Going on a date

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So... We decided to go on a date after eight.. Well Gazzy decided.. He told me that he would pick me up from my place so I needed to send him my address. He said that He would text me when he is outside of my place. 

I was working on that suit till 6 pm. then I logged off. I got so much done and I'm proud of it. I need to put only those diamonds on the other side and it will be ready! But what would I then do? I think that I don't have this kind of projects so much in the future... And I think that I don't have those kind of customers like Pump. He is so sweet! I will gonna miss him... I think I'm falling for him.. But.. The real reason why I was unsure about this date thing was because... Well.. Lil Pump.. Is known as fucking bitches.. And I don't wanna be just a bitch for him.. 

I had 2 hours before our date. First I go to shower, Then I pick my outfit.

I picked jeans and hoodie. Nothing biggie. I putted little bit make up as always. I have curly hear so I didn't need to do much.. So I putted some mousse on it and dry my hair with a hair dryer.

It was 7.30 when Gazzy asked if I'm already ready. I answered that I need like 15 mins and I am.

I was little bit panicking.. 

No I just have to pick shoes and jacket. oh.. and my bag.. Or do I take bag? I don't know... Why this is so hard?

7.50 Gazzy texted me:

G/P- I'm outside. u coming?

T- I'm on my way.

I didn't take jacket, I didn't take bag.. I took my favorite shoes and then I left. (ofc I took my phone and my wallet) 

I saw Gazzy . He was leaning to his car and waiting for me. He saw me and took a picture of me.

T- Wow wow wow, what are you doing?

G/P- Just collecting memories.

T- Just don't put it anywhere.

G/P- Okay okay. You have a insta?

T- This will be a long night.

He opened a door for me and I went in. Then he came in and launched a car (is that even a right word?)

G/P- eesskkeettiit!

T- ...

G/P- Oh come oon. You are in my car now, so you have to say it. hahaha

T-... ees..kkeet..it

G/P- Louder please? Let's do it together okay? on three.

T- okay okay I will do it. hahah

  G/P- okay 1.. 2... 3!


G/P- That's My Girl!

T- Hahaha, can we just go? 

G/P- Okay okay. I will show you my favorite part of this town. 

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