Summary: (Y/N) was in The World Trade Center on 9/11.
Based on the song 'Gotta Get Out' by 5 seconds of Summer
(Angst / TW content)
(Request: gracie-joy)
I decided not to make the story for a specific guy, nor turn this into a preference, since I would be devastated after writing 4 different parts based on this song. I left it blank, so you can imagine whoever is your favorite.
(Words: 1.1k)
--It all happened in the flash of a moment. Within a minute, from working quietly on my desk, I was found in a panic, people around me screaming and running to save themselves. In the beginning, I didn't realize what was happening, until I suddenly fell like the floor below me was crumbling, like the whole building was diving down.
Soon, the floor above was collapsing on top of us, before we could even evacuate the place.
I remember myself closing my eyes, curling under the nearest desk in an effort to protect me. I knew it was fruitless, that I could never make it out of a collapsing building. But the image of his face popped in my head; peaceful, serene. I knew I couldn't get out of here, but I also knew that God wouldn't let me go without one last goodbye to him.
I had to get out of there, I had to make it home to him.
I hoped to, I wish to, so I refused to let go. For as long as I could.
I refused to believe that my last words to the person I love with every power within me were words exchanged in a fight.
If I could just get back to last night... If I could just take back what I said...
If I could just come to work the time I was supposed to, and not earlier.
I would change it in a heartbeat.
I can't imagine him if anything happened to me. Would he be sad, angry, devastated? Would he move on easily after it?
For as long as I was conscious, the only thing in my mind was him. If I make it out of here, I will make things right.
And that was my last thought.When my eyes open again, the only thing I can see is brightness. Bright, white light surrounding everything.
I can't move, no matter how hard I try to wiggle my fingers.
I blink, trying to accommodate the light I am seeing.
Am I dead?Is this the afterlife?
I can't be dead. No, I refuse to. I can't be dead.
I try to move. I put everything into that. I blink rapidly.
"Ma'am... Ma'am, please stay still." I hear a voice say.
I turn my head to locate the sound, my eyes landing on a lady dressed in scrubs and a medical romp.
I try to speak, but there is something blocking the voice coming out of my mouth.
"Ma'am, I know it is confusing, please try to take this easy." The lady places a hand on my shoulder in an effort to give me some comfort.
"I'll call the doctor." She smiles at me before she leaves.The day goes by with multiple visits by multiple doctors. They say my vitals look better. They say I was lucky. One of the lucky ones.
I feel my body constantly going in and out of consciousness. The doctors say that it is normal, it is one of the body's responses to trauma.
And even though I want to fall asleep, my mind keeps on forming his face. I can see him vividly, smiling, his characteristics forming before me.
I don't know if he is aware I am here. I don't know if he knows about the events of that day.
"Nurse?" I ask weakly, immediately gaining her attention.
"Is everything alright?" She asks me, smiling at me.
"Did anyone come to see me? All those days, did anyone visit, or ask for me?" I ask. She smiles again nodding her head.
"There is a guy outside. He has practically camped in the waiting room all these days. We asked him if he wants to come and see you, but he replied that he didn't know if you would want him in here." She replies, bringing a smile to my face.
"Can you tell him that I asked for him?" I ask her and she nods.
"Once I am done changing your IV." She responds, going back to her duty.The moments it takes for him to walk in the room pass by like an eternity.
I feel jittery, anxious about his reaction when he will see me. I haven't look at myself in the mirror, but I know that there is no chance I look decent after that fall, after being covered in debris.
"Hi." I hear his voice. It feels soothing, taking every pain away for a moment.
"Hi." I smile, my voice coming out in a very weak tone.
He walks next to me, taking the chair that is resting next to my bed as close as he can to me. His hand travels to take mine in his. Without another word, he starts crying, sobbing as his hands cover his face.
"Hey... I know I don't look as good, but I am not that hideous." I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
"I thought I lost you. First when we had that fight. And then when I saw the news... I thought... I thought you were... I thought you were..."
"Dead. But I am not. I am here. I had to get out of there." I say, reaching to take his hand.
"Those days that you were unconscious were the worst of my life." He says. He looks at me with eyes red from tears.
"I can tell. You look exhausted." I state and he nods.
"I don't know what I would do if you didn't make it." He admits, pressing his lips to the back of my hand.
"I knew that. That was the only thing in my mind during those moments. I had to get out of there. For you. For us. I had to get out of there alive and tell you how sorry I am we had a fight, that I didn't mean all the things I said." I say in a rush. He rubs his thumb over my hand and shushes me.
"Easy... Easy... We have all the time ahead of us to talk about all that stuff. I am not letting you go anywhere." He smiles at me, even though his eyes are still tearing up.
"Is that a promise?" I ask, smiling back.
"One that I intend to keep." He says, leaning close to peck on my forehead.
For the first time in a while, I feel like my prayers have been answered.
Cause even when the earth is crumbling around my feet, I know that there is someone waiting for me to get out of the mess.
So, I gotta get out.

𝟓𝐬𝐨𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝟏
FanfictionThe book contains visuals, preferences, blurbs, one-shots, series, and AU fics about the members of 5 Seconds of Summer. The book has reached the chapter limit. Please look for 5sos Book Vol.2 (available April 10, 2021)