at pump's place

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T- Wow... You don't save much

G- Haha If I have money, I will spend it. SO.. here is my studio.

T- This is so fucking cool..

G- And when we go here...


G-.. here is the living room

T- You mean the second living room?

G- Oh yeah you right hahah. But yeah.. Then we go to the upstairs... here is my bedroom, well I have two bedrooms.

T- Oh the one where you fuck bitches and the one where you sleep?

G- naah mama please, stop that hahaha That's not me. That's the old me, when I didn't have you.

T- aww. thanks?

G- Yeah yeah. hahah You want some alcohol with that sprite? 

T- sure.

G- Come let's go to my bar.

And trust me guys. He got a bar in his house. It's small but there is bar counter and benches and little tables and everything you need for a bar.

when he go to the other side of that counter to mix those drinks, I go and sit opposite of him. At the same time Gazzy asked about my life. How did I become entrepreneur, what did I study and all that shit. I told him about my family and how I haven't seen them for awhile... When they told me that I'm just wasting my time on being entrepreneur...

Gazzy told me that he's parents were almost the same... when they didn't trust that he can make money by doing music... we were almost the same. but he makes more money than me hahah.

It felt like we'd known for a long time, but really we have known each others only for couple of days.

G- I'm so happy that you are here with me.

T- hah me too.

G- Oh it's already 1 am.

T- what? oh my.. how much did we talk hahah

G- You wanna stay over? 

T- Well I think that I have to because you are drunk and I don't wanna walk.. because i'm drunk haha.

G- Hahaha. Let's go to upstairs. I can show you my bed.

T- oh wow. What else you wanna show me?

G- What ever you want to see.

Lil Pump and meWhere stories live. Discover now