"Can I get your number?"

466 13 1

First Gazzy needed to pack and all that, speak to people etc. And then... We went to an after party. There was so much people. Gazzy and I holded hands and walked to the VIP area. Smoke was there and we noticed that he was already drunk. Well.. I could not get any answers for tonight... maybe..

S-Heeey. You guys made ittt.. Im claaaad. EESSKKEETTIITT!
G- yeah we here, we here. EESSKKEETTIITT!
T- Oh you guys...
G- I get some drinks, Tea you want something?
T- Something not so strong. Don't wanna get too drunk.
G- Okay, one sec.

Gazzy went to get those drinks and I was sit in silent with Smoke.

S- One second weeent alreadyyy..
T- What?
S- He said iit takes ooone sec.
T- ohh.. haha.. you are so drunk aren't you?
S- nooot at alll.
T- hahaha
S- Our converstation ended real quick there...
T- Yeah.. What were you going to say before Gazzy came?
S- uhhh... I can't remembeeer.. Buuut..
T- But?
S- Can I get your number?
T- ...
S- So I coould text yooou when I remember it.
T- ohh.. okay.

He handed his phone and I give my number to him.

S- Just put your name as "Tea, as drink" so I know it's you.
T- hahaha okay.

I handed his phone back and he almost drop it.

T- carefully!
S- Naah.. I could buy a new phone every week or day hahah.
T- hah But still.

Gazzy came to us with the drinks. He brought much, much, much drinks.. Only with his hands! He had 7 drinks and didn't even drop them.

T- Gazz.. Tell me that you won't make me drink all of those.. haha
G- Naah babe, you got these 2, I take these 4 and Smoke.. You get this 1. Because You are fucking drunk already! Haha. SO now.. LET'S HAVE A FUCKING THE BEST NIGHT EVER!

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