok. I'll try to get them to stop."I said. I went to the girl in her arms as I touch her. "Please, don't fight. We're the good guys that escape new York city!"I said. I hear her gasped as the turtle went to strike at them. "WAIT!!!" The girl said as they stopped. "Don't hurt us! Please!!! We need some help!!!" She said as she groans in pain. I see her in the state that leo has been if I hadn't save him. "Wait, what?" Donnie asked as he put his weapon up to take a closer look. Bigfoot showed her arm and he gasped as he see the wounds that they have. "She's right! They're hurt!"Donnie said. "You poor sweet people! I say we take them home!" Mikey said. "I'm not sure." Leo said. "Please, we need help. We just escape new York city a week ago." The other girl said. They gasped. "Come on, let's get you three back to the farmhouse." Raph said as we all head to the farmhouse. I feel like somebody is watching us.
(Back at the farmhouse~)
They all head inside. I looked at Bigfoot. "Ok, just go in head first."I said as Bigfoot nodded and went inside head first. "It's Bigfoot!" Casey said. "Why everybody know Bigfoot name?" She asked. "Let's just say that your kind is a legend."I said. Donnie introduces Bigfoot to everyone. Then April notice the two girls and she gasped. "They're hurt!" April said as she went to get a med kit. "Bigfoot hold maya." Bigfoot said holding the wounded girl. "Maya? Is that your name?"I asked. "I'm Maya, and this is my sister elsa." She said. Her sister smiled and waved. "Come with us and we'll get you three healed safely." My mom said as she guides Bigfoot to the couch with the two girls. I walked with them as my family and friends heal them. I smiled as I sit by them. "Just don't use it too much and you'll let fine."I said. I see Donnie and I blushed. Bigfoot notice and smiled. "Bigfoot, thank donnie." She said. "No problem." Donnie said. Bigfoot frowned. "We've Been hiding in these woods, hiding from a hunter. He calls himself the finger." Elsa said. "The finger?" Donnie asked. "But Donnie good man." Bigfoot said. "Aw, thanks Bigfoot." Donnie said. "Donnie very good man. Deserve pretty lady." Bigfoot said as he hugs Bigfoot and hugged the other three also. I snickered as I hold my laughter cause it's cute and funny at the same time. "Lady deserves turtles." Bigfoot said. The turtles are confused. "Have we forgot to tell you that Bigfoot is a girl?" Elsa asked while her sister snickered. "No, no you haven't." Raph said. Bigfoot hummed happily as the four sighed. "Lady, very nice. Told Bigfoot calm." Bigfoot said. They grew really confused. "Oh, so you saw a spirit?" Maya asked as Bigfoot nodded. "Spirit?"Raph asked as Bigfoot let's go. "In Bigfoot eyes, she can see and talk to spirits that we can't see. So who did you see?" Elsa asked. "Pretty lady." Bigfoot said looking at me. I blushed and smile shyly. She smiled too. After a while, Bigfoot help Donnie work on his project like I asked her, gave Mikey some popcorn for him while we watch crognard the barbarian, made soup as I tell her the ingredients instead of using road kill, and she may or may not accidentally pooped in the tub. 'Thank God that I'm not in the tub.'I thought as I hear a shout. "Bigfoot!" I hear raph. Then I see Bigfoot come into my room. I gasped as I run inside. She looked at me. "You?" She asked. I sighed in nodded. "Yea, Bigfoot. That's me."I said. Bigfoot saw the music box and opened it. The music played as I smiled. "Bigfoot feel lucky for you. You know love, not like Bigfoot." She said. "Oh, Bigfoot."I said as I hugged her. "There's always a chance for all of us for love. You just haven't found yours. Once you see a man, your heart will begin to spark up along with your lover. Once you and your love gain each other's eyes. you gain a love at first sight."I said. " how Bigfoot will know?" She asked. "First we train, second we give you a make-over."I said. She smiled. "Bigfoot like that." She said. I hear the door open, we look to see Mikey and gasped. "H-how did you find this room?!" Mikey asked. "Bigfoot talking pretty lady." She said. "Would you please stop calling me that, my name is alix."I said politely. "Bigfoot talking Alix." She said. Mikey's eyes widen. "How do you know her name?" He asked. "Bigfoot see her spirit." She said. She gasped as his eyes water up. I walked to him and hugged him. "I'm right here, mikey!"I said. "She said that she's here." Bigfoot said. "Where? Where is she?!" He said. "Hugging you." She said. He put his arms around the air as he tried to find me. I giggled as I made it to his arms. "Bigfoot, tell Mikey that I'm gonna wake up soon, I don't know when but it's very soon."I said. Bigfoot told him what I said and he laugh happily. "To the woods!"I said. Bigfoot nodded as she gets up as we left the room Mikey close behind. We went in the woods with the others. "Ok, Bigfoot. We need to blend in with the woods. Got it?"I asked. Luckily dad is cleaning up the tub. Bigfoot grabbed Mikey and put him in a bush. "Blend in." She said. "Um, Bigfoot. I don't that's how it goes."I said. I sense presence as I look around. "We got company."I said as I saw the finger along with Bigfoot. She gasped and grabbed my turtles and run. We run to the farmhouse.We ran inside. She put them down. "I know. You're scared. Breath through your nose..."I said as she breathed through her nose. "And out through your mouth."I said as she blew out through her mouth. I sense her calm down. "I know that he's in there. Just stay here long enough for us to do something. Ok?"I asked. She nodded and walk to the living room.
