Race with the demon

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(My pov ~)
"You know, this got me thinking. Why wouldn't you guys let me be in front with you Guys? I get that Donnie has to stay in the back because he is a giant turtle."I said, getting a little curious. We went grocery shopping today and me, Donnie, April and Casey are now driving back to the farmhouse. "Yea, sorry that there's no room for ya, alix." Casey said. I smiled. "No worries, as long as we get the grocery home, and on the bright side I get to talk to Donnie while we drive home!"I said happily. I sense Donnie blush. I giggled then sigh. "You what I feel.... i feel like I could sing a song."I said. "Well to be honest, we haven't hear you sing a long while." April said. "Wait, you can sing? Wicked! Here, let me turn this down while you pick a song." Casey said as he turns off the radio and I look up one of my favorite Disney songs. "Perfect. This is from a Disney movie called 'Hercules'."I said as I play the song as I looked at the stars.
(Go to distance by Hercules end credits, singer: Michael bolton~)
Me💖: I have often dreamed,
Of a far of place,
Where a heroes welcome,
Would be waiting for us,

Where the crowds will cheer,
When they see our face,
And the voice keeps saying,
This is where we're meant to be,

We'll be there someday,
We can go to distance,
We find our way,
If we can be strong,
I know every mile,
Will be worth our while,
When we go to distance,
We'll  be right where we belong,

"Woah, red you weren't kidding." Casey said. I see Donnie blush as he scoots close by me. I gulped and continue to sing.

Me💖: Down an unknown road,
To embrace our fate,
Though the road may wonder,
It will lead us to you,
And a thousand years,
Would be worth the wait,
It might take a lifetime,
But somehow we'll see it through,

And we won't look back,
We can go to distance,
And we'll stay on track,
No, we won't accept defeat,
It's an uphill slope,
But we won't lose hope,
Till we go to distance,
And our journey is complete,

As I kept singing, Donnie came closer as I felt him hold my hand and I blush. I cleared my phone as I continue to sing.

Me💖: But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part,
For a heroes strength is measured by their HEART,

Then Donnie hugged me as I hugged him back as I smiled with a blush. I just hear silent then I continue to sing.

Me💖: Like a shooting star,
We can go to distance,
We will search the world,
We will face it's harms,
We don't care how far,
We can go to distance,
Till we find our heroes welcome,
Waiting in your arms,

Then I looked up at Donnie to see that our faces are close. We both blush and were about to close our eyes.

Me💖: We will search the world,
We will face it's harms,
Till we find our heroes welcome,
Waiting in your arms,

