What The Fuck?

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I go get my phone from Gazzy's room. He is still in sleep. I take a picture of him because he looks so cute. I didn't notice that I hag flash on... So Gazzy woke up.

G- Tea? why you up? What time? Tea.. Why you taking pictures of me?

T- Shh shh babe go to back sleep, you need it.

G-mmhh.. gome here..

T- I can give you a one hug and then I will go make some breakfast.

I went to bed and Gazzy squeeze me so I could't almost breath

T- Hah Gazz please haha I can't fucking breath.

G- I love you.

T- Love you too.

G- Please don't leave me. I could die, if you ever leave me.

T- I won't leave you. You are my little rap god.

G- I love you.

T- I need to go to make that breakfast. You. Sleep. I love you. I call you when the breakfast is ready.

G- Okay, I love you

I got up and went to the door. I notice that Gazzy was already snoring. He got a gift. I ran to the kitchen and I saw Smoke baking those eggs.

S- There you are! What took you so long?

T- Gazzy woke up.

S- Oh.. He is coming down?

T- Naah.. I told him to get some rest. He was looking little bit sick. I told him that I will call him when the breakfast is ready.

S- Yeah, I can do this.

T- Do you know what you are doing?

S- Yeah I'm not like Pump who can't tie his shoes haha

T- Tell me that's joke..

S- No I'm serious!

T- No I din't mean that.. I meant that you are insulting your best friend..

S- Naah.. Pump won't take that seriously. He is goofy guy.

T- Pyh what ever.

S- ..


S- You checked your insta?

T- Wait, I will check it out now.

It took me a while to open the instagram because my phone is old... I was thinking by myself that why Smoke is like that? Why he was like that yesterday and now he is talking trash about his best friend..

My insta opened and I went to my profile to see if I had posted something new. I was.
There was a picture of us three.

T- This is a sweet picture.

S- What picture are you looking of?

T- Mine. You were trying to just scare me! Is there more?

S- Hah hah I was just fucking with you. There is couple selfies on Pump's and mine profiles too.

I went to see first on Gazzy's profile. There was one pic where we all three were, almoust the same what was on my profile. Then there was a picture of only me and Gazzy. I was on his lap and it looked like that Gazzy were screaming "eesskkeettiitt" ofc.

T- These are good pictures. Almost like we weren't drunk hahah.

S- Yeah?

T- Yeah.

Now I go to Smoke's profile. There was 4 new pictures. The first one was where we all were, (almost the same as what was on mine and Gazzys profile) The second picture were of Smoke and Gazzy. (probably screaming "eesskkeettiitt") Third and fourth pictures were of me and Smoke. First one was when we were hugging and the second one was when we were kissing.

T- WTF?!

Lil Pump and meWhere stories live. Discover now