Going to rest

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G- Here she is! Isn't she gorgeous?

T- Gazzy...

G- She is little bit shy so calm down everyone!

T- Gazzy..

Gazzy putted his mic down so no one could't hear us

G- Yeah?

T- I'm feeling really sick..

G- Is it like that time?

T- Yeah but little bit worst

Gazzy holds me standing. I could just fall if he would't be in there.

G- Okay.. Let's get you back to that behind the stage okay? I will call this night up to the end.

T- Nooh Gazzy don't. I'm fine. I need to just rest. Just.. Have fun and rap good okay? for me?

G- Okay.. I will come to check on you ask soon as I can. Smoke?

S- Yeah?

G- Can you take Tea to my dressing room? And take care of her? Only couple of songs and I will be in there. 

S- What's wrong?

T- Nothing.. Just little bit..

G- She is feeling dizzy. 

S- Ohh.. Okay.

T- Naah.. Don't have to, I can go by myself..

I let go of Gazzy and almost fall.

S- Nope you can't. Come on. You take support on me when you walk.

Me and Smoke left n the stage. Everyone were confused of all that shit.. They were probably thinking what we were talking about.. 

I heard how Gazzy started to speak on the mic and tell that he was sorry about that little break and that he will continue now.

When we came to the Gazzys room, Smoke planted me on the couch.

S- You want something? Drinks? snack? 

T- Yeah I think I need some water..

S- You think? haha. 

T- Hahah yeah..

S- I will get you something to eat as well. Wait. I'll be right back.

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