The creeping doom

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(My pov ~)
Me and Donnie are working on a cure for the brain worm. I see Donnie getting frustrated as I look up upon the shelf of all of our previous adventures. I got up as I look up upon the shelf. "It's so amazing of how much we've all been through after I met you guys."I said as Donnie look at me and the shelf and smiled. "Yea, it sure has." He said as I look at the shelf. I grabbed the kraang mind control device. "Remember when we have taken down the technodrome?"I asked as he smiled. "Yup, I still can't believe that you kept that outfit." He said with a blush. "Hey, I can now only use it for summer. Some girls needs their skin to breathe."I said in my playful sassy girl tone as he  chuckled.  I put the kraang mind control device down and grabbed the jar of goo. "Remember the creep and how we all met the crystal gems?"I asked as he nodded but sigh sadly. "That is before you've wake up." He said as I frowned. "Well, before you met the crystal gems and creep. I've woke up in my spirit form and kept watch."I said. He blushed when I said that. "Not all the time."I said as he sighed in relief. I put the jar down as I see a claw. "Snake-weed's claw, right after when we first met each other."I said with a small blush. "Yea, and right when you know us and we're utterly confused and told us of where you are and how you know us." He said with a smile as he continue on the brain worm. We kept talking about each memory that I've found and how funny some memories are. That is until I slip and fall down as I hear a slight 'ow!' And I gasped. "Donnie, you ok?"I asked getting up as Donnie helps me up. "I'm fine, are you ok?" He asked, I nodded as I see his hand as he rubbed it. "Here, I'll get an ice pack for you. Ok?"I asked as he nodded and I went to go get an ice pack. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack and medication for Donnie's hand. Then I came back as I fix up Donnie's hand. "There."I said as he smiled. "Thanks, alix." He said as I smiled. I grabbed Donnie's hand and lead him out of the lab. "Let's take a small break then get back to work. Ok?"I asked as he nodded happily and I smiled. Then I heard it's training time and we went to the dojo.  As we train, I've manage to take down Aaliyah and smiled. "Good try, bestie. Just add a little more strength and you'll take me down!"I said with a smile as I help her up. I look at Donnie and notice that he got distracted by a leaf and got taken down. I grew confused. "What?" I whispered as I go to Donnie. Then I hear ragged breathing from the lab. My eyes widen as I left the dojo as I hear Aaliyah calling for my name. Once I made it to the lab, I gasped as I see the whole lab messed up. "Oh my god!"I said as I look around. I see the creep's jar destroyed as I gasped. "GUYS!" I said as I hear fast footsteps. Once I see them enter they gasped as they saw the lab. "What happened?!"Donnie said. "It's the creep! He's back!!!"I said as I showed the destroyed jar as they gasped. "Let's hurry and clean this place up so that we can find him and destroy him before he cause any trouble in the city!"I said as they nodded and I pass Donnie the broom. While they cleani put everything back onto the shelf as I did that in a fast fun way. "Ok, got the shelf fix and Donnie, why are you holding the broom upside down?"I asked as I see Donnie sweeping in the wrong way cause he is sweeping the broom upside down. "Uh, yea. I'm fine cause I meant to do that." He said embarrassed. I go to him and felt his for head nothing so far. "Sorry D, but this is how my mom checks my temperature."I said. "What do you me-?!" Donnie said but cut himself off as I kissed his for head. He blushed madly as I departed. "No fever, how do you feel Donnie? Donnie?"I asked as he is in some kind of daze as he swings around with a blush. "I feel like I have a bad headache." Donnie said still in a daze as I help him with his balance. "April, could you give me some ice?"I asked as she nodded and went to get some ice. Then I hear a shout as I gasped. "SENSEI!"I said as I run. I hear footsteps after me as I go to the dojo to see the creep attacking sensei. I fire blast him to let sensei go. I caught him and put him down as I growl. It roared as I burst to flames. "Keep your vines away from my friends!"I said. I attack him and threw him out of the dojo. I run out and jump to the living room and stay on guard as the guys followed me. I see a milk trail as we followed it and saw he escape through the garage doors. I see the snake-weed claw is gone. "Oh, that's not good!"I said. I see Donnie scratching the same hand that I've helped and go to him. "Donnie, are you sure that you are ok?" I asked and he nodded. "Why would he wants snake-weed's claw?" April as ked as I turned to them. "I think I know why, he is going to revive snake-weed!"I said as they gasped. "And I think somethings wrong with donnie."I said as he looks at me. I sat him down as I hold out two fingers. "How many fingers am I holding up?"I asked. "Nice peace out sign, Alix." He said sounding kinda stupid. My eyes widen. "Oh, that's not good at all!"I said as I check out through the chemicals. "What's going on?" Leo asked. "I knew I've should've been careful! Donnie had a drop of chemical spill on his hand. I never knew that it created a side effect. By each and every hour he is growing stupid. If we don't find a cure soon he'll be stupid forever!"I said as they gasped as Donnie grew confused. "We have to find the creep then cure donnie!"I said as we head for the Shellraiser. "I'll take Donnie's seat, April you take mine and Aaliyah watch over donnie."I said as I sit on his seat and we then drove off to the surface. I type on the computer and locate the coordinates and grabbed the ooze scanner on copy the location on it. "Ok, we should be close!"I said. "Is it me or are you getting smarter?" April asked. "Well, since Donnie is growing stupid and the creep is growing smart. I have to show my smartness to help you guys out."I said. We made a stop as me and the others move. "April, Aaliyah, watch over Donnie while I'm gone!"I said as I got with the other three turtles.  