Crazy ass

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I was so pissed that Smoke texted me.. I was thinking what would I answer to him.. 

T- Smoke.. Go fuck yourself. Why are you bothering me like that? Why can't you let go?
S- Will you make me a suit?
T- Hell no!
S- Even if I pay you 20 000€?
T- You got to be kidding me...
S- I'm serious.
T- You just think that I would change Gazzy to you with money? You are crazy.
S- I'm crazy over you.
T-Shut the fuck up. I'm not doing any suit for you. Just go fuck yourself. Stop this already.
S- And if I don't?
T- I already told to Gazzy that you are texting me.
S- So what? We ain't bros no more. I can do the fuck I want to anyways.
T- He said that if you keep on going to texting me, he won't be responsible for the consequences.
S- Hahaa like he would do something to me. How sweet.

Smoke kept texting to me. I didn't answer any of that shit anymore. I told to Gazzy about that conversation. He didn't answer... I kept working and 3 hours passed. The time was like 7pm and I looked my phone. 15 messages from 2 people. 14 from Smoke and 1 from Gazzy. I didn't even bother to look up Smokes messages. I opened Gazzy's message and it said: 

"I took care of that crazy ass"

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