As I finish we were getting closer and closer till a car bumped into us. "WOAH!!!"I said but Donnie hold me tight as he crash to the side and I bubbled all of the grocery and send them home. We all yell as we hold on tight. "Why that little... Nobody forces Casey Jones off the road!!!" Casey said as he crashes at the car that crashed us. I hear snorting and snarling, like a crazy mutant! My eyes widen. "We got a mutant and it's crashing us!"I said. The others eyes widen. Then the car crashed us again and we crashed into the tree. We screamed when that happened. I groaned in pain as we bot got up. "Everyone alright?"I asked. April and Donnie nodded. "Casey?"I asked. All I got from him is a growl and hit the wheel causing it to honk. "Oh boy, I guess this means war."I said. We then continue to drive at the farmhouse. Once we made it back, we got out and I hear bags crinkle. It means that I transport the grocery to the right place. I sighed in relief as we get inside then heard the news in the living room. "It was him! That crazy mutant driver almost trashed us and that's why I bubbled all of the grocery and send it home."I said as we come in. Donnie sit down. "As for Casey, he wants revenge for taking us off the road."I said. "That's my boy." A voice said. We look to see Mrs.jones. "my boy might need some help and thankly, he got my spirit." She said. "Then it's decided. We take that mutant down, tommorow!"I said. Donnie groaned in pain and I run notice. "Donnie, are you ok?"I asked. "It's just my neck. I'll be fine." Donnie said. I stand beside him. "Here, let me get that. My mom and sisters and dad told me that I have magic hands."I have as I start messaging his neck. He hummed. "Ooh. Ooh, yeah, a little lower... " Donnie said then I go lower at his neck. "Aww, yeah, that's hitting the spot! Your family's right, you do have magic hands." Donnie said as I giggled. "I've noticed."I said. I see his brothers jealous. "Once I'm finished with Donnie, I'll do that with you each."I said. They smiled as I continue massaging Donnie's neck.
(The next day ~)
"Hey, Alix. Can you hand me the 1/4 inch socket?" Casey asked. I grabbed the socket and tossed it to him. He caught it as I help Donnie get one of the chemical that he needs. "Thanks." Casey said as he helps his mom with the old truck. "Ok, this beauty is almost ready to roll? What do you think, alix?" Mrs.jones asked. "I was thinking we should go for a test drive."I said. Mrs.jones smiled. "I think that's a great idea." She said.
(At the road~)
The engine start as I sit beside Casey. I fastened my seat belt. I got my t-phone out. "You guys ready for this?"I asked. "We're ready! On your mark--" Donnie got cut off by Mikey. "GO!!!" Mikey said then we drive very fast. I laughed as I whooped. Casey did the same. We went past the guys. I look at Casey and nodded. "Let's find that mutant!"I said as Casey goes faster. We see the same car that crashed us last night. "There he is!"I said. We managed to get by him. I took a look at it and it showed lighting and it's not a pretty sight. Casey screamed as I shivered in disgust. "Told ya."I said. "You! You two are those kids that tried to stop me last night!" The creep said. "Got a prob with that road demon?"I asked. We kept driving as I hear the demon said that he is the king of the road. I scoffed. We see an old lady driving her car. I gasped. "Casey, watch out!!!"I said. We bumped at the speed demon and manage to get around the old lady. I hear it growl. "I'm gonna smash you all! Every stinkin human on this roads going for a wild ride! Yeah!" The demon said insane. He bumped at us and we are at the edge of the highway. I growled. "Well I'm not only human!"I said as I wind blast him away from us. He roared at us and bumped at us and we crashed at the metal bridge guarding the edge of the highway. I see the mutant getting away. "Ok, now this definitely means war!!!"I said angry as I burst in flames and Casey hit the wheel again as it honks. We see the peace van driving in as the guys come out as I got out of the car.  They're eyes widen as they back up. "I'll be right back."I said calmly as I go through the Bush and right by the tree. I scream in anger as I set the tree on fire and I punched it as I feel all of my anger gone, then I breathe in through my nose like smelling actual roses and blowing out the candles like this is my actual birthday candles. I went through the Bush again as the tree turned into ashes. "Ok, I'm calm."I said as I go to the road as the guys are having a conversation. I see a little puddle of mutagen. "Uh, Donnie. You might wanna look at this."I said as the guys gather around. "It looks like a mutagenic fuel." Donnie said as he gather it as a sample. "Fascinating. We should head back at the farmhouse."I said. Then we drove back at the farmhouse with the truck.
(At the farmhouse~)
We stop as we made it back. We got out. "Are you guys, alright?" April asked. "We were fine, until me and Casey decided to follow the mutant demon. The cops can't catch him. We got to bring that demon down!"I said. We walked to the farmhouse. As Casey works at the truck, I sit at Donnie's seat by his makeshift lab. "So, have you found the problem with that clutch?"I asked as Donnie walks in. "I found part of it!" Casey said as he comes out with a chicken. I smiled as I hold her and sit back down. "This chicken must've come by the barn while we were gone."I said as I pet her. She clicked as I kept petting her. Donnie came by the lab as I let him sit down and do his thing. Then I gain an idea. "Hey, guys."I said. Donnie and Casey looked at me. "I was thinking in order to take that mutant down, maybe all three of us can work together to upgrade that beauty with scientific and engineering material. So, what do you say?" I asked excited. They just looked at me in shock thinking about it. "Well I for one think that it might be an awesome idea." Mrs.jones said with a smirk. They look at each other. "What do you think, jones?" Donnie asked. "Let's do this!" Casey said as I smiled. "Ok, luckily. This is Donnie's idea before I entered this world in season 3."I said as I cracked my knuckles. We headed to the farmhouse and opened the basement. We went inside the kraang ship as we gather as much equipment that can work for it as much as we can. Then we went back at the barn as Donnie works and put them together. We then added them at the old truck. As we work at the old truck, I see Garnet coming in. I smiled as she holds cream soda. "Thanks, garnet!!!"I said as I grabbed one. "What is that?" Casey asked. "Back in my world, we have this soda called cream soda. You should definitely try this!"I said as I passed two of them to Donne and Casey. We opened our soda and I start chugging the thing. They took their sip and their eyes widen in shock as the look at me. I put my soda down as I burped a little. I covered my mouth with a giggle. "Excuse me."I said. I look at the two. "You seriously have to show more of these stuffs like this, this taste like heaven!" Donnie said as they start chugging. "I know, right. And not only by that I have so many things I want to show you from my world."I said. Once we finished our soda, we continue to work on the truck. We backed up as we admire the look of it. "This. Is. Amazing!" Casey said. "I know, right. And it's almost ready. We just need to figure out the problem with the artificial intelligence for the onboard computer system."I said as Donnie gets to work. Then I see the same chicken coming in and she jumped at the lab desk. She knocked over the mutagen gas and she pecks at it, drinking it. I gasped as I go to her. I see Mikey coming in and saw her getting mutated. Now, the chicken has a huge brain. Donnie and Casey saw the chicken too. She jumped into my arms. "Oh, your so cute. Let's see what you can do."I said as I go to Donnie's laptop. She clucks as I sit down and put the laptop at my lap as they talk about keeping the chickens out. The chicken immediately get to work with the laptop. "Yes, yes, that's it."I said as she is getting rid of the problem. "Um, Alix. What is she doing?" Donnie asked. "She's communicating with us! Those are simple complex equations. Looks like we don't need artificial intelligence when we got dr.cluckinsworth. that's the name Mikey picked out for her. You think you could handle the hot rods computer?"I asked. She clicked and got to work. I smiled. "I'll take that as a yes."I said. I fist bumped Donnie and Casey. As we finished, Donnie and Casey gather everyone as I get into my badass outfit and pulled me hair back with sunglasses.

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