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Thursday went fast. I got that suit ready and then I was rest off the day free, so I hung aroung with Gazzy. He took me to the concert hall and showed me everything. He even showed me the song list what he is about to sing/rap.

But yeah. It's Friday now. Big day for Gazzy. And I will support him. And I can't fucking wait till everyone sees my suit on him! What a big honor!

It's 3pm and I came from the shower. I saw that my phone was ringing. It was Gazzy.

G- Hey babygirl! What are you doing?

T- Just came from shower. And please stop that babygirl thing hahaha How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not a baby

G- But you are my babygirl! I wish I was there when you were at the shower.

T- Omg stop it!

G- But I love you!

T- I know, I love me too.

G- Come ooon hahaha.

T- So did you have something on your mind when you called me?

G- Naah I just wanted to check on you and..

T- And..?

G- Tell you that I got a dress for you for tonight concert!

T- Gazzy... You don't have to..

G- Oh yeah I do! If you did my suit, then I will give you dress. That's fair. 

T- Gazzy... Say that it's not expensive... I need to save money to go visit my family remember...

G- Babygirl you don't pay for that dress what I got for you. It's a gift, for my babygirl!

T- Gazzy...

G- No any words! So.. I need to go 6pm to the concert hall so.. Can I bring the dress now?

T- Yeah you can. Tell me when you are outside.

I was little bit abashed... He will bring me that dress.. And.. I don't even know... I never had any gift like that from anyone...

I was doing my hair and then Gazzy texted me that he was at the door. I went to open it, and when I did, I saw a big smile and a shopping bag. He hugged me and kissed my lips.

G- Hey beautiful

T- Wow. No babygirl?

G- You hate it so I will just stop hahha.

T- Finally! Thank you haha.

G- So can I come in?

T- Yeah ofc.

We went inside and he gave me that shopping bag.

G- Open it.

T- Okay.. wait.. Do you want something? drinks? 

G- Naah, I will save my head to the afterparty. 

T- Oh about that, I'm not sure if I want to come there.

G- Why?

T- Because, I hate me when I'm drunk.

G- Hey Tea... Don't worry, you don't have to drink, let's just have fun with out of it. okay?

T- Okay... But hey, if you wanna drink, Then you can, don't let me be the obstacle for that.

G- Naah, I'm having fun when you near.. And I might drink some... And some... 

T- Haha ofc you will.

G- But hey open that bag already you slowpoke!

T- Okay okay! haa haa

I opened the bag and there was a beautiful yellow middle long dress.

G- We are matching beauiful.

T- omg We are. This is so beautiful!

G- You know what?

T- What?

G- I ordered it from Edward haha eesskkeettiitt!

T- WHAT?! Really? Wow! Ed, You sneaky little bitch... And You too! In what?

G- He started two days after you did. He got it ready today.

T- Wow He is fast.

G- Yeah, But you are better. And it cost only two tikkets to my concert haha good deal.

T- Hahah don't say that. I love you.

G- I love you too! Now, get ready to my concert! I will wait you. 

T- Really? You are getting ready in the hall?

G- Yeah, You will get me ready.

T- Whaat? 

G- You will do my hear, put my suit real nice and all that.

T- Omg with you. Get a nanny or something hahah.

G- Pyhh... Naah... But really. You have... 2 hours and we go so go to do... what ever you do.. 

T- Gazzyyyy... You don't have to wait me... I can come later.. like 7pm when the doors wil open...

G- Naah.. I want that you will come with me. Cause you are my little girlfriend I love you so much!

T- Well... okay...

He kissed me and then he go on the couch and took a little nap. that while I get ready for that concert.

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