Battle for new York pt.2

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(My pov~)
The turtles are riding the turtle blimp as I fly near them. I got my t-phone out. "Everybody ready?"I asked. "Yes, we're ready." I hear Garnet said. "Are you sure this is gonna work?" Donnie asked. I fly to them. "To the last peice of pizza gyoza!"I said. "Let's just hope the mutanimals don't screw up." Leo said. "Leo, they won't. And I make sure of that!"I said. I see the portal open and I got my t-phone out. "GO!"I said as I see everyone out of the sewers and begin fighting off the kraang. I even hear chimera roar as he begins eating kraang. " set up your weapons, lads. Cause we're in for a ride!"I said as they got into their breathing masks as we enter through the portal. As they go through the portal I've Been stop a little. "What the? What's happening?!"I said as my voice echoes. Then I moved again as I felt my horns grew and felt my outfit Change as I see my angel and devil side mix together.

(That's me, but the outfit is different~)

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(That's me, but the outfit is different~)

(That's my outfit along with a demons tail ~)They made it through the portal and I burst through as I landed with a ninja roll

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(That's my outfit along with a demons tail ~)
They made it through the portal and I burst through as I landed with a ninja roll.I see the blimp close ahead. I gasped and sprout my wings and fly to them. That is until I made a sonic boom and flew passed them as I stop with wide eyes. "What the?"I asked,voice more angelic and demonic as I look at myself as I look really powerful. "What happened to me?"I asked powerful, even my hair is moving like celestia and luna from mlp. Then I gain a powerful smell of... a human soul! "Found ya, I can smell like a blood hound!"I said as I smirked with my sharp teeth. I see the blimp coming close as I fly ahead. I kept going full speed as I don't see the blimp. I see the technodrome as I smiled. "You beautiful genius!"I said in my power form as I fly to it. I hear a roar as I see the blimp being close by a kraang worm. I cracked my neck as I sonic roar to see the worm scared and fly away scared. But it accidentally went through the blimp and I fly towards them fast and grabbed the guys before the blimp crashes. They groaned in pain as I flew them to safety. I put them down. "Are you ok?"I asked powerful. They guys saw me and gasped on my power form as the blush madly. I looked around as the soul smell grew stronger. I closed my eyes as I sniffed. Then I snapped my eyes open and look to the land next door. "There you are."I said as the guys look to see the people. "Looks like they are mining crystals for the kraang."I said powerful. I walk towards to the other side as I calculated the tech of how to get inside. Then I smirked at the answer. "How do we turn the humans back?" Leo asked. I point to the technodrome. "There!"I said powerful. "Are you crazy?! And how do we get inside?" Leo asked. "By me!"I said as I sprout my wings.  "this is crazy that I'm starting to like this plan." Raph said as I smiled. "Hop on."I said powerful. They hop on as my eyes goes red. I see the Irma bot fly in known as kraang subprime. "Hey, idiot."I said powerful. "So, the little girl got an upgrade, huh?" Kraang subprime asked as he revealed himself from his robot. Then he flexed as he smirked. I rolled my eyes. "We don't have Time for this!"I said powerful as we turned invisible. "What?! Where the heck did you go?!" He said. I planted crystals by his feet and did a sonic scream which made the crystals explode. He fell as I did a mega jump to get to the technodrome.  They hold me tight as we turned visible. Then I hear a roar and I stop. They look at me. "That's not me!"I said powerful as we hear it again. I see a two headed robot dragon being controlled by the kraang. "Alix?"Donnie asked panicked. I took a deep breath as I open my eyes oranges. I roared and ran towards it. "Alix?! Your heading towards the thing!!!" Leo said. "That's the point!!!"I said powerful as their eyes widen. They hold me tight and I jump at the dragon as the roar. They try to eletricate us. But I pulled the kraang out as they both roar. I see we are about to fly towards the metal vines. I look at the dragon head and pulled. "Woah, boy!"I said powerful as the head roars and went to stop as the other head did the same. They growle d in unison as I pet them. They purred and flew towards the technodrome as I smiled. We made it to the technodrome and I rip us an entrance as the guys got off of me and go inside. I got Inside and look at the dragon. 'GO, make sure that they don't find you!'I thought as it roared and flew off. I opened the pod and fireblasted the kraang in there. I roared as the guys come in and we begin fighting and heading towards the control room. Once we made it, I melted the door together as I smiled and look at the control room. We see bunches of kraang around. "You get the kraang, I'll get the controls!"I said powerful then we strike at them. While they fight the kraang, I made it to the controls and begin typing. I see the fuel tube ready as Donnie comes by as Mikey got the last kraang. "Just put in the retro mutagen on the fuel tube!"I said powerful still. Then I see the wheel as I grabbed it. "Let's roll ninja's!"I said as I steer the technodrome. I see the islands as I drove to it. "Alright, coordinates is set! Donnie, put it in!"I said. Donnie put the retro mutagen in the fuel tank. Then the power put into a fritz as I begin typing again. "Something is wrong." Leo said. "I got it."I said as I continue typing. Then got it to work. "Gotcha!"I said as the ship reactivated only this time the whole ship became Orange! "Yes!"I said. I hear a saw as we look to see kraang subprime trying to get in. "Here's kraangy!" Kraang subprime said. "Everyone, guard me as much as you can!"I said as they nodded and we made it to the islands. "Alright, wait a few moments for the mutanimals."I said as I got my t-phone out. I see Rockwell back on line.

