The book contains visuals, preferences, blurbs, one-shots, series, and AU fics about the members of 5 Seconds of Summer.
The book has reached the chapter limit. Please look for 5sos Book Vol.2 (available April 10, 2021)
Summary: Calum and (Y/N) get into a fight which leads to (Y/N) storming out of his house. Based on "100 Ways To Say I Love You" prompt #49: "Call me when you get home." (Request: DarynnVia) (Word: 720) --
"I just don't get it, Cal..." I groan frustrated, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "You don't get what, (Y/N)?" He asks me, rolling his eyes. "I don't get why she was there, why she was sitting with you and the guys, why there are pictures of you two being so damn close." I exasperate, throwing my hands in the air. "Because we are still friends." He states like it is the most normal thing in the world. "Still friends... right..." I mumble. "I don't get the problem with that." He says, and I chuckle sarcastically. "You obviously wouldn't..." I mutter and watch his whole body tense. "I am with you. If I wanted to be with my ex, I would. Trust me. She is just a friend." He explains and I can't help but roll my eyes and clench my jaw. "What is it, (Y/N)?" He asks, sighing and rubbing his hand over his face. "You might see her as a friend, but it is clear she doesn't." I exclaim. My hands move out of control, my mind too busy thinking about my man and his ex to control anything else. "What the fuck? How did you make that conclusion?" He asks, looking at me very strangely. I cock an eyebrow at him, bringing my hands to my hips. "It is obvious she wants something more from you. She doesn't want to be just your friend." I groan and he chuckles sarcastically. "And you could tell that from just a picture?" He cocks an eyebrow at me now. "Yes, Calum. I could tell that from just a picture. And just the thirsty comments on your Instagram and the texts on your phone and the late-night calls... It doesn't take much brain to realize that, Calum." I scream at him. Calum looks at me shocked, breathing slowly while he processes the words and tries to find a way to respond to that. "You don't have to say anything." I say and grab my purse, moving to the door. "(Y/N)..." Calum screams as I walk out of the house.
I decide to take a long way home, help my mind clear while walking. It really helps me put my mind in order, usually. But right now my mind flies back to Calum and his ex and everything they've done together and everything they will do once I am off the game. It makes me choke, my stomach feels like it got punched. I just want her out of the picture, disappear. Or maybe I want Calum to clear things out. He is the only one who can put her in her place, stop her, tell her that this is over. Or maybe end things with me. Anything to stop this torture. I take my phone out of my pocket to put on some music and maybe forget a little. But I come across my notifications, finding out I have 5 texts from Calum. I take a deep breath and open the conversation, reading the texts.
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I take a deep breath once more, closing my eyes as I feel my mind become unfuzzy.
I knock on the door and wait; it feels almost like an eternity. Calum opens the door, in mere seconds his face brightening. "I am home." I state, smiling at him. Without a word, he pulls me in for a hug. "I was so scared... So so scared." He exclaims, holding me close to his body. "I am fine..." I giggle. "You were mad when you left... And I... I just thought things over and you are right, baby. I need to cut her off." He says, stroking my face slowly. "Don't completely cut her off. Just... Let her know that the woman in your life, will claw her eyes out if she doesn't back off." I threaten, narrowing my eyes at him. "I love this rough part of you." He whispers, leaning down to kiss me. "You do?" I ask, smirking at him. He licks his lips before leaning close to my ear. "Jump." He orders and I do, wrapping my legs around him as he picks me up and carries me towards his bedroom.