It leads us to the green house as we come inside. We see that he revived snake-weed. "Oh, no!"I said as they both saw us. I see Donnie and I gasped as I facepalmed. "Ladies, you have one job!"I said. We run out of the green house as I nodded at the other three turtles and they attack them. I see Donnie gone and attack snake-weed. I turned to the creep and revealed fireballs. Once snake-weed is walking pass the guys I disappeared and ram the creep to a pole as he roared in pain. I sighed then saw him gone as I gasped. I moved away as it attack me. As we fight, I manage to grow smarter and smarter as I keep moving. I fall out to the guys."everyone, head for the shellraiser now!"I said as we all moved out. We run to an alley and hid behind the dumpster as a clamp his mouth shut as snake-weed and the three turtles pass by. We then see a rat as Donnie gasped. "Squirrel!" Donnie said following the rat. "Donnie come back!"I said as I went after him. Once I manage to catch up with him, we are in front of the creep and snake-weed. "I like French fries!" Donnie said stupid as I gasped grabbed him and jump up very high as April got them and exploded as we float down safely. I sighed in relief as I let go of Donnie. "This just like Tempe running around all over again."I said. "Wow, look at that fire. Hey, do you guys wanna toast some marshmallows?" Donnie asked as I guide him to the shellraiser. "Come on, we gotta cure Donnie before he becomes even more stupid."I said as we get into the shellraiser and drove back to the lair. Once we made it, Donnie got out to the living room to look around as we follow him after and make him stop doing that. While they do that, I guide Mikey to the lab. "I need your help to make the antidote. Maybe it can work on miwa too if I use my healing hands on it."I said as he nodded and got to work. While we get to work I hear Donnie screaming saying that he's melting and I snickered. Then I add the pepperoni as the final ingredient. "It is done!"I said as we high five. "Ok, now all we have to do is give this to Donnie and luckily we made the second batch. With a small bit of my healing hands."I said as we smiled and the guys come in. I put the chemical down with a smile and talk to them about the chemical we made while Donnie comes in and see the chemical. "Mm, pizza shake." Donnie said as he grabbed it and we look at him as he drinks it then he coughs. I walk to him. "Donnie?"I asked. He then turned around more dumb and I sighed in relief. "It means it's working."I said. "Working?! Look at him now he is more dumber than ever!" Raph said. "I know, that's part of the side effects. Then he'll be back to normal."I said. Then we felt rumbling as I gasped. "Oh, no!"I said as I left the lab and went up to the wood thing and look at the periscope.i see people running with green gas and giant plants coming into buildings. It grabbed people and I gasped. "We've made it worse!" I said. I look at it again to see the creep and snake-weed combined together. "The creep and snake-weed must've fused together in the explosion."I said as I jump down. I see Donnie dancing with ice cream kitty. I sighed. "I'll stay here with Donnie while you guys distracted creep-weed!"I said. I see vines growing in the lair but cowered as they felt my plants rising as I grow all over the edges. I lead Donnie to the lab and sit him down. "Ok, I need to make a retro mutagen weed killer in order to stop it."I said as I got the retro mutagen in a weed killer that I made and smiled and filled in the second one. "Ok, I'm gonna need a player 2 in order to fight that weed."I said as I carry the first one. "Ok, according to the creep-weed form. The only way to destroy it is to-" I got cut off by a certain voice. "Aim it directly to the mouth!" Donnie said. I turn to him as I see him smiling. "Donnie, is that really you?"I asked. "Yup, your antidote actually works!"Donnie said as I smiled and hugged him. He put on the second weed killer and we the shell bike and drove up to the surface. Then I see the creep-weed got Mikey and I ran his face over and landed and we got off as I give him a breathing collar. "Get away from him, you distinctive sangria sangulaous!"Donnie said as we ready the weed killers. "Alix, donnie!" Mikey said. "Do you know what this is?"I asked as I point the weed killer. "Why yes, I do. Retro mutagen based weed killer!" Donnie said as we chuckled. "Come and get some!" Me and Donnie said in unison as creep-weed roared and put Mikey down. It's head went towards us and we blast it straight in the mouth. Then it exploded as Donnie hold me tight as we stop blasting retro mutagen. All of the plants died as he carried creep-weed's pile of itself. "Come on, let's get everyone and out of here before tyhe people wake up."I said as he nodded as we got the guys and head for the lair.
(At the lair ~)
I put the box up that is lock on the shelf. "This should get creep-weed out of harm."I said. I turned to Donnie and hug him. "It's good to have you back Donnie."I said. He hugged back lovingly. "It's good to be back and thanks for saving my hide at the shellraiser part. That was embarrassing." He said. I giggle as we departed. "I still can't believe that I remember the antidote just in case that happened."I said. I walk out of the lab with a smile. "And maybe some day we might get to know a lot more about that on our space adventure."I said. Then realized what I said and covered my mouth. "SPACE ADVENTURE?!?!" I hear 4 shouted voices. "Gotta go!"I said as I run as I hear footsteps after me.
'Oh good Lord, make this end!'

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