The past

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T- Gazzy.. I didn't know why I did that.. I'm fucking sorry! I didn't mean to do anything like that shit to you! I don't even have any feelings for him! I don't know why I did that..

G- heey.. heey hey babe.. Look at me..

He took me to his arms and kissed me.

G- I know you didn't mean that shit. You were drunk. And Smoke.. He has did that shit before.. When we were a 2 years younger. He tried to took my girlfriend.. And..

T- And..?

G- That girl went through.. all the shit.. all the hate.. Everyone called her a whore all that shit.. And for awhile I believed that too.. That he was just another bitch who fucks with everyone.. And Why I care? Because she was my first love.. and.. six months for that and.. she killed herself..

T- That's fucked up.. But.. Why the hell you are friend with a guy who makes everyone bad for themselves?

G- Because.. I thought that.. It will stay just in the past.. And for a little while I thought that nothing like that shit won't happen anymore.. And Smoke.. I trusted him.. Se had known eachothers for a looong time. And when I met you.. I thought That Smoke learned from his mistakes.. That's why.. I tried to live normally and all that shit. But I was fucking wrong.. And I'm sorry about it..

T- Smoke.. told.. That you took that picture..

G- He is lying.. I was passed out almost most of the time.

T- oh..

G- I know that you feel like crap now.. What can I do to make you feel better?

T- I... I just want that picture away.

G- I don't know if that's possible.. It's on Smokes account.. Come here. Let's make our own picture and post it and tell what's going on.

We took a photo of us and Gazzy posted it on instagram.
He typed: That Smoke Fucking Purpp was going to take my girl from me.. BITCH! We ain't bros no more!

Gazzy And I hugged for a bit and kissed. I was so happy that he took care of me. And I'm so happy that he believes me.

G- Promise me that you didn't feel anything for him.

T- I didn't feel anything. I Love only you.

G- I love you too. You are my everything.

Gazzy looks at that baked egg what Smoke did.

G- You made this?

T- Nope.. Smoke did..

Gazzy throw it to the trash can and said:

G- Let's go eat out.

We went to eat by foot. I weren't hungry anymore. My head just hurts.. And I just keep thinking about that girl who Gazzy was talking about.

T- I understand you..

G- I'm glad that you didn't get hurt like that.

T- Thanks for saving me. Can I say it like that?

G- You can say anything you want to. But hey.. I noticed that your not hungry.. Should we go get my lambo now?

T- Oh.. I almost forgot. Yeah. Let's get it.

G- ha haa eesskkeettiitt! And don't worry. Everything is good now. I promise.


Guys.. I don't know.. I just want to end this story and start a new one.. But the thing is.. That I don't know how to end this 😅
Ps. I had to update two parts today because I could' t wait for tomorrow..

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