We ain't bros no more

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T- Smoke?! WTF?! Take these down! NOW!

S- Why? What are you complaining about?

T- That fucking kissing pic! Take it down now! Has Gazzy saw it?

S- Naah.. He won't see nothing even if his eyes are open.. Plus.. He took that picture by himself

T- Don't speak crap about Gazzy! And why the hell would he took that picture? Why did he let this happen? Why did I let this happen? I'm so stupid! Why THE FUCK did you let this happen?!

S- Naah you are not stupid. You just like me better than Gazzy. That's all. And I like you.

T- No I don't fucking like you! I fucking LOVE Gazzy! And don't you fucking dear say anything else!

S- Then why did you kissed me?

T- Because.. I don't know.. I was drunk!

I almost cried.. I wanted to punch the wall.. I didn't want to be near Smoke. I knew What he was. He tried to take me from Pump.

T- Take that fucking photo down!

S- Chill mama...

T- I'm not your fucking mama!

Gazzy was coming from up stares. He didn't say nothing.. I was little bit scared.. He was just looking on us. He knew what last night happened...

G- You! OUT! 

I was scared. I first thought that he was screaming at me but then I noticed that he mentioned Smoke.

S- Bro.. It was nothing like that.. I promise.. That thing what happened way back then.. This is not like that.. The last night.. We just had fun.. Remember..?


T- Gazz..

S- Okay I will go.. Not because you say so. Because I don't wanna see you no more. We ain't bros anymore!

G- Don't take my words you bitch ass! Now go!

Smoke left doors banging.. Me and Gazzy were quiet.. Then I started to cry..

Lil Pump and meWhere stories live. Discover now