Buried secrets

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(My pov~)
They all got ready to clean as I float around. "Everyone, ready?" April asked as I stand in front of them with a checkers flags. "Alright everyone, I want dis house spotless and who ever gets most of the house done wins!"I said. "Casey Jones is born ready." Casey said. "On your mark..."I said as I raised the flags. "Let's do this!" Raph said getting feather dusters out. "Get set..." I said. They are ready. "GO!!!"I shout as everyone set off as I look at them along with their heroes. I see raph feather dusting the shelves then got into the chimney. Mikey threw a bucket up as Donnie caught it and started mopping the floor. I smiled. "Alright, we are getting off to a fuking great start!" I said in my Irish tone. I smiled as Leo clean the windows. My friends and family went to help outside. Mikey dusted the chandelier. Then April and Casey went for the bathroom. I see the four turtles went in my room and I entered. I smiled as they clean up my room. I sighed along with the guys. "I missed her guys." Mikey said. "We all do, mikey. But hey let's focus more on the positive and less negative, that's what Alix did." Leo said. Mikey smiled. I walk to the living room then I accidentally slip my feet as I gasped. "Oh... SHIT!"I said as I fell down the stairs as the wind picked up and accidentally flew the carpet up and a blast of wind broke a vase as Kirby notice. "Oh, I like that vase." He said. I see a handle as the guys come down stairs. "Woah, guys." Mikey said as he sees as basement door. The others came in. "A trap door?" April asked. "It's a the basement, april." Kirby said. "I didn't even know that we have a basement." April said. "What's down there?" Aaliyah asked. Kirby sighed. "I think it's time for you to know." Kirby said. He opened the basement door. We see a dark room with stairs. "Uh, who's going first?" Donnie asked. Gabby smiled and run in. "Gabby!" They shout. "Sissy!"I said as I go in there after her. I hear them after me too. Gabby burst in flames as we see a kraang ship, crashed. They gasped. "The kraang!"I said. They all said thatf it's impossible. I went through it as I made it inside. I hear the door opened as I see them coming inside. We looked around and I hear something. Like a... voice. I grew curious cause it's not in the ship. I got out as I listen. I walked towards it as it gets louder. I see the crystal gems coming in the ship too. I stop and look to see the wall. "Call me crazy for this."I said as I walk through, only to see a pole and it goes straight down. "What the who-haw?"I asked. I fly straight down and made it to the bottom to see some sort of lab. "Holy cow."I said as I walked around. Then I stop to hear thoughts, two different woman and they're close. They are screaming help. I gasped as I run and saw two tanks as I see two women in there. One has black hair in a little engineer look very strong. She looks like Casey, as for the other, it looks exactly like the real April's mom. I gasped as I teared up happily. "April and Casey's mom!!!"I said as tears flow. I smiled. Then snapped as I realize something. "Shit!"I said. I looked at the mothers. "We'll come back for you. I promise!"I said as I fly up. Once I made it back yo the living room. I saw them having a conversation with the fake one. I gulped and flew to Mikey. At least she was right about being recaptured. "All these years, I never knew what happened to you. I never knew what to think. Dad would never tell me." April said as she and Kirby gave the fake a hug. I grabbed Mikey's arm. "Don't trust her. She's a fake."I said as Mikey's eyes widen and look at her. Then he grew suspicious. 'I don't know who said That? But they are right.' He thought as I smiled. Ryan comes in. " Cadet Alix." He said as I look at him. "Tonight, your gonna wake up." He said as I smiled. I fly around as I stare at the fake like a vulture. 'I'm coming for your ass, FAKER!'I thought.
(The next day~)
I got startled awake as I hear a shout from the kitchen. "What the asgore?"I asked as I fly to the barn. I see them talking about the faker and I fly back to the house. Then I stop to her them talking. "We should go somewhere, just the two of us. Just drive off, and leave the creatures behind. I don't trust them!" The faker said. My eyes widen as I fly to my room. "Me, if you can hear this. Please. Please wake up. The guys need us! They need to know what to do. We have to save the real mom's!"I said. No response. Then I hear a sigh at the kitchen. "Must be mikey hoping for me to wake up when I have to wait a little longer." I said. Then I hear the door opened and shut. I gulped. "Oh, no!!!"I said. I look at the window and see the fake walking in the woods, and Mikey went after her. I reached my hand out. "GUMMY BEAR!!!!"I shout. I fly down to the basement. I see Donnie at the laptop. "Oh, come on Alix. I have to wake up, fast!"I said. "What up, D?" A voice asked. We jumped to see 'mikey'. "No."I said as I back up next to Donnie. "You scared me, Mikey. I'm just looking over data from the cytotube's computers. Some of these readouts don't make sense." Donnie said as he goes back to work. I see April walked in as I run towards her. I grabbed her Hand. "April that's not your mother! RUN!!!"I said. Her eyes widen. "Alix?" She whispered. "No time for questions, just run!!!" I said. Her eyes widen and run. Then Donnie saw the results. I see her in her fake mother form. I gasped as Donnie is about to go tell the guys. I run to him and grabbed his arm. "RUN!!!!"I said. I see a tentacle coming out as Donnie runs. She grabbed his foot and pulled him in as he scream. "DONNIE-BEAR!!!" I said as I run out of the ship. "I can't let her find me!"I said as I fly up to my room. I see the heroes there. "How much time do I have?"I asked. "10 minutes!" The green scientist said. Then I hear a screech at the basement with a familiar scream. I gasped. "Leonardo! The creature must've gotten almost everyone!"I said as I fly down. I see Leo has been caught by the creature. "CAPTAIN!!!"I shout. I notice footsteps as I see raph coming in. "Raphie, NO!!!"I said. He got downstairs. "5 minutes cadet!" Captain Ryan said. "We have to get to Casey and april!"I said as we fly out to see the two