at the hospital

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He had lambo... with a butterfly doors...

I didn't say anything about it to him. I didn't want him to think that I'm stupid or that I never had seen such a car like that.. Well... I never had.. But so what?

We came to the hospital and he lead me to the reception.

Pump did the talking part which was really good for me. I even didn't want to be in there. But why did I just went there? I don't know. Pump is just too good for me. 

We had to wait to nurse pick me up.

T- Really. You can go. I'm in good hands in here.

P- Hey, I brought you here. And I will get you out of here too. it's just polite.

T- yeah yeah...

P- naah like really. It's not a big deal. As long as you are okay, I'm okay.

T- haha you just want that I continue your suit...

P- Naah. not really. as long as you are okay.. Do you know why this happened?

T- ...

Nurse- Okay, you can come now.


I followed the nurse. Pump stayed in the hallway because I told him to stay.. I didn't want him to come with me and hear all my private things.

To be honest.. I have had these couple days really bad feeling.. I'm feeling dizzy and all that shit. But I thought that it was just stress what I had from my family... But.. Now I'm little bit scared.. When this happened. I'm very grateful that Pump was there...  

Well.. I get out. They said that it was nothing serious, but I have to take care of myself.

Pump is still waiting! Why the hell...?  He was on his phone and as soon as he saw me he put it down and came to me. 

P- is everything ok?

T- Yeah, they just said that I have to take care of myself. eat, sleep, repeat. that kind of shit

P- wow, you got a mouth.

T- haahha

P- but hey, if you can't do that suit.. I understand...

T- Hey no don't say that! I'm so excited of this project! And you can't take that away from me! 

P- Okay okay.. haha You do it, put promise me you take care of your self.. Okay?

T- Okay.

P- And I can take care of you to...

T- ...

P- What do you say if we go to eat?

T- that sounds good. 


T- Omg not again hahah

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