["Alix, we have the portal ready! 30 seconds and we'll teleport you all home!" Rockwell said. ]

"Perfect, I set the coordination! Adjusting the 5th dimension space!"I said as I target the humans. "Raph, you take the blasts!"I said as I got the shooting handle ready. He grabbed it. "Fire!"I said as raph blasted the retro-mutagen at the humans. Then they transformed back into humans as I got out my t-phone. "I'm just getting started!" I hear kraang subprime shout."Now!"I said as I see the humans being teleported home. "Eureka!We finally did it! We turned a multi dimension transmission into a teleportor!"I said as Donnie and Leo got excited. "Just like space heroes!"I said excited as I felt flowers grew on my hair. "You mean, we are teleporting home?! Together?!"Donnie said.  I hear the kraang subprime go through as I hear kraang moves. "By us some time, we got to get those humans!"I said as the other three attack. I look up and saw the wheeler blade things. "Captain mikey, take the wheel!"I said as we switch as he blushed at the nickname as he took the wheel. I dodge the kraangs attack as I jump up to one of the blades and rip it off and block the entrance where the kraang can't get through. I jumped at kraang subprime as I roared and begin to become more lava-ish girl. "What the?" He asked. "Let's see how you deal with lava."I said as I lava blasted him as he blocks but lost some equipment. Then kraang subprime hit Leo as he falls. I gasped as I cool down. "CAPTAIN!"I screamed as I jump after him, Leo screamed but I caught him and flew up as his brothers come by us! "Your finished, turtle and girl! Finished!!!" He said as he strike towards us and we disappeared as he was about to get us. Once we teleported home, I look out on the rooftop to see people laughing and cheering then they saw me and gasped as I smiled. "Fear no more, people of new York and my people from my home world. For it was me who helped you on this city, but I didn't do it alone!"I said as the guys get up as I pulled them up and my people gasped happily as the other people gasped in shock. "These mutant turtles has gain courage, strength and loyalty to save all of your lives to this day. So don't fear if you are not fond with mutants. When I first arrived in this place and meet these four brave heroes, I was never afriad. You should be too cause some mutants are people like all of us!"I said as I look at them. I grabbed Leo's hand and raised it up as the people begin to cheer. "If you ever have trouble in this city, we'll be here to stop it! Together!!!"I said as people cheered. I smiled as I roared along with my animals and the guys roared along with me and everyone else. Once we stop, I see April and Casey shock as I smiled and nod. Once I turned, i immediately got tackled by Mikey as I laughed and hugged back. "Now, first let's clean up this city. And let our bond with mutants begin! But I must warn you all. Beware of some mutants and most of all... Beware of the foot. Don't let them find you or anyone you love. Let them know that we are coming after you!"I said as the crowd cheer.  "Looks like things are gonna change. Starting now."I said as I go back to normal as I look at the guys and hugged them laughing happily. Then I see the mutanimals come in as I hear the crowd cheer. I hugged spike as I laughed again. "we made it."I said. "Indeed, and it's all thanks to you Alix. Without you, we couldn't have done it in the first place." Rockwell said as I smiled and blush. "This is what happens if we all stick together. I did promised that I'll help you get through this. Through thick and thin!"I said. They smiled too. "For now, everyone. We celebrate tonight!"I said as everyone cheered along with the gems and everyone that I knew. I smiled as I cleared my throat as we all shout the same thing.

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