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I had fallen asleep at my office.  I was working on that suit so passionately so I forgot about the time. Now I woke up it was 9am. And someone was knocking to my door. 

It was Pump. I could hear how he was calling my name in panic.

I went to open the door and as soon as he saw me, he seemed relieved.

G/P- Oh my gaaah You are okay. You got me so worried. I thought you were passed out again...

T- huh.. I fell asleep... Work went a little bit longer than I thought.. heh..

G/P- Don't say you worked all night Tea...

T- Okay I won't say that..



G/P- So you worked all night!

T- Oh come ooonnn! I got it ready! well.. Only the diamonds/blings and then it's ready! 

G/P- Really!? Let me see!

T- Here it is. You think that I can put 'em still on that collar?

G/P- yeah it will look dope!

T- That's what I thought. You wanna put this on?

G/P- Sure thing.

He take his jacket of and place it with that suit. It dress like a glove.

G/P- Wow. you are good at this.

T- Just doing my job...

G/P- So now is Wednesday... morning.. And you have this day, tomorrow and Friday to make this ready.. 

T- So?

G/P- So it means that we can hang out. What do you say?

T- I don't know Pump..

G/P- Gazzy..

T-..Gazzy.. I think that I should make this ready... Those blings/diamonds will take time when I have to sew 'em.. And put some glue but what ever...

G/P- But Tea... You have 3 Days.. What do you say If you come with me today for a ride? We could listen some music.

T- Your music?

G/P- If you want to haha. Your my fan? Wow. Funny.. You are mine and I'm yours haha.

T- pyhh.. shut up.. You noodle head...

G/P- aww. So? your down?


I couldn't answer when someone knocked on my door.

T- Who's there?

It was Edward. He basically ran to my office room...

E- Oh my god! Pump! I'm your fan!

T- Ed.. Go away... We have some work to do...

G/P- Yeah. I'm trying to get her on date tonight.

E- Oh wow

T- No! Gazzy stop it hahah

G/P- You have to come with me.

E- Yeah, why wouldn't you?

T- Guys... Because of that suit...

Pump and Edward- YOU GET IT READY ON TIME!

T- wow



G/P- so... What are you doing tonight Tea?



T-.. I guess.. I'm going on a date with you... 

Lil Pump and meWhere stories live. Discover now