What did you do to him?

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G- I took care of that crazy ass

Did Gazzy hurt Smoke..?

T- What did you do?
G- I just spoke to him. That he can't speak to my baby girl like that.

Aww.. I missed that he called me like that.. But back in reality.

T- Gazzy, Thank you hehe. 
G- I love you. I'm sorry that I didn't answer to you... I was clearing my thoughts.. 
T- It's okay.. But hey.. What did you and Smoke talk about? 
G- Let's talk to face to face. You ready? Want me to pick you?
T- Yeah. I'm ready. That would be lovely. 
G- I will be there. Give me 10 minutes.
T- Okay. No rush.

I stopped working and cleaned up my workplace and office room. Then I putted my jacket on and took my bag and left from the office to outside. Gazzy wasn't there yet. I waited like 5 minutes and then I saw him coming. He parked in front of me. He opened the butterfly door for me and I went inside of his lambo. He offers me some sunflowers. My favorites.

I hug him and then I start to cry. 

G- Heey, Tea.. Don't cry. I know it's hard. But  we get through.. Like we always do.
T- Yeah.. you are right. Thanks for the flowers. I love them. Like I love you.
G- Hehe I know. And I love you too. 
T- So what did you do to Smoke?

Gazzy started to drive and tell the case.

G- Nothing much.. I just went to Smoke's place and tell to leave you alone. That's all.
T- And he believed you?
G- Yeah. He said that he went too far.. And he said that he apologized from you. He texted you.
T- Oh.. I didn't check his texts anymore...

I open my phone and went to see the messages. There it was. " I'm sorry Tea, I'm a fucking mess.."

T- Wow.. What the hell..
G- I think that.. We overreacted... I had known Smoke so long.. And I know what alcohol does to him..
T- He was just drunk?
G- And on drunks.. He is addict.. He don't know when to stop.
T- oh.. That's rough.. Why didn't you tell me?
G- I don't know. But I know that I need to help him. He don't have anyone else but his manager and he does no shit. 
T- Gazzy.. You know that you don't have to if you don't want to.
G- I know.. But we were bros.. And I think that.. He needs me. I need to show him which is the right way. I don't want anymore death around me. And I wanna help him.
T- You are so sweet for caring others.
G- Yeah.. And I will care you tonight in bed.
T- Oh stop it you... Where are we going now?
G- You wanna see Smoke?

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