A fourfold trap.

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(My pov ~)
We are in the lab as Donnie is ready for the test. "Any luck?"I asked hopefully. "I've been able to synthesize the neurotoxin from the brain worm based on your blood sample." Donnie said as I nodded. "Let's hope that it can help miwa."I said. "Only one way to find out." Donnie said. Donnie put a drop in and it mixed in thoroughly as we waited hopefully that it is a success. Then it turned gray and overfilled as I gasped as tears flow. "No..."I said. I sighed and left the lab. "Alix..." Leo said as I went to the water and jump in the bottom of the water to let my tears flow and creating a plan. I then hear my turtles argue as I sighed and swim up to the surface and got out. Then I gain an idea as I remember the episode and I went to the surface then raph saw me. "Alix?" Raph asked softly as his brothers notice but I left the lair with a determined look.
(At the surface~)
"Ok, I have to let her find me!"I said as I jump roof to roof more tears flow. I then look at the park where our secret spot is as I smiled. "I promised you all a happy ending for my Tmnt. Maybe it won't turn out so bad after this is over."I said as I feel my heartache. "I've saved them many times, help sensei be safe, help my turtles take down the technodrome at showdown, saved them from a parasitic wasp, sacrifice myself to save my loves, sacrifice myself to save Leo, gain strong new abilities, save April and Casey's mother, save miwa to our side, went back in time with them, saved them from being poisoned, and saved tang shen. I've gain so far and yet, I'm not even finished what I've started a year ago."I said as I smiled and more tears come out as I sense presence right by me. "And maybe someday..." I said as they drew close. "I'll get that chance!"I said as I threw a fireball at the foot bot as more come out as they all surround me. I growled then I felt a dart hit me as I grunt in pain. I took it out to see a knock out dart. "Oh, no."I said as I begin to feel dizzy and sleepy. I groaned as I plopped to the ground as I hear a similar laughter. I look up to see miwa and she smirked and all I could see is black.
(Time skip~)
"Wake up!" A voice said as I groaned and stirred awake. "Ugh, what?"I asked. I see myself lock up like at the showdown. I gasped as I struggle to move. "Not again!"I said. "Greeting turtles and alixandria. It's time for all of us to play a little game. Each of you is placed in a simple room with a unique trap." Miwa said as I breathe and struggle. "What have you done to my turtles?"I asked. "Oh, we all have inputs Alix. Isn't that right, xever?" She said as I hear his laughter. "I help design hers properly." Xever said. "Rapheal, you are in my first trap. 'The hothead'. Can you feel the heat?" She asked as a screen turned on only to see my raphie getting overheated by the walls showing heat. "Let's see if you can figure a way out." She said as raph tried to get out. "Raphie..."I said. "Hello, Leonardo." She said. "Welcome to the courage lair." She said as a screen show up with my hero sitting then went to a wall as I ball of katana blades come slowly down. "CAPTAIN!"I said. "To save your brothers and Alix, you have to face the ninja blades with as much skill as you know and I cranked up the sipped to a hundred as I gasped. "Donatello, are you smart enough to beat the brain boggler?" She asked as another screen come up to see two screen shot. One is him in the game the other is him stuck to a chair with a helmet on with a lot of wires. "Connected the pieces in the game cubes where they belonged. Make a mistake and you get zapped." She said as Donnie got squished by a cube and he got electrocute. "Donnie-bear!"I said as I teared up. I breathe heavily as I felt tears flow along with fire in my hair and as wind blew and plants grew. "Last, we have the flusher." She said as I screen pops up to see gummy bear lock up on a table underneath a mutagen toilet. "Once the tanks are full, the flush valve will opened up and mutagen will pour all over your sweet little face of Michelangelo." She said as Mikey shook his head cause of the name. I breathe heavily as I screamed as I felt more powerful. "Good luck tur- Oh, I almost forgot. Your sweet precious alixandria will watch you get tortured and I must say, she is not taking it to well. Good ridance." She said as the Mike turned off as I breathe heavily and roared. Then everything turned white as my powers did something.
(Leo's pov ~)
"Karai, please talk to me. Karai!"I said the hear water flow as I look at the other side and see a water girl figure that looks like... "alix?"I asked as she saw me and walk to me as the blade went through her.
(Donnie's pov ~)
I scream in pain as I got electrocuted then I sense presence as I keep moving. "Who's there?!"I said as I hear vines stretching and tied to the wires as I hear someone scream and saw someone enter the game. She has purple skin with flowers at her hair more plant like, what got me the most is that she looks like... "alix?"I asked as she comes to me and get me out of the way as the block landed.
(Mikey's pov ~)
I struggle as I tried to get out. I felt a blast of wind as I look to see an orange girl as her hair moves around like wind, what got me the most is that she look like... "alix?"I asked as she giggled and fly to me all serious.
(Raph's pov ~)
I wipe my for head as more of the furnace comes in. "That's not good."I said. Then I hear bubbling as I turned to see a molten girl with fire hair as I recognize her figure. "Alix?"I asked as she roared as I hear 3 other roars. "What the hell?"I asked.
(Leo's pov ~)
"O k, what's going on?!"I asked. "Follow me." She said more goddess like as the ball drew close to the ground. "Fire, earth, wind now!"She said as I grew confused. She grabbed my hand and we went under the ball. "Hang on!" She said as we are getting to the ground. We dropped into the hot room as I see raph and the water girl started to boil a little. "FIRE NOW!" She said as I see a molten girl with fire hair and she begin to suck the heat and lava blasted through the pipes as the furnaces deactivated. Once they cool down the water girl help cool raph down. Then the molten girl lava blasted a brick wall to reveal a toilet tank full of mutagen. "Water, fire! Help us!!!" The orange girl said panicked as the lava girl cracked her knuckles. "I've got this!" She said as she rip off the locks as the tanks are full and flushing down as we got mikey freed and jump up to the toilet. We look up. "That means earth and Donnie are up there!" The orange girl said. Then the three girls bust through the wall as we see a purple girl with flowers at her hair more plant like and Donnie sitting on a chair with a helmet on with a lot of wires. "Earth, you know what to do!" The water girl said as she nodded and stand up and rip the helmet of though the shock and crushed it. "Let's find our body and save miwa!" The lava girl said. "We should be in the middle!" The purple one said as they nodded and busted another hole and we went through as we gasped to see a more elemental sight and saw Alix, tears streaming as her hair is in flames as the wind blew by it and plants grew on the ground. "There we are!" The orange girl said as the lava one set her free. "Hurry, we have to save miwa!" The water girl said as the elements fused with her and she spinned around back to her old self.
(My pov ~)
I spinned around and I break a new hole as I look at my turtles. "Let's move!"I said as we jump and made it to the control room as I hear miwa scream in pain. Once I see miwa falling in the water I gasped. "No!"I said as I jump in the water and grabbed her as I used my vines to hold the machined as I held her tight. I hear everyone screamed my name as I hold tight. Then the water drain as I breathe and hear her cough as she puke out all of the brain worms. She look at me. "Alix?" She asked and I smiled as tears flow. "Miwa!"I said as we both hugged. I look up and miwa nodded turning into her snake form, hold me and we rode up to the consol as I whoop and laugh as I hugged her and she turned back to her normal self and hugged me back with laughter. "ALIX! MIWA!" I hear everyone shout as they tackled us including sensei and we hugged back. "It's good to have you back, cause I've planned a surprise for you all."I said as they look confused. I smiled as I felt my heart warmed up.
"You'll love it, I promise."

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