The Sunset

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G/P- Okay so you have heard my songs?

T- Not all of them...

G/P- Then let's listen some. 

T- Okay.

Gazzy started his Spotify list where he got all his songs. from old to new. He was rapping all of them. I was thinking how he can drive and rap so good together.. 

G/P- what is your favorite?

T- Hey please hahah. You can't ask me that...

G/P- I guess it's 'arms around you'?

T- Why?

G/P- Every girl likes it.

T-... Not.. me..

G/P- You are lying hahah.

T- fuck you! Hahha.

G/P- we are bout to come to our destination.

T- It's so fucking beautiful here!

T- It's so fucking beautiful here!

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  G/P- yeah. I love the sunset. It's beautiful. Like you..

he took my hand and kissed it.

T- Gazzy? Why? Why you are so good to me?

 G/P-  Your not like the other girls. 

T- That's it? 

 G/P- Do you trust me?

T- What?

 G/P- Do you trust me?

T-... Yes.

Gazzy placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me slowly. I kissed him back.

G/P-...I think...


G/P- ..I'm falling for you..

T- hah. yeah. don't say that...

  G/P- Why the hell nah?

T- because... 

G/P- what ever you say, I won't change my opinion of you. I fucking love you.


G/P- You don't feel the same about me?

T- haha Well.. I do feel that but... You have so much other girls.. so.. I think I'n no one..

 G/P-  no no no.. babygirl.. They ain't nothing. You are the one!

T- hmm..

G/P- I will prove it t you! Here.. let's start the ig live.

T- what? why?

Before Gazzy even answered he already started the live. 

G/P- Hi everyone! I have announcement to make!

oh fuck...

G/P- I fucking love her!

He showed me on live and I was just looking at Gazzy and blushing! Like what just happened..?

G/P- I love her and I don't need no other bitches to my life! She is everything I need. You think about me like that too?

T- of course! 

G/P- hah. You heard it. peace!

T- Wtf just happened? hahaha

G/P- The whole world knows that I'm in love.

T- I fucking love you.

Then we kissed awhile... till the sun goes down..

G/P- should we go to.. my place?

T- Well... You asked me out so.. you decide..

G/P- haha eesskkeetiitt! Let's listen rest of the songs. the next one is...

T- Gucci Gang?

G/P- How you know? hahaha

T- just guessing.. 

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