Dinosaur seen in the sewer

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(My pov ~)
We are ready for the final episode of crognard and Mikey grew excited. "Yes, the final episode of crognard!" Mikey said as he put the tape in and sit down next to me as I giggle and watch the episode. "You know raph is gonna be pissed if we watch this without him."I said. "I know, but I can't wait and crognard can't wait either!" Mikey said as he play the episode. Crognard was about to face the dread dragon along with his companions, then they saw a five headed dragon and they smile and took their all of might and slayed the dragon. I gasped happily as they cheer then crognard did something shocking, he dip wizardess and kissed her and she kissed back as I smiled happily and then the episode end. I cheered as the three look shocked and I jump around happily and I sit down. "That's the ending I expected, when I didn't came in your world crognard got eaten."I said as I smile at the new ending and laugh happily. "Wow." Mikey said as I sighed happily. My t-phone rang as I pick up to see it is raph, my eyes widen. "It's raph! Be cool and stay quiet!" I said as the three clamped their mouth shut and I answer it.
"Hey, raph. What's up?"I asked acting cool as their jaws dropped.

["You watch the finale while I'm stuck patrolling for shredder, right?" Raph asked.]

"Nope, of course not. We're just relaxing and watch my tv shows." I said.

["Ok, I'll see you in a bi-" raph got cut off by a mind communication and I heard it too.]

"Rapheal! Alixandria!" Rockwell said as I use my physic powers to contact him. "We need your help!" He said as I nodded and end the call. "I'm going to the tunnels, be right back."I said as I left the lair and made it to the sewer tunnels. I see slash wounded as Rockwell aided him. "My baby!"I said as I go to him and I see raph come in. "Doc, where are they?" He asked. "He, raph, and he is an alien. All we know that it is gone for now."I said. "What kind of alien would knock out slash?" Raph asked. Slash woke and saw me. "Mama!" He said as he hugged me and I hugged back. "If a dino-alien is living in the sewers we are gonna teach him a lesson!"I said as he put me down. "An alien?! Well then, let's find him!"Raph said. "Do be careful. He's confused, unpredictable, frantic..."rockwell said. "And hits like a runaway bus!" Slash said. "Noted, you both head back to the lair so Donnie can patch you up. He got a head start, we are just catching up."I said as raph nods. We then move out in the tunnels. once we find him we look at it with awe. "How long can a giant dinosaur stay hidden in a little sewer?" Raph asked and I shrugged. We see him get up as we step back. "Zog's ready. The beacon... orders must triangulate now." He said as I stop raph from getting his sai's. He coughs. "Mutaters are close." He said as he snorts and roars. He then charges at us and we move out of the way and smash through the bricks. "He's faster than I thought."I said. We then make a run for it as the dinosaur went after us. 'Please let it not be a triceratons!'I thought as we keep running. We then stop and I turned. "Halt!"I command and he stopped. "All orders from the triceraton empire. Command. For who!" He said as I stand. "From your... commader!"I said as he salutes. "Zog reporting for duty, ma'am! Alert tribe tri-troops to kraang! Smash them to bits!" He said as he coughs as I smirked. "Wow." Raph said as we both look at each other and smiled. "Orders, ma'am?" He asked me. I took a deep breath. "Where are the kraang now, soldier? I order you to find them, now!"I asked in command tone like in the general. "Ma'am, yes, ma'am!" Zog said as he moves and we went after him. I see raph look at me with a blush as we followed him. My t-phone rang as I pick up and answer.
"Hello?"I asked.

["Alix, where are You? We've been calling you!" Leo said.]

