Little bit confusing

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We went to eat. To the mcdonalds...

Pump was kind and all that.. He said that I don't need to call him Pump, and that I should call him as Gazzy... I just answered "okay Pump" and he laughed at me.

He asked me If i'm feeling bad or something but I just said that I'm feeling good, and it was not a lie. Then he asked me did I need something or.. And then I said that I should go continue that suit. Then he took me to my office. And he left. And after that he called me...

G/P- Hey Tea..

T- Hi, what'sya need?

  G/P- Nothing really, just wanted to check that everything is okay.

T-... You just left ahahaha

G/P- Okay okay... I wanted to hear your voice hahaha. 

T- Hah.. hey btw. Can you come tomorrow morning again? like 9am?

  G/P- Yeah ofc. 

T- Good. I think that I get this ready now if I  do what I need to...

  G/P- Okay but hey promise me that you don't work hard. Sleep, eat, repeat remember..

T- haha yeah yeah..

G/P-  I'm serious..

T- okay I promise.

G/P-  Every hour, you will take a 10 min break? okay?

T- shit...

G/P- what?

T- Yes I promise haha

G/P- Good.

T- But don't worry.. it's 3pm now.. so.. I will stay here like 6 hours anymore...

 G/P- well that's good to know

T- well I gotta go now. someone is knocking on my door.


T- stop that hahah

G/P- I know you like it...

T- Pyhh.. Bye.

G/P- Byyye!

Edward- was that Pump?

T- Gazzy? yeah it was.

E- Wow you are close with him?

T- what? where did that come from?

E- well.. You are calling him Gazzy..

T- so what haha.

E- Well.. 

T- Oh shut up hahaha. 

E- haha. So when I get to meet him?

T- He was here today morning.

E- FUCK! Why when I weren't here..

T- Do some work so you will be here hahaha

E- well hahah. When will he be here again?

T- He.. Wait.. I can't tell it to you.. You would just stalk him or something hahaha.

E- Hey no that's not fair!

T- Ed.. really..

E- Okay I would..

T- You psycho..

E- yeah I am. And proud of it haha.

T- Now get away so I can do my work. And should you.

E- Okay okay.. I will go.. If you tell me when he will come here...

T- ...tomorrow.

E- morning? afternoon? evening?

T- won't tell you that

E- well fuck you too sis.. hahah


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