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I woke up next to Gazzy. It was a new day, and last night... we had some fun. Talking, drinking.. having sex and ofc. listening music.

T- Gazzy...

G- I'm here.

pressed against his chest. He kissed my forehead. I didn't want to leave. ever.

But when we noticed that it was 11am.. we thought that we should just wake up and go to work. Well.. I go to work and Pump just go somewhere with his gang... But first he wanted to eat with me. 

He took me to my office and asked me what I wanted to eat. I told him that he should surprise me.  Didn't go much time when he already came back.

P- Hope you like burger king...

T- It's always good.

P- good you like it hahah. 

T- Look! I did much yeasterday and now. I have to do only this side and it's ready!

P- Wow you are good! And it looks so good too! I'm so proud of you babygirl!

T- Pyhh... Don't call me that...

P- Babygirl, Why can't I call you babygirl, babygirl?

T- Oh stop it hahah.

We were eating and then Edward rushes to my office room.


Ed saw Gazzy and went silent...

T- What? what were you saying?

E- Nothing... Tell me when you are lone.

T- okay...

Edward left and closed the door.

G- Wow. He knows about us haha.

T- How couldn't he hahaha. He probably saw your ig live.

G- He follows me?

T- Gazzy.. He is like your biggest fan...

G- I thought that you were hahaah.

T- Hahaha so funny.

G- It felt like it last night.

T- Oh don't talk about that here, seriously... Here is so thin walls! 

G- If that your friend didn't hear that I'm here... Then I think that you are just thinking that here is thin walls.


G- Yeah...

T- So you are saying that I'm crazy?

G- hell nah. 


G- come on babygirl!

T- Don't call me that hahah

G- I call you what I want! heh

Gazzy left and I continued my work. Then I texted to Edward that he can come now. 
He came and he started talking immediately.

E- Tea.. what? when? how?

T- You saw the live?

E- Yes the fuck I saw it. 

T- Well it happened then. hahah.

E- Omg with you hahah. I'm so happy for you!

T- Yeah..

E- You are happy too..?

T- Yes I am so fucking happy! hahaha. I just..


T- I just wanna finish this suit.

E- Oh... Why didn't you just say that hahah You got me worried. 

T- Hahah i'm sorry, didn't meant to.

E- Oh.. and  if Gazzy does something to you.. I'm here for you.

T- Ed... Don't scare me... 

E- I didn't meant to do that.. hahah. I just... You know... Gazzy loves strippers and all that shit.. Don't let him hurt you...

T- ... Yeah.. You are right.. But, Gazzy told me that he will put all that shit in the past.. so..

E- Well that's good.

T- Yeah.. But hey! Go now. hahah I wanna really do this today ready! 

E- Okay okay! hahah. Remember.. Be sure to take breaks!

T- Hahaha you sound like Gazzy.

E- We just wanna take care of you.

T- Thanks.

Lil Pump and meWhere stories live. Discover now