In dreams

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(My pov ~)
I'm sitting at the couch watching crognard the barbarian. To be honest, Donnie wouldn't be able to wake up. As I see them training, I got up and head up stairs and see Donnie's room. 'I know I shouldn't, but I have to check on him.' I thought as I entered. Luckily I give April and Casey what I need cause they are gonna go to the store. I see Donnie still asleep. Then I hear someone sleep also. I walk to the living room seeing Leo sleeping on the sofa. I walked to him as I felt him asleep. Then I notice that he frowned. Mikey and raph came in as they see me by Leo. "Alix? You ok?"Raph asked. "I'm fine. I just get this weird feeling."I said then I yawned. "Maybe we should get some sleep. Maybe you'll see something wrong." Raph said. I smiled as they both sit in a different seat. Once I see them asleep, i hear a van drive in. I smiled as I yawned. They came in and see them asleep. "They are pretty tired of training, might as well join them."I said as I lay down. I then hear a panic shout as I drift off to sleep.
(In dreamworld ~)
I opened my eyes and a looked around to see new York. "What?"I asked getting up. Then I hear a dark laughter. I look to see Donnie and.... DARK BEAVER! I gasped then growled knowing what he wants. "Stay away from donnie!"I said as I jumped in and landed in front of donnie. "ALIX!" Donnie said happily. Dark beaver chuckled. "Well this will be a fun appetizer." Dark said as he try to bite me but I moved my hand as vines throw him across the city. I grabbed Donnie's hands. "We have a few minutes before he comes back. Let's move!"I said as we both run into a shop. We stumbled into the school. "What's happening?" Donnie asked. "We are In a dream, Donnie. A dream that we can't escape!"I said as wind is blowing around us as I see multiple dark beaver coming in. I hear evil laugh from them, I got in front of him. "Stay away from donnie."I said as I hiss. Then I snapped my fingers and we teleported out of here. We reappeared at the house. "Where are we? And what the heck happened to your hair?" Donnie asked. I grew confused and looked at my hair to see a streak of purple and a streak of red. "Wait, when I appear. I never even notice these. The purple must've mean that I got you. Now for the red..."I said then I gasped as my eyes widen. "We're in raph's dream!"I said then we felt rumbling. We run to the room hidden as we see raph and dread beaver. Then we see everything on fire as we hear evil laughter as the three rock. "Is that me?" Donnie asked as he see himself playing the bass rocking out. Then snakes comes out and wrapped around raph. Then dread beaver transformed into a giant snake, raph screamed as I come in. "Come at me, slitherin!"I said. He hissed as I become in full flames as lava comes out of my mouth. The snake come towards me and I snapped my fingers as snake charm music plays. The snakes then got hypnotized at the music and I removed the snakes from raph, I pulled him up. "Let's get out of here before the music stop."I said as I grabbed Donnie and the three of us run. We pant as we run, we then made it towards the woods as I looked at my hair to see a blue streak come in. I gasped. "What?"Raph asked. I looked around. "Where's Leonardo? We're in his dream!!!"I said. Then I hear a grunt. I looked at the lake. "This way!"I said. We made it by the lake and we see Leo fighting dire beaver. He's being beaten. I growled as I raised my arms out. The water grabbed Leo and dire and pulled as Leo comes close as dire is being dragged under water. Once leo made it to the other side, I hugged him. "Now to get mikey!"I said. I look up at the stars. "We have to jump!"I said as we jumped as we are at the stars and heading for the sun as the guys scream. "BRACE YOURSELVES!!!"I yelled as we got through the sun and enter a sugar candy land. I groan in pain as I get up dizzy. I get up as I see sweets everywhere. "Yup, we made it to Mikey's dream."I said as the others get up. I see Mikey panting as Dave is trying to play ball with him. I faceplalm as I sighed. "Stay here."I said as I go to them. "Excuse me, Dave beaver?"I asked. He hummed as I looked at him. "Can I please have the orange turtle? I might need him back."I said. Dave nodded and give Mikey to me as I smiled. "Thank you, come on mikey."I said as I walked to the others. "Ok, now let's get you four to a safe place. My dream!"I said as I teleport with them. We then appear in a big giant land full of my favorite characters. "Yes! We