The croaking

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(My pov ~)
I am running through the woods, looking around the new area as I jump tree to tree. I laughed as I show my ninja skill. "I missed this so much!"I said as I jumped up in the air. Yes, I must be honest that it is night and everyone is asleep. But I really need some fresh air. It's been three days since I woke up and to be honest I'm growing more powerful than ever. Then I see Mikey with a stick and a bag tied over with his stuff. "Mikey?"I asked confused and jumped in front of him. He jumped. " Alix? What are you doing here? Your suppose to be asleep." He said.  "I'm just wondering around in the woods and come back when it's 2. Are you... leaving?"I asked noticed the stick with a bag. He noticed looked away. I sighed and hugged him. He hugged back. "Come with me, I have something to show you."I said as I guide Mikey somewhere. Once we made it to a bag, I went through it and Mikey gasped as he sees a field.

 Once we made it to a bag, I went through it and Mikey gasped as he sees a field

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His eyes sparkle. "I found it last night. I just spend my time here. It's just like our secret spot in New York. Remember that?"I asked. He nodded, I giggled as I run into the field as fireflies flew. I laughed as I twirl around. I hear Mikey laugh as he comes in there and twirl with me. Then I got plopped as we fell to the ground, Mikey on top of me. We both blush very madly. "Um... heh. Sorry." I said as I grabbed some of my hair with a blush as I smiled and looked away. I hear him gulped as I look at him. "Alix?" He asked. "Yea?"I asked blush deepens. He leans close to me. "I have something to tell you about me and my brothers." He said blush deepens. "What is it?"I asked him leaning a little more closer to him. "We.... w-we..." he said closer. We are about to kiss until we hear a croak from the woods. We departed as we looked up in the woods. "What was that? Mikey?"I asked turning to him only to see him in a red face form as he growls and walks in the woods. I grew confused and I stand up in followed him. We stopped as an acorn hit my head. I look up and gasped to see a frog coming at me. I gasped as Mikey moved me as he hold me. He plopped at the ground. I noticed that it is Napoleon. "Napoleon?"I asked. He looked at me. "Oh, Alix. It's only you." He said as he get up. "You know this mutant." Mikey said. "Sure do. Michelangelo, this is Napoleon. We met each other last night when he was wondering around."I said. He got up. "So this is Mikey that you told me about?" Napoleon asked. I nodded. He croaked as he smiled. I smiled too. "He's a friend."I said as I fist bump Napoleon. "How was your practice?"I asked. "I'm doing good. Take some good getting use to." He said. He jumped and kicked a tree. He then ate a fly. "Gross, but pretty good."I said. "So, how are your friends?" He asked. "They are doing amazing. What about you?"I asked. "My people tried to hurt me again cause I messed up. Of course, I can here to hide." He said. I sighed. "I know. It ain't easy for all of us."I said. We giggled as Mikey looked at him, with a smile. "I guess, I should stay with you guys for a while."I said. "I have to go back to my home, the frog fortress. The coolest place ever." He said. "Alright, but I have to blend in. Mikey, you help Napoleon train. Ok?"I asked. He nodded as I jumped and grabbed a vine and tied it around my arms. Mikey grew confused. "I forgot to tell you mikey, Napoleon's people hate humans. Based on my look, they might think I'm human."I said. "What?!" He said. "Don't worry. I'll be fine. I promise. I just want to prove Napoleon that he is not nothing and he's special. Like you."I said. He looked at me with a small smile. "Let's roll." Mikey said as he carried me as we head for the fortress.
(Time skip ~)
We see a very tall tree. "This is it."I said. Mikey put me down and I give Napoleon a vine. I grew more vines and tied it around my mouth. I nodded to move out. We are by the roots of the tree. Napoleon croaked very loud as we cringed at the sound. Then I see a cage lowered down. We got Inside and it started to rise us up. 'Ok, Alix. Don't look down. Don't look down.'I thought. I act more brave as I calm down. "Ok, for what Alix said, play along." Mikey said. We made it up and we walked out. My eyes widen cause that place is huge! Then I see 3 frogs. The scientist on the left, the general on the right and finally the king frog. "Napoleon, your back?" The king asked. "He always comes back, sire. Like in digestion, couldn't stay away." The general said. "Whatever, gangus. This is Mikey, I was told that he is one of the most greatest heroes of ninja's in the world out of 4 of his brothers." Napoleon said. "I doubt that if he's your friend." Napoleon said. "Then why did we caught this?" Mikey asked as he shows more. All the frogs gasps in shocked. I muffled saying 'you'll never take me alive!'. "Tell me about this, disgusting human." The king said. Ok, that I'm offended by that. "She was living at the farmhouse with my brothers and humans." Mikey said. They all grew shock as they heard that. "And now I'm free. But she tried to get me, but Napoleon stepped in and help me catch her." Mikey said. "Take her away, and as for you Michelangelo, stay amount us my brotherly mutant." The king said as I'm being taken away. "As for your brothers, we'll do everything we can to save them." The king said as they put me in a cage and I broke free. I grabbed the bars to see Napoleon and Mikey. I see a whole lot of frogs going to the farmhouse. As for Mikey, he went to help Napoleon train. I growled as I pace around figuring out how to get out. 'I hope everything goes well.'I thought as I sit down, enjoying the stars.
(Time skip ~)
