How could you?

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I didn't care about the message. I just wanted to hung out with Gazzy and his gang. But then the next day came by. I got a new message from the same number.

 It was strange.. I kept wondering Why I get a work thing on my phone.. Why didn't he/she e-mail me like the others..
Unknown number...
Maybe it was just Gazzy's fan or something and he/she just try to contact him through me or something... Idfk. But how the hell did he/she got my number...

-I need a suit to my show. I can give you 10 000 euros If you make it better than Lil Pump suit. Deal?

I had to read that message like six times.
Why the fuck? Who the fuck!?
I texted To Gazzy:

T- Gazz is this your friend? 
G- What is the number?

I send him that number. It took a little while...

G- How Smoke have your number..? Have you give it to him?

Fuck.. I forget that I gave my number to Smoke on that night..

G- why did you give your number to him..? You had been talking to him? After all he did? How could you?
T- it was that night. The after party night... I haven't talk to him through messages. It was just that Day when we first meet.
G- really?
T- really! Gazzy why you are even thinking something Else. Why would I text him? 
G- Why does he have your number?
T- Because he asked for it. He wanted to hang out sometimes. But I didn't know that he was like that you know
G- Pyhh.. What ever.

I was little bit crying.. I didn't know what to answer.. I had lots of work and.. stress.. And now this.. Why the fuck does Smoke bully me and Gazzy like that...

T- Bae?

No answer.. 

T- I will text him and say that I won't make any suit for him or anything ok?

Still no answer...

Why won't Gazzy believe me that I haven't texted with Smoke? Like wtf?!

15 minutes went and then he answered..

G- Ok. But if he keeps going.. I will not be responsible for the consequences.

T- jeez Gazzy.. I got this. Trust me. I love you.

He didn't answer back..

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