made it!"I said as the guys looked at it with awe. "Believe me, in my universe. We have lots of entertainment!"I said. We run into the land as I see multiple things. I see some of my characters of all types of shows wave and I waved back. "Everyone we got a problem! The dream beavers are coming after us. Stall them as much as you can!!! We'll make sure that we are far away from them!!!"I said as the characters nodded. "Let's move!"I said. "Wait did you say dream beavers?" Raph asked. I nodded. "And they won't stop at nothing till they get us and eat us."I said. Then I hear evil laughter. "They're here! GO!!!!"I said as we run to the huge castle. Once we enter, I closed it and locked it. Then I hear a similar laughter as I look to see multiple egos of me only in one emotion. "Oh no. These are my personalities!!!"I said as I blush. They all saw us and gasps. "Me's, I know what you are thinking. Don't pani-" I got cut off by a voice. "It's the turtles!!!" My happiness said as they grabbed us and pulled us in. We all then got carried off to the throne room. "Cadet?" A voice asked. My eyes widen as ik look to see captain Ryan along with super robo mega force five and crognard. My eyes sparkle as the guys gasped when they saw them. "Guys!"I said as they put us down and I hugged their heroes. They chuckled. "Easy there, it's been a little while." Cool star said as I chuckled. "This time, I'm not alone."I said as I look at the guys as I see they're eyes sparkled. I backed up as they go talk to their heroes. I look at the doors. 'I hope April and Casey do something.'I thought. Then I hear a bash. I gasped along with everyone else. "Quick, Cadet! Head for the tower!" Ryan said as the they went to the tower. "We'll hold them off. Go!" Crognard said as I went after them. I look out of the tower window to see a zip line. "I love my dreams sometimes. This way!"I said as I guide them to zip line down. I hear a bash as I zip line down. Once I made it to the bottom, I pulled the zip line down and it broke. I smiled and we run as fast as we can. Then we see an ocean. We jumped in and saw another room and we swim there. Once we made it through we gasped as we coughed. We hear laughter as I look up to see the dream beavers. I gasped as I get in front of my four turtles. They laugh as they come closer and I growled. "Don't you dare touch them!"I said. I hear them pant as I growled being brave and fierce. I feel myself dying as I coughed out blood. "Oh no."I said as I see blood. Then I hear everything crumbling. "What's this?" Dire asked. "The barriers broken?" Dark said. "We are free! Free!" Dread said as we disappeared.
(In reality ~)
I gasped for air as I sit up. I coughed as the guys wake up. "ALIX!!!" The turtles said and they tackled me. I hugged them back as I smiled. "Your ok!" Mrs.o'niel said. Then I see a blast out of the book as I hear laughter. I see them as cute little plushes and small. "Aw, dang." Dire said. I giggled. "Hey."I said. Dave waved. "Hi alix." Dave said then the other three told him to shut up. "This is it? This is what I've been protecting the earth from for 40 years? Plush toys?!" Bernie said. I chuckled. "Well, at least they're kinda cute. Even though that they want to eat us."I said as I get up and bend down to them. "Would you four like to stay with me?"I asked. The beavers looked shock. "But... We almost killed you." Dread said. "Oh, believe me, honey. I've felt worse. Heck, I think I still have the scars of what the foot did to me."I said. They stare at me. "Well? What do you say?"I asked. Then they wag their tail happily. "Alright, if that's your answer. You can stay. But there's only one rule. No draining life source until they deserve it. Understand?"I asked. They groaned and nodded. "Don't worry, at least you get to taste real food. By the way Bernie, you can sleep now. I've got this taken care of."I said as I got up. He smiled and yawned. "Don't worry, two of my family members will carry you home."I said. Bernie nodded then plopped to the ground asleep. I smiled. "Dad? Uncle?"I asked. My dad carried him at the top half as my uncle Michael carry the legs and went out of the farmhouse. I smiled as I picked the beavers up and cuddle them. "W-what is this?" Dark asked. "This is love. Love is something very powerful between anyone or anything. Even you can gain love."I said as I sit down. Then they proofed up and cuddled up to me. I giggled as I see my four turtles grew jealous.
'So cute.'

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