Why me?

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The next morning came. I had the worst feeling ever.. But.. I knew that I had to go back to work. So I went. I knew that I wouldn't be in full of energy as before, but it's better than nothing.

I went to my office and by surprise... Pump waited me outside.. He said that I looked sick and I just said thanks and laughed at it. Then I asked why he was here and said that I didn't call him or anything. He replied that he wanted to me have some company and that he wanted some company... 

He brought some breakfast with him. I've never been used to eat breakfast... Pies, tea, biscuits, all that. But why? I tried to eat something but I ended up drinking tea and then I continued my work. Pump ate and followed my working. it was little bit disturbing. He saw how my hands were shaking. He mentioned it and I just told that no one never watches when I'm working or anything. He understood and said that I should relax. Maybe I should... But this is so big work for me. And I want it to be good! 

suddenly I started to feel dizzy. Pump said that I was pale. I was falling before he caught me. 

P- You should rest.

T- No I can't. I'm fine.

I got up and then I was falling again. Now he forced me to rest. He planted me on my chair and tried my forehead. It was hot. He wanted to take me to the doctor but I said he didn't need to and that I'm feeling much better already. But well... He wanted to take me anyway. Just in case as he said.

Lil Pump and meWhere stories live. Discover now