"Meet me by the train station to get your answer by 2 minutes!"I said as I hang up and head for the train station with zog
(At the train station~)
We hair the horn blew as the train passes. I see the three come in. "About time." Raph said. "Alright, raph. We're here, where's alix?" Leo asked. I clear my throat as I come out of the shadow. "Soldier, present now!" I said in general mode as zog comes out to the light. They gasp to see zog. He was about to smash them. "Halt soldier, false alarm!"I said as he stop and stand tall. "Holy chalupa. Dino-man is real?" Mikey asked. "And you tamed him?" Donnie asked. "Sort of. Turns out that I became his commander and well... let's just say he's a dino-alien." I whispered. "Hold up Alix, did you forget the part where he beat down Rockwell and slash?" Leo asked. "Just trust us and raph will explain it on the way."I said. I turn to zog. "Go get the kraang, soldier!"I said in general. He nodded and move out. "To where?" Donnie asked. "The kraang."I said. We then follow him as he keeps going. Raph explained of how zog got here and how much he has been through. Until he stop. "What's wrong, soldier?"I asked as he sniffs and coughs. "Is he sick?" Donnie asked. "He needs nitrogen to breathe."I said. He felt something on the ground. I smiled. "He found it!"I said as he begins stomping and it mega stomp and we both fall to a kraang base underneath the sewers. They jumped in. "It is the one called the turtles and girl." One kraang said as I threw a fireball. "He's right!"I said as I growled. "It is the one called tri-tri-tri-tri-triceraton." One kraang said panicked and run as I gasped. We strike at them as I laugh. "I miss doing that!"I said. Then I locate the coordinates of kraangs secret base then I laugh. "This is getting better like the crognard finale!"I said. "I thought you said that you weren't all watching it!" Raph said. "Sorry raph! Mikey couldn't wait long enough."I said. The portal opened and I smirked. I ran through the portal as zog comes with me. It leads us to the rooftop and I gasped to see the statue of liberty. "Mutaters are close. There." Zog said. "The statue of liberty is a kraang fucking base?!"I said as the guys comes in. I growled. "Oh, I'm gonna kill them!"I said. We enter the statue and I flew up as everyone else follows up. I see the kraang are working on a portal. "Their trying to open a portal to dimension x, their gonna invade again!"I whispered as they gasped. "Ok, I have a plan. Listen closely because we have gotta be precise about it." Leo said as we pay close attention. "Horns up!"zog said. He roars and charged at them. I laughed as we attack and have fun. I see him got trapped and I growled. I jump in and got a thing from the device and I fly up all to the top. I sonic scream to the kraang as the deactivated. We found zog's gear. He started to put them on as I frown a little. 'Ok, time to shine and prepare to fight and stop that beacon!'I thought as I prepare to fight. "Ok, you can breathe again. Are you ready?"I asked. I see him got his blaster and I avoided it. He went to the top and I went after him. I made it up. "What are you doing?"I asked sternly. "We triceratons pride ourselves on loyalty and hono-" he cut himself off as he gasped as he saw me. "I know your plan. You're not just gonna wipe out the kraang but destroyed earth as well!"I said. "You. Y-your back. The queen diamond!" He said as I grew confused as everyone jump up. "WHAT?!" 4 voices shout as my turtles show up. He jump up to the fire torch. I followed up and landed safely. "You know it doesn't have to go with this zog, there's still a chance that we can still put this aside and become friends."I said bravely. "Friends?" He asked as he tried to hit me. I avoid it. "We have fought the kraang together, it doesn't have to be this way."I said. He threw the beacon up and I fly up and destroyed it. But it opened up before I did. "No..."I said as I landed at the torch. "You fool!" He said. "I'm sorry zog, I will never ever let you invade our world of me and my turtles!"I said. "I'll squash you!" He said as he tried to run at me but I moved and gasped as he fell and hold onto the ledge. "Zog!"I said as I go to him and reach my hand out. "Take my hand!"I said. But his last words got me shocked. "Long live the triceraton empire." He said then let go as I scream out his name as he take his own death. My tears flows in shock as I covered my mouth and got into a humble embrace as I snuggle it and sob onto it. "You did good, Alix. Hopefully they didn't get the signal." Leo said. I look up at them. "the kraang are not finished, they are gonna get the technodrome out of the sea." I said. We all look at the ocean.
'And we'll be ready for the triceratons.'

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