Annihilation:Earth! pt.1

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(My pov~)
We are driving the shellraiser to search for shredder or kraang. "Whoa, that triceraton sounds so cool. I wish I can fight that evil dino-dude." Casey said. "Not a chance. He's ten-time stronger then you."I said. "I'm more amazed about aliens being out there than the kraang." She said. "I know, in fact I knew all along since I was 5. I've always believed that all alien are in different parts of the galaxy."I said. "Hate to break the conversation guys, but we've got a follower." Donnie said as I look at the screen to see a black car following us. "Maybe it's someone who is important or maybe..."I said then gasped to come a realization. "It's been 16 years!"I said as I run to a hatch. They gasped as I opened the hatch. I got out as I closed It and fly to the black car to see a kraang but different and I smile as he smiled at me. "You must be alix?" He asked. "Bishop! Did you get her?"I asked. "I'm just about to retrieve her. Follow me and I'll give you a message." He said as I nodded. "Go!"I said as he sped off and I followed him. I hear the shellraiser followed me as I giggle. Then I stop to See him gone. I landed. "Message. Message."I said finding it as the guys come out. "Alix, who was that?" Leo asked as I found it. "Aha!"I said as the guys come close. " 'Heroes, 3117 bayfront street. midnight.' " I read as I see a picture of a bishop. I smiled. "It's settled. We go to bayfront street at midnight."I said. We took off to bayfront street and we all got Inside. "He's a very good guy, so don't armed him. He's gone against the kraang."I said as they look shocked. We made it to the same meat licker where me and miwa first fused. "Hello?"I asked. "Alixandria." A voice said as we look to see bishop arriving. "After all this time, I can finally see you again." He said. "You know me?"I asked as he smiled and took a photo to see him and my parent. "I'm a very close friend to your parents after the gem war." He said as I smiled then look confused. "How do they know You? How is this even possible?!"I said as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Believe me when I say that it's a very true story. Many years ago before you all are born, our world's was combined together as we lived on our Destiny. Our world's are ruled by a couple who are stronger for all the galaxy and God's and goddess's. Your mother and father, your father is the king of all hell and soul keeper in rise of day, your mother brought out as queen of life, raise love and brought out the moon to begin the night. The two royals never separated as the rule the land with a value heart. But one day the triceratons have grew jealousy as they launch a full attack and the diamonds have help your mother to stop the triceratons with the love blast. They wipe out almost all of them but a ship has escape and blame us and claimed revenge. The diamonds used to see the beauty of earth but after the blast it made a price to separate both our world's. Your mother and father knew that they won't see us again and neither will you. After the separation, your mother brought great details saying that our world's will combine once more after 15 years. You were the first one to come as we all came as one, that's why you are special. You are the next heir to the throne to the galaxy." He said as I grew shocked and I plopped to the ground as I breathe heavily as the guys are taking all of this in. "Bishop... i-i.... oh my god!"I said in shock. "Believe me, we all went through a lot just to keep you and the universe safe. For me, I'm a member of the utrom tribe. A small group of kraang defectors. We broke away the kraang hive many centuries ago thanks you your mother and father." He said. "So why are you here?"I asked. "To warn you that the triceratons are coming." He said. I gasped. "Oh,no."I said as tears flow. "Yes, and they are carrying enough firepower to destroy the entire solar system." He said. "The black hole generator."I said. "The black hole what?!"Donnie said. "The news grows dire." Bishop said. "The technodrome from the showdown is coming back up from the sea. If the triceratons see the technodrome, they'll hone in the planet and vaporize it."I said. "Indeed, and the triceratons will come to this world as your mother and father are keeping this a secret and haven't gain the turning until a year ago but only the beginning step, for your true powers will truly begin. It will rages across dimension x. Now, shall we begin?" He asked. "Yes, but first we gotta call... everyone!" I said as we all nodded and head out to the lair.
(At the lair ~)
"Everyone, we've got a situation!"I said as everyone look and gasped to see the utrom. "A kraang!" Garnet said. "Wait, he's different. He's an utrom!"I said as all gems gasped and my mom walk by me. "Bishop." My mom said as he smiled. Then I look at the entrance and gasped to see... "Tang chen!"I said as I run passed them and tackle her to a hug with laughter. I hear 5 gasps as splinter looks shock. "C-chen?" He asked as Chen gasped to see the turtles and sensei. "Chen, it's alright. It's just like I said, once you come to New York. You'll gain 4 adopted son's in a different form and your husband in a different way."I said as she teared up happily. "The rat is yoshi."I said as she run passed me and hugged sensei. I smiled as she look at the turtles. "My sons!"I said as they smiled and hugged her and she brought miwa in including sensei in a family hug. "Best reunion ever."I said. Leo look at me. "How did you do this?"He asked. "Let's just say I did a little fix up while time traveling with renet."I said as they smiled and hugged me. I hugged back then got serious. "Ok, I hate to break up this beautiful reunion. But we got a mission to get to!"I said as we head to the lab. I got the chalk board ready as I clear my throat. "Alright, everybody. Listen up! Rapheal, Donatello, Michelangelo and leatherhead, you and half of the gems will take the sub infiltrate and stop the kraang from coming out of the sea. If it does the rest of us will take it out with the turtle blimp and as much flying power as we got. As much as we got we must get as much reinforcements as much as we can to save earth!"I said as they all nodded.
