The noxious avenger

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(My pov~)
We jump to another rooftop as I get to the side of the building with bebop and rocksteady. I smiled and blew my fist and punch through the wood and get inside as the rest followed me after. "What the What? How'd you find us?" Bebop asked and he start shooting lasers as we attack. As we fight the mutagen got thrown out of the window and I went after it. It was heading towards a garbage man. "Look out!"I said as he look and then got splashed with it as I gasped and he fell in the garbage. 'Here comes muckman.'I thought as I flew down to the garbage bin. He groaned in pain as he mutates and I approached him carefully. I see a garbage hand and I help him out as he try to breathe. "That's right, take it slow."I said softly as he breathe. I see bebop and rocksteady escape. He saw me as I see the guys jump over the rooftop. "You girl?" He asked as I look at him. "I'm not the one who threw the mutagen at you, bebop and rocksteady did!"I said as he roars. I help him get up and walk him to the alley as it turns night. "Ok, you should be safe."I said as I sat him down. He look at himself in the mirror and gasped as he panicked. "Hey, hey look at me."I said as I turn his face to me. "It's gonna be ok. You are now a mutant, which means that you have gain a special ability."I said. I turn to the trash. "Go ahead and scream."I said as he begin screaming and the trash begin flying around. He saw it and stop screaming as the trash plops. "Told ya."I said. "I'm a freak!" He said to himself. "No, your not. Your like a super hero, right joe?"I asked as his right eye pops out and lands on the desk. "Darn tootin, miss. You've got super powers!" The eyeball said. "Like me!"I said as I revealed fireballs at my hands. "How would you know about that?" He asked as I smiled. "Joe here, is your guide of what you and your powers can do."I said as Joe nodded. I hear someone calling for help as I look at him. "Luckily, now's your chance. Don't worry, I'll help you out!"I said as I grabbed the mutants hand and run towards the source. I see the purple dragon mugging a man as we step forth. The mutant grabbed fong and threw him as I snapped my fingers and set their buns on fire. As for the mutant he got them down with ease in a funny way as I laughed. Then he put the dragons in the dumpster as I smiled. "Well, that's one way to take out the trash."I said. I hear a lady shout as we see her smiling. "It's alixandria!" The lady said as I gasp. The man thank us as more people gather around. "Looks like we're tracking attention."I said. I see a van come up to see grody to the max. I gasp as I grabbed muckman. "Time to go!"I said as I teleport with muckman and went to another alley. I sighed in relief. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I can't be seen on camera, let's say that I'm a ninja."I said as he nodded then realized something. "Your Alix hill?!" He said. 'Oh, great. It means I'm famous!' I thought as I look at him. "Yes, I am. But you can't let me or the turtles be caught on camera!"I said as he nodded.  "By the way, if your gonna be a mutant. I might as well call you... muckman."I said as he smiled. "I actually like that." He said as I smiled. "Ok, if you are gonna fight like us. We need to train your powers."I said as he smiled and went to train.
(Time skip ~)
He is now getting use to his powers as I smiled. "Luckily, you are now like us."I said. Then I hear a shout as I turn to see a fangirl along with different people. "Uh,oh. Time to go!"I said as we make a run for it as everyone went after us. We make a turn as we turn invisible as people run passed us. We turn visible as I see no one else. We run to the park as I breathe heavily. "Why do people want me to be famous. All I did is say that mutants are like people, you can't judge a book by it's cover."I said as muckman smiled. "Well, that and you 5 did save us along with the mighty mutanimals! You all are heroes!" He said as I smiled. "Thanks."I said. I see the guys dropped in as Joe climb up on me. "Hey guys! This is muckman, the newest mutant!"I said. He smiled as Joe go back to muckman. Muckman then carried me as I laughed and been put onto his shoulder. "It's a pleasure to meet the turtles." He said. I laughed as I see trash being lifted up. "Are one of them bebop and rocksteady?" He asked concerned. "No, now put the trash down. It's ok."I said as the trash plops to the ground. Then the little sack thing boiled up as my eyes widen. "Point away, point away!"I said as he turns and spits out garbage juice as I gag. I then hear footsteps as I gasped. I got off and pulled muckman to the guys then turn all of us invisible as we stay quiet. We see the show grody to the max as we stay silent and moved away slowly, as muckman accidentally puke garbage juice on them and they shivered in disgust. "Luckily, I made it invisible along with the sounds."I said. We then silently went for the sewers as they shrug and left.
(At the lair ~)
I gave muckman tea as the guys shiver and I put a blanket over them. "Thank the stars, that I saved your shells. If I weren't there, you would be grounded again only this time no electronics and lab."I said as I put soup in there lap. "I'm so sorry that I got your friends sick." He said. "It's fine, we've stay hidden and did not get caught. That's the important part."I said as I change the channel to crognard as I help spoon feed my turtles because they were shivering too much. "Luckily, I put medicine in the soup so that way you'll feel better in no time. You four also need rest."I said in my Dr. Tone. They nodded as they smile. Sensei comes in. "Sensei, I'll deal with the situation as your son's sleep and get better. I got this!"I said determined as he nods. "Muckman, follow me. I gotta help you out!" I said as me and muckman exit the lair.
(At the surface ~)
We got out of the sewers. "Ok, so while my turtles gets better. We gotta find you a place to put in."I said as he smiled. I look around no humans. "Ok, we clear. Let's move!"I said as we move out. I see bebop and rocksteady as I gasp and hide. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I found the ones who mutated you."I said as he sees them. "Bebop and rocksteady."I said as I hear him growl. "Stay by me, I know you want revenge. Just stay close. Ok?"I asked and he nodded. I see them hacking into a lab and they head inside. I growled and went in their and pull them out. "Vat? You?" Rocksteady asked. "Yup, and I want you to say hello to a friend of mine. I believe that you both know him. Muckman!"I said as he comes behind me as he growls at them. "I believe that you owe him an apology for mutating him!"I said. Bebop was about to throw something at us and I wind blast it as it flew off. Bebop hip blast me as I fall back in pain. "ALIX!" Muckman shout as I moan in pain. He growled as he took care of bebop and rocksteady as I look at him. He helped me up. "I-i'm fine. Thank you, muckman."I said as he smiled. Joe comes out and hugs me as I smiled. He carry me and hug me as I sprout my angel wings out. "Oh, fancy." Joe said as we departed. Then I see people coming as I gasped silently. Muckman saw them too. "You go. Scatter, I've got this." He said as he puts me down and behind me. "What about you?"I whispered. "I think I've found my place, thank you for showing me what it's like to be a mutant. I'll never forget you, alix." He said as I nodded and took of and head for the lair.
(At the lair ~)
I groaned as I plop into the couch. I see muckman on tv, as he is going to become a hero. I sighed in relief as I yawned feeling tired. "Hey, alix!" A voice said as I see Donnie all better along with his brothers. "Hey, guys."I said tired as I lay my head down. They sit on the couch as I closed my eyes. "You feeling ok?" Mikey asked. But no answer as they hear me silently snore as they smile.
"Sleep tight, alix."

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