at the swings. "So you just heard Alix voice?" Casey asked and she nodded. "She told me to run away from my mom." She said. I grabbed their arm. "Guys, raph is in trouble! He's coming out and she got the others!"I said. They're eyes widen. "What the heck?" Casey asked as we see raph running out. "Mikey was right!" Raph said. "We know! Alix told us somehow!!!" April said. Raph's eyes widen. "What?" Raph asked. "April." A voice said as we see the faker. "April, I told you to pack your bags." She said as she walks to them. "Stay away from them! Where's the rest of my turtles?!"I said angry. She grabbed April by the arm. She pulled her as she struggles. I growled and wind blasted her. She screech as she fell to the ground, and let April go. "What the heck?" Casey asked. "Cadet, 10 seconds! Take these!" Ryan said as he gives me his good luck medal. The force five gave me a cosmic bracelet. Crognard gave me a ring and I put them on. I smiled as I glow. "Thank you, I'll never forget you!!!"I said as everything turned white. My eyes snapped open as I immediately sit up. I see that I'm in my bedroom as I look at my hands to see them real. "I'm awake!"I said happily. Then ij hear a roar from the barn. "Time to give that faker her own medicine." I said as I grew sharp teeth with devil horns. I got out of bed and left my room, head downstairs and ran outside. Then I grew really powerful as I became a full deva. Once I made it to the barn, I see the creature grabbed April as she struggles to get out. I ran at her and cut the testicle that got April. She landed with a 'oof.' As the creature roared In pain. The creature saw me and roared. "Are these yours?"I asked holding her legs and arms. The creature plopped down on the floor. I made lava hands. "Now..." I said as I got close to her stomach and I punch through it. "Give me back my family and friends, faker!"I said as I opened the skin as the creature roared In pain. I got in to see the other's trapped in tentacles making them eat slime as they passed out. I smirked as I claw them free and pulled all of them out. April looked at me in shock. "Alix?" She asked. I put them right by her. "I'll be right back, got to take care of faker over there."I said as I got the creature and through her out. I went out of the barn. "I won't be long, and what ever you do, do not open these doors!"I said as I closed the barn doors and revealed a fireball as I look towards the creature. "You've got my turtles in prisoner in you. Now, you die!"I said more demonic. I strike at her as I tied her up on my vines and build a gateway to hell. I pulled her in there and closed it slowly as I see little demons coming at her. Once the gateway closed, I smiled. Satisfied as I turned back to normal as I shake my head. "Ok, note to self. Control your demons or else they'll take control."I said as I shivered of what I've done. I gasped in realization. "My loved ones!"I said as I run to the barn and opened it. I see April tackling me. "Your awake!" She said repeating it. I chuckled as I see bismuth chuckled. "Bout time." She said. Once April departed, my friends and family tackled me too as I 'oof.' Then laugh. "Oh my God. Guys, it's ok. I'm right here with you."I said as I giggled. Then my friends and family moved away. I teared up as I see my turtles. They teared up two. I reached my arms out to them. "Come here!"I said as they run and tackled me as I cried and they hold me tight. "Don't you ever... e-ever do that again!" Donnie said voice cracked as their tears flow. "I got you guys, I'm never letting you go."I said as I hold them tight as my heart pounds away. Then we all got up and went to the old scout ship at the basement.  
(At the old scout ship and after I explained everything ~)
"And that's how I wake up."I said. The guys just look at me in shock. "What did you do to the faker?"Raph asked. "Oh, let's just say she'll have a 'Hell' of a time and will never bother us again."I said. I see April on the floor, knees up as she lay her head there. I sighed then my eyes widen as I realized something. "I forgot the lab!!!"I said as I run out of the ship. "Alix, slow down!!!" I hear Donnie said as they followed me as I see April confused. I went to the wall and knock on it. I smirked. "Found ya."I said as I grabbed it and pushed it. It freaked making an entrance, I see the pole and I pushed it all the way opened. "Um, Alix?"Raph asked. I jumped on it and I slide down, I laughed happily as I slide. I look up as I see them after me. Once I made it to the bottom, I run in the lab as the guys landed. They gasped in awe as they see the lab. "Where are you?"I asked repeating it then I saw them. "Yes!"I said as I go to them. I cracked my knuckles and punched one of the glass as the liquid leaks out. Once it is empty, I broke as much glass as I can. I hear multiple gasps as I got Mrs.jones out. "That's one."I said as I did the same thing to the other glass. Once I got them out, i lay them down as the groan. "M-mom?" April and Casey asked in unison tearing up. I checked their heart beats. I sighed in relief. "Their breathing."I said then they are about to wake up. "They're waking up."I said. I see one of them opening their eyes as the other followed her. "Ladies, can you hear Me? Do you know who you are? Who is your family?"I asked. Then their eyes snapped open. "APRIL/CASEY!!!" They both shout in unison. I back up and went to them. "It's ok. I saved you from those glass jars. Your children are right here with your husbands."I said showing them. They teared up and the tackled them. "My babies!!!" They said as they hugged back and the rest of their family hugged them. I teared up and I wipe my eyes. Then the ladies gasped at the mutants. They look at me as I chuckled. "It's a very long story."I said as we all got up. "How did you find them?" Kirby asked. "I heard them screaming for help in my spirit form. I knew that you have the fake Mrs.o'neil the entire time. I tried to warn you, but to be honest I either have to wake up and save you or I'll lose you. You all knew my answer on that."I said. They smiled at me. "Come on, Mrs.o'neil and jones..."I said as I help them up and head up, out of the basement.
"Have we got a story to tell you both."

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