Summary: Calum and (Y/N) take their first trip away from their baby girl. Which leads to them talking about having another one (Smut / Mention of Sex / Suggestive Content / Fingering)
This is an NSFW imagine. If you feel uncomfortable reading stuff like this one, please, scroll through the story to find something you might like.
(Request) (Words: 2.5k)
--(Calum's POV)
My eyes open by the soft cries of my 5-month old baby girl. I feel the bed shift a bit on (Y/N)'s side, signaling that she is trying to get up.
"Babe, I got it. Rest a bit..." I mumble, pushing her to lay down.
"Are you sure Calum? What if she needs to be fed?" She asks, trying to get back up. I push her chest down, and get on my feet, ruffling my hair a bit, so I won't scare the baby with my looks.
"I'll make a formula, we've had the same discussion almost every night this week." I say and peck on her forehead.
"Fine..." She mumbles and pats her pillow.
"Get some sleep, love. Happy Valentine's day." I say before I exit the room.I have a huge smile on my face when I walk into my daughter's nursery room. My daughter... that tiny creature with the beautiful eyes and angelic features is my daughter.
"Hey princess... Why are you crying, loud one? Do you need your daddy?" I ask her, picking her up. I start rocking her while placing her head softly on my shoulder and fix her on my chest.
"Want daddy to tell you a bedtime story? What about a fairytale? Hm, you'd like that? Ok, so... Once upon a time, there was a prince named Calum. That's right, daddy is the prince, yeah... Prince Calum used to travel the world for fame and fortune and everything that comes with it. He loved to travel so much that he did it for years and years without stopping... He was afraid that if he ever stopped, even for a minute, he would end up miserable. So, no princesses for prince Calum to hold him down, except a few young maids, but you are too young to talk about that part. Yes, you are, yes you are... So, he traveled and traveled, not searching for a princess at all. But all of that changed when one day while traveling his eyes landed on the most beautiful princess. From that day our prince couldn't keep his mind together. He was thinking of his princess. So he searched for her and found her and made sure no other prince dared to even look at her. She was the most beautiful princess in the world; clever and sympathetic. But most importantly, she was his. And he had to make sure she would stay his for the rest of their lives. So, he married her and they lived in a beautiful castle. And soon after they became the King & the Queen of the world and they had the most beautiful little, tiny princess. Do you know who that is? Huh? Yeah, it's you. And the Queen is mommy. And you know, both of us love you so much. But daddy is still the king that has to travel the world and save the world. But not for too long. Daddy will be back before you can even realize he is gone, I promise that, princess. And I might not be leaving soon, but it hurts me that I will have to leave the 2 of you..." I whisper, kissing Iris's head.
I feel her little chest inflate and fall while she sleeps peacefully. I chuckle, half of my story was not even heard. I place her in her crib, holding my breath; the last thing I want is to wake her up.I take a look at her and pull her blanket closer to her body before I exit her nursery. Cookie, our Labrador puppy raises her gaze towards me.
"She is asleep..." I whisper and pet her head. She still lays in front of the door, protecting my baby girl.
I walk back into our bedroom only to find (Y/N) still awake.
"Nice fairytale..." She comments, smiling. I laugh and get in our bed.
"It is my favorite, princess..." I say, pulling her to lay her head on my chest.
"I thought I was a Queen...." She teases me, pecking on my pec.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever... Sleep now, angel. I have a surprise for us tomorrow." I say, kissing the top of her head.
"What surprise?"
"You'll see..."
(Y/N's POV)
The doorbell rings, pausing my playtime with Iris.
"Who's that? Do you think it's daddy? Let's go open the door and see!" I cheer to my giggling baby. I balance her on my hip and hold her tight as I walk towards the front door. I peep through the peephole and see Mali, Calum's sister behind the door.
"Hey, Mali... How are you?" I greet her after I open the door. She smiles at me as she enters.
"I am fine. How is my favorite niece?" She cheers at Iris who giggles as Mali does her funny faces.
"She is your only niece, Mali..." I giggle and she rolls her eyes.
"For now..."
"Do you want some coffee?" I ask, bouncing Iris.
"No, I want you to hand me the little one and go get ready..."
"Get ready for what?" I ask confused as I carefully hand her the toddler.
"My brother hasn't told you yet, has he?" She asks, raising her eyebrow.
"No, he didn't. And what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in London, recording?" I ask her, even more confused.
"He flew me over for the week to babysit this little princess so you can go on a trip for 3 days. Now go get ready, Cal will give you more details...." She replies, bouncing Iris. I mumble an 'Ok' and turn on my heel to walk upstairs to begin packing my luggage.
"Wait, he flew you out all the way just to babysit?" I ask her and she hums.
"He knew you wouldn't trust anyone else with this munchkin..." Mali chuckles, squishing Iris's cheeks.

𝟓𝐬𝐨𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝟏
FanfictionThe book contains visuals, preferences, blurbs, one-shots, series, and AU fics about the members of 5 Seconds of Summer. The book has reached the chapter limit. Please look for 5sos Book Vol.2 (available April 10, 2021)