The book contains visuals, preferences, blurbs, one-shots, series, and AU fics about the members of 5 Seconds of Summer.
The book has reached the chapter limit. Please look for 5sos Book Vol.2 (available April 10, 2021)
Ashton: "Whatcha doing there? I thought we were going to the beach..." I ask as I walk in the living room of the place Ashton rented for our summer vacation. "I just found this book about Plato's Symposium while you were getting ready..." He mumbles. I kneel next to him on the sofa, observing him; he looks so concentrated, so into the words that I can't help but admire him as his eyes scan the pages. "What is it about?" I ask, leaning my head on the cushion. "It's about the Greek myth of soulmates. Supposedly humans used to be conjoined, 2 heads, one body, 4 legs, 4 arms... They were incredibly strong that Gods were afraid of them. So Zeus divided them, but Apollo told them they could search for their other halves." "Wow... Can you read to me?" I ask, fully focused on him. "Of course" He replies and smiles.
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Calum: "I have an idea." I mumble as I stretch and turn to bury my face even more on his chest. "What did that wonderful mind came up with?" Calum hums and strokes my hair. "I already have the day off. You don't have to go anywhere. So why don't we stay in bed all day long?" I suggest, stroking his chest. "And trade favors for the trips to the fridge?" He asks. "Doesn't sound too bad..." I reply and giggle. "Not at all. So, what's the first thing you want to do today?" He asks you, pecking on my head. I turn on my side and reach for the book on the nightstand. "Read to me... I've missed your voice way too much." I say and hand him the book. Calum smiles sweetly as he opens the book to the page I left it and I get more comfortable on his chest.
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Luke: I enter our shared home, in a semi-dead state. My feet are killing me, my clothes are suffocating me and the only thing I want is to fall on our bed. "Hey, angel. How was work today?" He asks me, a smile spreading on his face. "Don't want to talk about it..." I mumble and pout, kicking off my shoes. "Babygirl, did something bad happen?" He asks me, hugging me closely. "No, I am just very tired." I sigh and he pecks on my forehead. "I will run you a hot bath and order some pizza for after, ok?" He asks, but it was more like an announcement. After a little, I am engulfed in bubbles and warm water, the bathroom smelling vividly like my favorite bath bomb. Luke enters the bathroom holding 2 glasses of wine and a book. "Thought it would relax you." He smiles and leans down to peck on my forehead as he opens the book.
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Michael: "Are you still in pain, princess?" Michael asks me as he enters my bedroom with a cup of tea in hand. He places the mug on the nightstand and sits next to me, letting me lay my head on his lap. "A little better now, but still hurts a lot." I groan and hug the heating pad close to my tummy. "I am sorry, baby. Is there anything I can do to make you feel any better?" He asks, stroking my arms soothingly. "Just hold me, ok?" I ask and he nods. He lays down next to me and scoots closer to me, letting me rest on his chest. "This feels so good." I mumble as he rubs his thumb over my lower back. "Michael..." I call to get his attention. He hums to let me know he is fully paying attention to me. "Can you read to me?" I ask. "Of course. Give me a moment." He says as he slowly gets up to pick a book. Within a few minutes, I am asleep at the sound of my boyfriend's voice who smiles satisfied that he was able to soothe my pain and make me fall asleep.
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