Annihilation:Earth! pt.2.

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(My pov ~)
I did a sonic roar for him to point the blaster away and it exploded. I look up to see sensei and chen. "Need some help?" She asked. As the mutanimals come in along with everyone and thing that we have gotten and encountered. "Splinter, Chen!" I said happily. I stand up turned to the triceratons. "let's put them back where they belong!"I said as I pound my fists and we all strike as we war cry. I see bishop coming out and I kept fighting with as much strength as I got. Then I see Rockwell trapped as I roar and vines grew everywhere and flung and squeeze and many more at the triceratons. I see the general and I lava blasted him but he missed and grabbed me as I turn back to normal as I struggle to get out. "Foolish princess! Your coming with me!" He said as I scream. Then I felt being beamed up as I gasped. "GUYS!"I screamed in fear. "ALIX!" They turtles shout. "Alixandria!" My parents and sensei said. I scream as we are beamed up. Once we made it to the ship, my hands are in chains as I struggle. He showed me to his soldier. "Let me out! You don't have to do this!!!"I said. "We have to! To stop the kraang and for what your parents and the diamonds have done! The kraang destroyed our planet and your family protected them!" The general said. "What, they didn't do that to protect the kraang! They did it to protect the earth, as much as I am with you I hate the kraang!"I said. "There is no lies to your heart, but that planet must be gone so that way the kraang won't be here any more!" He said. I bite through the chains and made it out. I growled but one got a hold of me as I struggle. "Should I take her to the brig, sir?" One triceraton asked. "No, ready the psionic extractor." The general said as the triceratons gasped. "The psionic extractor? But, sir... we only use it on our greatest war criminals. It is too horrible and cruel even for the likes of--" one triceraton said but got cut off by the general. "Silence! Do as I command." The general said as I gulp. "This is gonna hurt."I said. "Oh, it will. More than you can imagine, princess." He said as I look at it in fear as they prepare the machine. They drag me to the room and lock me in as I breathe heavily. "Is the terrain ready for psionic extractor?" The general said. I sighed panicked as I struggle. "This machine will drain your knowledge of earth and the kraang. And in the process, your psyche will be sliced, diced, chopped and removed from your brain." He said as I struggle. "Activate the extractor!" He said as I closed my eyes and think of one thing. I hear the machine activate as I kept thinking about it. Then I laughed as I felt like I'm going through a ride. "This feels actually awesome!"I said as I laughed then felt the machine off. I breath heavily. "Holy shit, that was awesome!"I said. "What knowledge did you extract?" He asked. "Very little useful information, captain. But turns out she is more stronger than we thought, she kept one thing in mind and it's called pizza." He said. He growled as I cracked my neck. "Destroy her!" He said. "Ok, that means you'll lose information about where the kraangs secret base are in dimension x."I said as I gain his attention.
(Time skip ~)
"And that's all I know about the secret bases."I said. I've been hold as I see a stealth ship but invisible.  "My turtles come here to rescue me! You shouldn't have mess with me or my turtles!"I said. "We shall see."he said. Then I see some triceratons ships coming towards them. I see my turtles having a very brutal fight and got though all of the stealth ships. Then we turn and ready to blast at them. Then they blasted as I gasped. "No!!!"I said as I struggle. Then I hear screaming as I look to see my turtles alive. The general walk in and revealed me. "Guys!"I said as he let's me go and I tackled them in a hug and they immediately hug me back. They put us in front of the captain. "Mozar, there is still a chance that we can stop the kraang. We can find a different way to stop them!"I said as I stand. "The humans of your world's are as thoughtless as the kraang. They pollute the planet, erode it's ozone willingly, and they don't even need mutagen to do it. Escort them to the airlock, finish them!" He said as I pressed a button as I smirked. "You may destroy us if you wish, again and again. But we will come back learning so much more. But I am asking you one last time before I make your living nightmare real. Will you let earth live or be destroyed?"I asked. "Empty threats." He said as I chuckled evilly with a smirk. "Very..." I said before a triceraton grabbed my shoulder. "WELL!"I said demonic as I super speed. "What?" The general asked as I grabbed a Teleporter from a triceraton and also grabbed a blaster. I blasted at the glass shield and made a whole sucking all of us to space as I stay on guard and got my turtles. I hold them tight as I pull them by me. I pressed a button and we teleported out as we made it back to earth. We landed at the ground safely as I laughed in joy. Then I see everyone went through a white portal and my parents nodded at me and went through the portal. Then I duck to notice an orange blast. I see Casey got freed and I jump in doing my war cry. I see the foot helping us. "This is an unexpecting event."I said as I join in the fight and I see shredder very close to sensei. 'Ok, ready...'I thought as I smirked. I see the timer run out and they went to stop the timer. 'Now!'I thought as I moved sensei and I almost got stabbed and I only got my back the slightest. The guys turned to me as I screamed in pain. "YOSHI!" A voice screamed out as Chen goes to sensei and she hugged me. "Chen?" Shredder asked as I sonic blasted him and he fall to the fountain as the rest gather around me. "I'm fine, just a scratch!"I said as the timer goes off. I gasped to see the black hole generator activated. "No!"I screamed as it activated. We hold onto the trees as the generator activated. The generator  grew wider and wider as we hold on. "FUGITOID!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!"I screamed. Then we see a white space ship come here as I smiled. The ship open to reveal a light and saw fugitoid. "Hurry! We haven't much time!" He shout. "Can we trust him?" Donnie asked. "Hurry!"I said as I grabbed miwa and Chen and sensei and run to the ship. They run into the ship also. We are flying out of the earth as he tries to get out of the atmosphere. "Everyone, hold on!" Fugitoid said and we manage to get out of the atmosphere. I see the earth suck into the black hole and got destroyed. All I see is a star galactic purple gas. Tears flow as I breath heavily. "Did that just happen?" April asked. "Everyone and everything in your world and my people got into my world but yours..." I said as I hit my fist to the floor of the ship. "Their gone! Lost forever in infinite gravitational singularity!"I said as I sob to the floor and I got hugged by the fugitoid and gave me some hot cocoa. I took a sip of it as he comforts me. "Alix,... who is that?" Leo asked distressed. "H-his name is professor zayton honeycutt, also known as the fugitoid, we are about to embark a wondrous adventure. Through out the entire space."I said. They all smiled and nodded at me as I smiled. "And that's not it..."I said as fugitoid takes control of the ship. We took off flying as I made a determined look.
"There's a chance to save earth!"

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