Vision quest

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(My pov ~)
I hear the birds chirped as me and Leo hide in the woods with a bow and arrow. I see a deer close by. "I'm going in."I whispered as I move closer. It sense something and took off. I sighed as Leo comes down. "You'll get him next time." Leo said as I smiled at him. I sense something and I took my bow and arrow out, ready to fire only to see a deer. I soften as I sighed in relief. "It's just you."I said as I put it up. We see a light glimmer at the deer as I smiled softly. Then I hear him huffed. I gasped. "Leo, Jump!"I said as I boost him up and I dodge the deers attack. I land behind him and dodge his hind leg kick. I stand up as I get ready to block. I blocked all of his punches the got and I huffed at him as he huffed at me. Then he took off as I grew confused. "What on earth?" I asked as Leo jumped in. "Come on, let's get to the farmhouse."I said. Leo nodded and we head to the farmhouse.
(At the farmhouse~)
We see the guys as I run my arms because of the hoof punches. They notice us and run to us. "What happened?" Donnie asked checking my arms. "We both had a realization. We've been so caught up in the city to realize that we haven't been bonded with nature. A ninja's most powerful friend to become one."I said. The three look at me in concern. "You guys told me that master splinter did it. We must gain inner peace to become full ninja's. Now, it's our turn to do this. We will do 3 days of meditation and training in the woods, to only eat and survive. No tv, no pizza, and no anything but food and water to survive."I said. "3 days?! We're going to live like animals!" Mikey said. "Alix is right. Besides, it will give you full strength to get new York back." Garnet said as her glasses shine. "Then it is decided. You must pack, at once!" Sensei said. We nodded and head for the farmhouse. We got Inside and I pack food and water that I've got. I went outside and see the guys. I smiled. "Are you ready?"I asked. They nodded. Then we waved bye as we go into the woods. As we walk I turned to them. "So far we gain our weapons, stealth, and hand to hand combat. We haven't achieved of the wilderness dependence, we must gain inner peace to become full ninja's. Any questions?"I asked. They shook their heads. "Good. Then let's get started."I said. First we eat what the woods give us and Mikey got chased by squirrels because he was eating their nuts. Next, we walked to where the water flows. Then at night, raph tried to create a fire but I help him out as I blow on it to make it bigger and we create a fire. We celebrated on that cause dawn it's cold. The next day, we practice our moves by the river as I concentrated. Then finally we meditate on the top of the trees as a squirrel gave me a nut as I smiled. I felt the wind blew right by me as I look up. I see the stars moving around and I hear Mikey fell. I look and gasped as I climb down. Once I got down, I gasped to see the same deer as the guys come down and help Mikey up. Then I see it walk by a tree but it's gone then it came out but more human like.

My eyes widen as the guys took notice

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My eyes widen as the guys took notice. "That's no mutant, that's a spirit."I said as I remember what my grandmother told me. Then it fly around as I stare at it but then it's gone. "Come on, let's build a fire." Leo said as we went to make a fire. Once we did that. Mikey was roasting pizza on a stick as the guys are sitting, bored out of their minds. I kept my eyes on the flames as Leo noticed me. "Alix? What's wrong?" Leo asked. Then the flames turn blue as I gasped along with the guys. Then revealed a person known as.... "great grandmother peka."I said. "Watashi no musukotachi yo." She said. "Who is that?"Donnie asked. "My great grandmother peka. She is one of my ancestors of my family history. She died of cancer before my sister is born."I said. "My dearest granddaughter and her friends, if you cannot find your inner spiritual strength, then you will never stand a chance Against your enemy, the shredder." She said.  "What must we do to gain our spirit?"I asked. "You Will all learn this. Each of you must journey out alone to face your spiritual adversary." She said as she turns to raph. "Rapheal hamato, your temper is like fire that you must learn to focus for power." She said as he bows at her. "Michelangelo hamato, your mind is overrun with distractions. Learn to be strong and calm, like forest and wind." She said as he nodded. "Donatello hamato, you rely too much on your mind and not on your own body. Be strong, like the mountain." She said as he nodded. "Leonardo hamato, you must be the leader in body and spirit. Be like the wind and ocean. Let nothing weigh you down." She said as he nodded. "And my dearest granddaughter, you must face your fears from your mind and body and rely on protecting your family and friends. Be free and fight to save what you have gain." She said as a tear rolls down. "Sleep now, children. Your greatest trail awaits on the spiritual plane. For the challenges you face there will just be as deadly as those you face in the real world. Be warned." She said as she disappeared. I look at the guys as they looked at me. I wipe my tear away as they fall asleep and I stare upon the fire.
(The next day ~)
I stood by as the guys wake up. "Whoa, that was deep." Mikey said. "My great grandmother peka has made our quest clear. It's time to begin, ninja's."I said as we go to prepare. "Each of us will forge new armor and weapons then journey out alone, where we are challenged by the spirit realm. The place where unreal becomes real, to meet the ultimate fate."I said as the guys prepare, I put on the last of my clothing.

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