Eyes of chimera

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(My pov ~)
Me and April are at the barn and we are both wearing helmets to test our physic powers. "Is this safe?" April asked. "Absolutely." Donnie said as he put two clippers each of us. "Don't worry, donnie knows his stuff. He got Everything under control."I said. Donnie blushed and chuckled. "Oh, t-thanks Alix. Ahem, now let me adjust the straps and plug this baby in." Donnie said as the machines whirred and the machine is prepared. I see Mikey came in. "Um, what are you guys doing?" Mikey asked. "He's just gonna test our physic powers through the transmitter that Donnie made from the scouting ship."I said. "Cool." Mikey said. Donnie set it up. "Ok. Starting... now." Donnie said starting it up as we both took a deep breath. "You feel anything?" Donnie asked. "Nope."I said sounding like big Mac from mlp. Donnie is adjusting it. "How about now?" Donnie asked. We felt it tingle and we giggle. "That tingles."I said. Donnie picked up the cards. "Okay, you two. Now, focus on the card. Close your eyes and tell me what you both see." Donnie said. We nodded and close our eyes. "April?" Donnie asked. "I see... I see... a bird!" April said. "Alix?" Donnie asked. "I see two things, actually. A bird like April said and the card said it's a plane."I said. Donnie looked shock. "Correct on the plane part, but the bird?" Donnie asked. "I think I see something is wrong and we are both seeing the same thing. Try a next card."I said. Donnie grabbed another card. "Ok. What do you see? April?" Donnie asked. "Hmm. I'm gonna say... a fish?" She asked. Mikey gain focused. "Alix?" Donnie asked. "Fish in my eyes, but the card, monkey and it is an ape also."I said. Donnie smiled. "Correct. Ok, now this one is easy." Donnie said getting a next card. I sense Mikey smirking knowing what it is. "April?" Donnie asked. "It's... it's... a worm! Definitely a worm!" April said as I snickered. "April. In my eyes, yes it's a worm. But the card is a picture of Leo, raph, Donnie and Mikey. They're not worms!"I said as I laughed a little. April blush then snickered thinking about them having a worm head. I see Donnie and Mikey blush in embarrassment. I smiled. "Don't worry, just think of it in a funny way. Raph might have a worm head also."I said whispering the last part as the two snickered. Dr.cluckinsworth cluck. "So, according to the sights we're seeing it means that chimera either be close or coming this way."I said scientifically. I sense Donnie blush as I stand up. " Maybe we should figure this out. Right now, I'm creating a plan to either take down chimera or tame the beast."I said. I see Donnie working on the machine. "Ok, Donnie. I don't think that it is gonna work."I said. Donnie hummed in concern. "Hey, maybe I make some more adjustments." Donnie said as he gets adjusting the transmitter. The machines whirred as we both feel a struck of pain in our head we screamed in pain as we mind blast. Then we both see nothing for now. 'Oh, great!'I thought. We then snap out of it as I hear everything plop. I covered my left eye as I look to see the  cards everywhere. "Oh, well that's gonna be hard to clean up."I said as I looked at April to see her right eye white as I gasped. "April! Your eye!"I said. She gasped. "Your eye! Your left eye is white!" April said. I grew shock. "What?!"I said panicked as I blink my left eye, no sight. "Oh, no."I said as April panicked and I see the guys panicked. "Everyone, calm your shells down!"I said Irish tone as everyone stop. "Ok, April. Your blind on your right, and I'm blind with my left. Now, let cover and close our eye that we can see. I believe I think I know what's going on."I said as I close my right eye as April close her left. "Ok, what do you two see?" Donnie asked. "Clouds. I think we're flying." April said. "Just as I thought. We are in chimera's eyes!"I said. "Wait what?!" Donnie said. We took our helmet off as we see clouds. "Ok, now we're soaring. We're heading down."I said. Then I see the farmhouse as we come close. "Head outside, NOW!!!"I said as we both open our see eye and run out of the barn. We see Everyone training. "EVERYONE GET INSIDE!!!!"I shout. Everyone looked at me confused then we hear a roar. "You heard Alix. Move!!!" My dad said as the little ones head for the house as we made it to the guys. "What was tha- ALIX! APRIL!! YOUR EYES!!!" Casey said as Leo and raph gasped. "Save the shocking for later, look alive!" Bismuth said as we see chimera flying above us.

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