Waking up whit Smoke

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I woke up. It was only fucking 8 am and I didn't get any sleep anymore. Gazzy was sleeping and snoring so hard so I decided to go downstairs. I was hungry and I thought that breakfast would be a good idea.

My head was hurting so much. I blame the alcohol. I should not drink that much. I don't even remember all what happened. 

I open the fridge and take some eggs and bacon. When I turn around, I notice that Smoke is watching me behind the table.

T- Oh... Good morning. Did I wake you up?

S- Naah.. I have been up since 6am...

T- So you didn't get sleep like me. What's up? I thought that you would sleep the longest because you were so wasted hahaa.

S- Naah.. hhaa ha. Yeah.. It's so funny how I got only like 2 hours sleep and I'm already almost sober.. haha. But yeah, I had some thoughts what kept me up. 

T- What thoughts? You are thinker? 

S- Naah.. I was thinking the last night. We had some fun! 

T- Have to say that I don't even remember all. Only that we had some drinks and that we were talking about some shit.

S- You haven't check your instagram?

T-... Shit.. Tell me that there is no naked pictures of me!

S- Naah.. Maybe.. Go check it out.


Heh I lied to you guys.. I posted.. But I had to.. hahahah :D

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