(Time skip~)
I walk in and see Bigfoot making a new soup, still no road kill. I sighed in relief. "Hey Bigfoot, watcha makin?"I asked. "Food." She said as I look in the pot. I see some veggies in there. "Oh, it's a vegetable soup."I said. "Bigfoot about to add meat." Bigfoot said as I see cook meat, no fur. She walk to the freezer as I see April coming in. "Hey Bigfoot, watcha making?" She asked. "Food for pretty lady, upstairs." She said. Her eyes widen. "You saw her?!" She said. Bigfoot nodded. She is about to open the freezer. "Woah, hold it!"I said as Bigfoot looked at me as April grew confused. "Just to warn you, there is a live ice cream cat in the freezer. So be calm and please don't throw the refrigerator out of the house. Please?"I asked. She nodded and opened it to see ice cream kitty. Her eyes widen and she grabbed what she wanted and closed the freezer. I sighed in relief. I remembered something and went to her. "Remember that I told you to get a make-over. Now's your chance!"I said excited. "Bigfoot need help." She said. "Sure, what do you want?" She asked. "Make-over?" She asked. "Absolutely. " April said as she went thgo get the girls with Bigfoot. I run to the restroom as I see all my girl family and besties are giving her a make-over. I smiled as they do the finishing touch. "So, what do you think?" My aunt Ashley asked as she gives Bigfoot a mirror. She smiled as she looks Devine I must say. We all go down for dinner as for Bigfoot, she grabbed a bowl carefully as she goes for my room. Everyone grew confused and followed her. I got into my room as she sat beside me, she sat me up as she plays the music box. Then she feed me soup to keep my strength up. I smiled as I felt the beautiful taste. "Bigfoot, your really a good cook."I said. "Bigfoot thank alix." She said as I smiled. "So that's who you are talking to." A voice said as Bigfoot looked to see everyone. I see the three teared up as Mikey comforts his brothers. "Bigfoot thank everyone." She said. She put my bowl by my night stand and she gets up. "Now, Bigfoot must go." She said. I grew shocked. "What, why?" I asked. "Bigfoot want love like you." She said as she walks out of my room. We all followed her as we see her by the woods. I went to Aaliyah. "You might wanna go with her along with the guys. To make sure that she's ok."I said. She nodded And told the turtles what I said and they agreed. Bigfoot waved as she go to the woods. We followed her after. As Bigfoot walks we kept following her for safety. She then step into a trap. We all gasped. "Bigfoot!" I said as I run to her. The other's hide as someone's coming. I see the finger and he pull her up and put her in a wagon. He noticed the guys and got them trapped. Then I got an idea and chuckled. I blew at the fingers face as I chuckled. He grew confused. "Who's there?" He asked. I hear multiple pecks and the finger wen to follow them. I fly to them and suck in the air where they got tied and Donnie broke free and got the others. Then the finger came back and they got into a fight. I run to bigfoot as i suck in the latch bigfoot smiled as I got it off. Then i see the turtles getting beaten brutally. I cringe as I see that happening. Then I see Aaliyah grabbing an arrow as she looks at the finger. "Hey, finger? How many of these you got?" She asked. "42." He said. Then she threw an arrow at the arrows and they all exploded moving him place to place then went off like fireworks. He then plopped on the ground and exploded. He sit up, groaning in pain. He then saw the guys. "If the finger's going down, he's taking Bigfoot with him!" He said as he points to Bigfoot. She pop her head out of the net revealing her makeup. "Bigfoot-- bigfoot's a Lady? The finger can't shoot no Lady! The finger's sorry, mama! He didn't know! He would never hurt no lady!" He said as he crys. "Go help him."I said as Bigfoot got out of the net. "There, there..." she said as she picks him up. "It am be okay." She said. The finger looked at her and they fell into each other's eyes. 'Once you and your love gain each other's eyes. You gain love at first sight.' Bigfoot thought in my voice as her heart sparks along with the finger's. She hugs the finger as he cries into her arms. "Bigfoot take care of sad man." She said as she walks away. "Bye! I'll be expecting your wedding invitations!"I said as I wave as the turtles look confused and Aaliyah smirking.
(The next day~)
I see April chopping wood as the guys approach. "Hey, April." Donnie said. "What's up guys?" She asked turning to us. "You know, we were thinking and we just wanna know if Alix would like us. We're just.... mutants." Leo said. She smiled. "Your not just mutants, guys. Your her mutants." April said as the guys look shocked and she went inside the farmhouse as I look at them. "We understand... nothing." Donnie said. I smiled and giggled.
'What am I going to do with you?'

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