The concert

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Gazzy let me decide if I wanted to watch the show in front or did I wanted to be on stage. But I'm too shy to all that shit hhaah. Wtf would I do in the stage? no one knows me so... I asked if I can watch the show in behind the stage...

G- Whaat? You wanna look at my aaasss?

T- Yeah ofc. That's why I asked that hahah.

G- Is something wrong?

T- Naah... I'm just little bit shy..

G- Well.. You can watch it behind the stage if you want. I'll give you permission hahaha.

T- Hah. Thanks Gazzy. Love you.

G- Love you too babygirl. I need to go. Smoke? You ready?

S- Always.

They went to the stage and before that Gazzy kissed me. He went first and Smokepurpp followed him. And when I looked at Smoke... I noticed that he wink at me. I think that it's nothing but... Why would Gazzys bff wink to his girlfriend? But I didn't let that to bug me. I just enjoy the show.

First Gazzy rapped Gucci Gang, what else would he? Then they rapped Smokepurpps song named nephew. I was so happy! And so was a audience too. 

Little while I noticed that I had a real bad feeling. It was the same damn feeling when Gazzy took me to the hospital. I thought that it was just stress.. But I'm not stressed at all now.. so.. I was starting to feel dizzy..

The song stopped and Gazzy starts to talk. 

G- Hey everybody! You noticed my suit?

Everyone were just screaming.

G- Yeah you like it?

Again.. Just screaming...

G- You know where did I got this?


G- My girlfriend made this. And I'm so proud of her! Can we get a big hand for TEA? Tea? Would you come to the stage please?

Omg... I fucking freeze up.. I can't move... I'm feeling sick... I feel how someone is pushing me to the stage. And before I notice... I'm standing next to Gazzy in front of hundreds of people...

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