(At the surface ~)
I am flying around as the submarine dive down. I see the blimp coming in with explosives. I wait as I took a breathe. "I can't believe that this is happening. Trying to save earth from the triceratons, being a princess of the entire fucking universe! How did my mother and father face through being king and queen?!"I said. Then I see something flying up and I gasped. "Technodrome coming in hot!"I said. I see the technodrome rising up. I raise my fire fist up as I cracked my neck. They fly towards them and I use my magic and got everyone out of there. It crashed and cause a hole. We flies in and took care of the kraang and head for the control center. We went through the blasting and I cracked my knuckles. I snapped my fingers as the kraang burst to flames. "Which way?"I asked as he points and we followed him. I hear them both laugh as we see the others captured and I growl. I hear the alarms go off. "They're here!"I whispered as kraang subprime and prime cowered in fear. I see the captain of the triceratons come on the screen. "Greetings, sub-life-forms of earth. I am captain mozar of the triceraton empire. Let it be known, that your infested with kraang-- an insidious alien bent from earth into their own home world along with gems themself. We triceratons will eliminate these hideous aliens, freeing you of their vile plan. Unfortunately, your earth will annihilated as well. That is all. and, please, have a nice day." He said then got off the screen. "Not on my watch."I said. I did my war cry as I jump on kraang subprime. Leatherhead went to attack kraang prime. Subprime look at me. "You!" He said. "And I'm not alone!"I said as bishop comes by me. "Bishop? You filthy, swindling kraang!" He said. I growled. "He's an utrom you ugly brain creep!"I said. He roared at me as I turned molten lava. "Get to the hangar!"I said as bishop got subprime and head for the scouting ships. "It is too late to take the technodrome down! Pair up and grab a ship! Go,go,go!"I said as Leo and raph went to a ship, all of the crystal gems pair up and took a ship. Casey and Mikey got on a ship. I smirked and fly up as Donnie and April got on the ship. I fly to a wall and sonic blast it to make a hole and we all went through. We fly up to the triceraton scouting ship. I see some ships heading for the city. They fly towards us and start blast as I reveal my fireballs and start blasting them. I see two ships down cause of one the stealth ships. I laugh as they are being blasted. "That's what I'm talking about!"I said. I see one of the stealth ships blasted, I gasped and fly to it. I punch through the ship and opened it to see Donnie and April. They saw me. "Alix!" They said. "Quick, hop on!"I said as they got in my back and I moved away from the stealth ship as they hold me tight. "You ok?"I asked and they nodded. I see the ships leaving as my eyes widen. "Everyone, stand back on the technodrome!"I said as I fly away from the technodrome. Everyone else did the same as the triceratons are ready to blast the technodrome. Then they blast at the technodrome. Then it exploded as a sound wave come in and I shield all of the stealth ships but 2. I see one going down as I gasp and fly towards it and did the same thing I did to save Donnie and April. Only this time it's Leo and raph. I sighed as I look at the two turtles. "Everyone ok?"I asked and they nodded. I then see a stealth ship as they pass by with... "The black hole generator!"I said. Then I see the 3rd stealth ship go down because they tried to stop it. "Oh, come on!"I said as I did a speed flight and made it to the 3rd stealth ship and rip a hole as Everyone hold me tight. "Time to go!"I said as I grabbed Casey and Mikey and fly out as the stealth ship crash. "Ok, anybody else?"I asked. They shook their heads. "Good, now..."I said as I got a war horn out and I blew it very hard. I fly around the city as I blew the horn and landed at the road. We run to the park and stay hidden as the prepare the black hole. "Those triceratons must be scientists. They are programming the black hole generator."I said as I see the soldiers coming out. "Luckily, I called Everyone. They are gonna be here very fast!"I said. They prepare the portal and start the timer. Then drain the power outage. We went full stealth as we ready to fight. Then I see Mikey stepped on a triceraton tail and I gasped. "Earth creatu-" I cut him off by a fire blast I gave him. I did a sonic roar as we attack. I see my turtles and bishop are being beaten. Then bishop got blasted and plopped to the ground. "Bishop!"I said as I grew vines and flung the triceraton to the others. Then I see a triceraton point a blaster at me as I gulped.

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