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So.. The night went well..
We were all wasted but happy. Well.. I wasn't drunk as Gazzy and Gazzy wasn't drunk as Smoke... So.. 
It was almost 3 am when Gazzy, Smoke and me decides to go to Gazzy's place. 

T- Wait guys, I calllll The uuuber.

G- wHa.. Wha bout my lambo?

S- Yea, wha bo lamb?

T- Guys we will get it when we are sober.

S- Okay, Are we sober yet?

T- You guys Are so drunk!

G- Speak for yourself. Yooou almost throw up on me!

T- No I didn't! It was Smoke!

S- Ye, It was me.

G- You gross ass.

T- Guys! The uber will be here in 5 minutes. Let's go out okay?

G- 'kay. 

We went to outside. There was no one. It was so quiet... Until Smoke and Gazzy yelled Eesskkeettiitt..

T- Guys, Shut the fuck up. It's 3 am!

S- So?

G- ye.

They continued yelling.


G- That's my girl.

S- Ye, She is amazing.

Our uber came and we went to Gazzy's place. When we arrived there, we almost right away went sleep. Me and Gazzy went to his room and Smoke passed out on the couch in living room.

I never had a night like this.

Edward texted me before I fell asleep.

E- Hey? You still up?

T- Ye.

E- You are okay? I was there, at the concert and I saw that something is not right when you were at the stage.

I was so drunk so I didn't understand the message properly.

T- Yeah I'm good. You?

E- ... You are drunk?

T- So wasted :D

E- Omg with you, I thought that you don't like to be drunk.

T- Ye.

E- Hahaha.

T- Thanks for the dress. It's amazing

E- You deserve it. You worked so hard. And you deserve Pump. He feels like a cool guy.

T- Ye

E- You are friends with SmokePurpp too?

T- Ye. He likes me.

E- Well that's good that your boyfriend friend likes you. Must keep good with everyone. 

T- I think that he likes me a lot. Like Gazzy likes me. as that.


T- ye. I go sleep now.


I fell asleep. It's almost 4 am, we didn't even stay up for so long but still I'm sleepy as hell. Now I just wanna sleep my head clear.

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