As I looked at the stars. I hear them coming back as I look to see the frog soldiers came back with April and Casey. I gasped. "APRIL! CASEY!!!"I shout. They gasped when they saw me. "So that's where you were!" Casey said. They got thrown in cages as they are pulled up next to me. I see Mikey dropped in. "What is this? What are you doing to my friends?" Mikey asked. "Friends? You said that these humans did terrible things to you."the king said. "No, we don't! I always judge mutants of who they are, Mikey is one if the most sweetests, kindness, and the most lovable mutants I've ever seen! Along with his sweet brothers in their own way!"I said. The general growled. The soldiers put Mikey in my cage as I hold him. I see Napoleon panicked. "Why do they hate the humans so much?" Mikey asked. "Because they use to ruled these lands. They create a home in the woods and trees and the swamplands. Until, humans arrived with machines. They created new York where the frogs rule there. They lost the woods after new York is build. That is until they got splash by mutagen!"I said. "The time for revolution is now! We shall invade their cities. With this 'mutagen' we will create a bigger family. The age of humans is at an end. We shall rise!" The king said as the frogs cheered. "But you can't! New York has been invaded by aliens. We did not mean to destroy your home! But there is a whole new land that you can discover for your brothers."I said. They looked at me. "How would you know?" The general asked. "Cause I speak the truth!"I said. Then I hear a creak at a branch. I see Donnie and crashed at one of the frogs. I cringed. "Gangus!" The king said. The general jumped down as I gasp. "DONNIE!!!"I said. Donnie look at me and gasped. "Destroy him!" He said. I see raph and kicked the general. As the guys and crystal gems fights the soldiers. I raised my arms out as I moved the branches on our cages away. Then the king joined the fight as April and Casey moved out. I can't seemed to move ours as I struggle and released. "I'm low on power!"I said as Mikey aids me. Then I see Napoleon trying to jump towards us but got stop by the mad scientist. But Napoleon kicked him all the way to his own lab and jumped to our cage. "Nice moves!"I said. "Learn it from two best ninja's." Napoleon said opening the cage. We high five and we jump in the fight. I see raph pinned, I gasped. 'Raphie!'I thought as I jump at the frog that was coming towards him. "Alix! Mikey!" Raph said as pulled in and bonk the two frogs. Raph lift me up as he hugged me and spin me around. We laughed as I feel like we bonded.
(??? ~)
"Woo-hoo! Now, that's more like it!" I said as I cracked my neck and knuckles. I look around to see mutant frogs as I hear Garnet gasped with a wide smile. "Mm-mmm. Alra ain't having that, let's beat some frogs!"I said as I sense three jumping towards me. I smirk and made a fire wave at them. I smirked and got my sai's out as I strike at the frogs like a bull. I see the three turtles looked at me in shock. I smirked as two of my for arms tied my red hair back as I took another pairs of sai's out. "Oh No! Fire! FIRE!" April shout. My 4 eyes widen as I looked to see the tree on fire. "you heard the woman. The tree is on Fire! Go, go, go!!!"I said as the frogs started to run as the three turtles leave, everyone went for the exit. I see the king trying to stop them. I walk to him. "Sorry your highness!"I said as I hit him and knock him out. April and Casey help me out as we get to the cage elevator. They got inside and I closed it. I run to the edge and I jumped as the tree exploded. Once I get close to the ground, I grabbed a tree branch and climbed down as we all see the tree in flames. All the frogs grew sad as I see the king devastated. I walked to them. They all looked as me and nodded. "If you need alra, you know what to do."I said as I defused.
(My pov ~)
After we defused we stare upon the tree in flames. I went to the king. "We're so sorry."I said. The king smiled and I smi led back as we looked at the tree again.
(The next day ~)
After the tree is burnt out. The king stands in front of us. "My frogs! To me!" The king said as frogs gather around and stand beside him. "Attila the frog has never been wrong about anything in his life. But perhaps I have been a bit hasty... about these humans. Frogs, line up behind your general." The king said. The frogs stand behind Napoleon beside the jerk. "What the heck is going on here?" Napoleon asked. "You, Napoleon, were the only frog to show the wisdom regarding these turtles and humans. You are brave, stalwart, and have a good heart like this one." The king said pointing to me. I blushed as I grew shocked. "And so I promote you to general!" The king said. "This is pretty much the best position ever!" Napoleon said. I hear the ex-general mumbling something. "What was that?" I asked beside Napoleon. He jumped and looked at us. "Nothing, ma'am." He said. "Perhaps there is a future where frogs, turtles, and revolting humans can live together in harmony."I said. "What about your home? Where will you live?"I asked. "Down south. We have like 20,000 cousins in Louisiana. I got you some delicious flies." Napoleon said. Mikey grabbed it and ate it as I shivered a little as the guys are grossed out. "We got something for you two."I said as I took out a pizza. "Here."I said as I give it to him. Napoleon ate it and smiled. "Thanks!" He said and he jumped beside his king. "Frogs, March! Hop-two-three-four... goodbye, Michelangelo and Alix! See ya!" Napoleon said as the frogs take off. We waved. "Goodbye, Napoleon! There goes a one brave frog."I said. Then I realized something and turned to the guys. "I just now notice... Raph. WE FUSED!!!"I said excited. Raph then come to realization too and his eyes sparkled as he picked me up. "We did! Oh, I wish we could see what we look like!!!" He said as I laugh. "Alright, alright. Settle down. Let's just get back to the farmhouse." Garnet said with a smile. We all walk back to the farmhouse with a smile.
'I fused with my raphie! One down, 3 more to go!'

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